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American Horror Story - Season 9
American Horror Story - Season 9
2019 | Horror
The ninth season of AHS, subtitled "1984" is definitely up there in terms of silliness. However, where this has been an issue for me with a few previous seasons, this time around it's a huge strong point.

1984 is one big homage to 80s slasher films, in particular Friday the 13th. If you've read my any of my reviews before, you will know that I bloody love a slasher, even the shitty ones, so this premise was always going to be a winner for me.

A big change this time around is the absence of big AHS names. No Sarah Paulson, no Evan Peters, no Kathy Bates. Their presence is certainly missed in some sort of capacity, but the cast we have do a solid job at carrying the season. Emma Roberts and Billie Lourd take centre stage here, and are both great. We also see some familiar faces in Leslie Grossman, Cody Fern, John Carroll Lynch, Finn Wittrock, Leslie Jordan, Lily Rabe, and Dylan McDermott, so it still has that signature AHS feel. A couple of newcomers are introduced as well - Matthew Morrison and Gus Kenworthy are both hilarious. Zach Villa plays real life serial killer Richard Ramirez (who briefly appeared all the way back in Hotel) and the guy is genuinely menacing. If another season of Twin Peaks ever gets made - he's a dead ringer for Killer Bob.
One of the highlights is "villain" Mr. Jingles (John Carroll Lynch). He's such a finely crafted character, that he honestly deserves to stand next to the Jason and Freddy's of the slasher world.

The story is pretty fun. Mixing 80s campy horror with more familiar AHS elements (such as ghosts not being able to leave the place they died etc) and is pretty engaging for the most part. It gets a little convoluted near the end, and lacks the depth that seasons such as Asylum and Roanoke gave, but it's forgiveable considering the quality of everything else.

As a final thought - the synthwave version of the theme tune is fucking awesome.

Jackjack (877 KP) May 10, 2020

Where did you watch this?? Massive fan of this program and they only got 8 seasons on Netflix


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) May 10, 2020

I watched it when it aired last year, only just got round to writing a review! I can't imagine it will be too long before it's on Netflix though.

Pumpkinhead (1988)
Pumpkinhead (1988)
1988 | Horror
Characters – Ed Harley is a hardworking shop keeper and single father, he gets on well with the community and enjoys the quiet life. His life is turned upside down when his son is killed in an accident, which pushes him to turn to the dark arts to avenge his son’s death, only he didn’t plan for what would be expected from him. Chris is one of the teenagers that wants to do the right thing after the accident, much like the rest of the teenagers they all blend into one, except for the one that caused the accident, who only wants to look after himself.

Performances – Lance Henriksen is the star of the film, he is easily the best performer as his character goes through the biggest trauma and shows the desperation for revenge and regret for his decision. When it comes to the rest of the cast, they are performed to the level most slasher films reached.

Story – The story here follows a man that will do anything to get vengeance for his son’s death, which sees him summon the evil Pumpkinhead to kill the people that took his son, he soon learns the errors of his choice and must figure out how to stop the killing machine. For a monster creature feature slasher this is a simple story, we don’t get twists, we don’t need much character development as we are more interested in seeing the effects being used. It is nice have a story that remains simple in the horror genre at times too.

Fantasy/Horror – The fantasy elements of this film comes from the figure of Pumpkinhead that gets summoned to do revenge for people that believe they have been wronged, which plays hand in hand with the horror side of the film which is slasher elements which show just how deadly this figure will be.

Settings – The film is set in a small town where we don’t have many people with the ones living their knowing each other and anyone coming from the outside being frowned upon.

Special Effects – The effects are the highlight of the film, Stan Winston was known for his ability to create some of the most memorable creatures in film history and with him directing he brings us another terrifying creation.

Scene of the Movie – The first imagine of Pumpkinhead.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The teenagers are stupid for how they acted for the accident to happen in the first place.

Final Thoughts – This is a slasher that can be enjoyed by the horror community, it offers everything needed to just let us enjoy ourselves without challenging us like other horrors.


Overall: Simple, effective and fun horror.
Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ah Psycho, the granddaddy of slashers and a film that I find somehow modern and dated at the same time.
Psycho is a slow burn, at the beginning even the dialogue is sparse as the film builds up to the confrontations with Norman Bates (argued by most as the first modern slasher) and this is part of what makes it dated (and modern), the lack of action and the main character driving around gives Psycho the feel of something that Tarantino might make but it lacks 'something' . It's hard to explain but, by todays standards, parts of Psycho are a bit bland, not necessarily boring but bland. The best example I can think would be the scenes in the car, Psycho has just one character in the car who is imagining what others are saying about her and lots of silence which are filled with dramatic music, where as something like Pulp Fiction you get two characters who are just talking, the music seems to take you out of the situation because, in a modern film it would just be in the background.
As the film progresses we start to pick up on some of the slasher tropes, Norman is strange, again we can't quite explain why but that is sometimes the same in a modern film, we see him spy, once, on Marion and, in a more modern film this would probably be stretched out a bit more.
The kills aren't actually as graphic as most modern day slashers but this doesn't matter as Hitchcock has a talent for making the viewer see what he wants and not just what is happening.
The character of Norman is quite interesting but a lot of 'fleshing out' is just told to the viewer in exposition near the end, however you can see how Norman/Mother could easily be an inspiration for the Jason/Pamela dynamic in the first 'Friday 13th'

Psycho has a lot to answer for, sighted by many as the first modern 'Slasher' movie it caused an uproar for other reasons, the first time a toilet was seen flushing on screen, the first time a 'Leading Lady' was killed off halfway through the film (still a slight oddity now as we normally have one 'final girl') and the fact that the stolen money is just thrown away when it is no longer needed to push the plot along. It is these firsts that help to make the film feel dated, we are used to more graphic kills, toilets are almost irrelevant and there is normally more nudity/sex in a modern slasher.

Apart from being a little dated Psycho is a pretty good and entertain film which has put some thought into it's story and characters
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
2016 | Drama, Horror
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Though The Eyes of My Mother is listed as a slasher movie, the term “psychological thriller” feels far more appropriate. If a film bears the “slasher” label, I expect lots of gore. This film fails to meet that expectation. It may be the fact that this movie is in black and white that lessens the impact of its more gruesome moments. Nonetheless, The Eyes of My Mother is a haunting and terrifying journey that explores the depths of human depravity.

Starring Kika Magalhaes, The Eyes of My Mother follows Francisca as she matures. Her fear of loneliness reminds us that she is still human while her “hobbies” simultaneously tell us differently. Francisca is an extremely complicated character, but Magalhaes’s performance is genuine and lends credence to the role. It also helps that Magalhaes shares the same cultural background.

This movie is an art house film. If you aren’t a fan of this style, you may not enjoy it. If you are, you can find it on Netflix. I don’t have any large gripes about the film, nor do I have any complaints about its plot. It’s fairly simple and direct. If I must find an issue, it is the fact that no one takes notice of the fact that people disappear.

Overall, I can say that this is a film that I will watch again in the future.
We Summon the Darkness (2019)
We Summon the Darkness (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
This is fun but there's no reason it shouldn't be gorier, crazier, more inventive, and/or more insightful given the film's insanely clever choice to frame a horror/slasher flick through the lens of religious sects vs. metal culture in the 80s - but I digress, perfectly serviceable fluff trash as it stands. Daddario is awesome in it, and I just can't get enough of Knoxville as a deliciously fire-and-brimstone pastor. I at least appreciate the formality - I'm glad this wasn't an obnoxiously meta "hey, remember this?" nostalgia soundboard like droves of films or shows detrimentally feel the need to become whenever they're set in the 80s now. But at the same time, there's so much potential for super bombastic kills and nuanced commentary that never was, and in their place it just tends to lumber for no real reason. Otherwise entertaining solely on principle, with another dependably cool score from Timothy Williams keeping things entertaining. And yes the twist is as righteous as everyone says. Not going to shake a stick at the amount of blood, enjoyment, and amped-up performances this does end up delivering - it's a decent little throwback slasher on its own - but God could you imagine if like Adam Wingard had made this? Holy hell what a picture that would have been.
Slumber Party Massacre (2021)
Slumber Party Massacre (2021)
2021 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This update of the 80s cult favourite hits all the right notes for the first two thirds of its runtime. There's some decent gore, some great shots, and it feels different enough from the original to have its own identity. Most importantly, the core group of characters are likable as hell. The movie takes the time to establish that we are following the story of a group of strong, determined women who ain't taking any shit. The feminist stance is far less subtle than the original, but it absolutely works. The scene wherein the group of men are the subjects of a topless pillow fight is ridiculous and hilarious, and moments like this, combined with the capable main protagonists ensure that it's mostly a blast.
Unfortunately, a lot of this falls apart in the final third. The film makes a shift into full blown, serious slasher territory, and flat out abandons a lot of what made the first hour so entertaining. The smart characters start making dumb decisions, and the narrative plays out in a way that leaves a slightly sour taste in the mouth. It ultimately leads to an underwhelming ending, which is a shame considering how genuinely decent it started out.
However, Slumber Party Massacre is a pretty good time overall, and is a slasher that can stand proudly side by side with the original.
Pumpkinhead (1988)
Pumpkinhead (1988)
1988 | Horror
Cool creature feature
An ok creature slasher, made better due to being directed by Stan Winston and B-movie horror star Lance Henriksen. This feels like it's an even older film, surprised it was made in '88! The creature design, costume is pretty cool as you would expect in a Stan Winston film. It looks like it owes a lot to the Alien creature design. The creature is played by the same guy used for the first two Predator films, Kevin Peter Hall. This has spawned 3 more sequels since. The 4th stars Lance Henriksen again! Worth checking out for old skool horror fans!

Dean (6925 KP) rated Tell Me How I Die (2016) in Movies

Oct 27, 2017 (Updated Oct 27, 2017)  
Tell Me How I Die (2016)
Tell Me How I Die (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
Reasonably interesting premise (0 more)
Run out of ideas for the ending (0 more)
OK low budget thriller
Billed as a Horror, Slasher but more of a thriller in the end. A bunch of students go to a remote drug research trial in the middle of nowhere. The side effect of the trial is that you get a premonition of the near future. Reminded me of the the Butterfly effect and a couple of other films. It does ok for a low budget, nothing to shout about for the kills which are barely seen. It could have done with a better ending, though overall it's ok if you like films with this type of setting.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Wishmaster (1997) in Movies

Jun 10, 2018 (Updated Jun 5, 2020)  
Wishmaster (1997)
Wishmaster (1997)
1997 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good Horror Premise
A fun idea for a new slasher premise, at least 3 sequels were made. The SFX do look a bit dated now and the gore effects, along with a lot of elements to the film do look a little low budget. With Wes Craven as exec producer and starring Robert Englund and cameos by Tony Todd and Kane Hodder adds a few nice touches for the horror fans. Andrew Divoff plays the evil Djinn very well and with a dark sense of humour. It is a bit cheesy but has a certain charm to it, one for gore fans and horror buffs will enjoy it more than most.
Dead Silence (2007)
Dead Silence (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
A creepy horror film with a high production value and good cast. There might not be a high enough body count for some, or for it to be classed as a slasher anyway. However it does have a spooky atmosphere with the creepy dolls. Not the most original or scary film, but at least it tried something new and different, among the endless carbon copy horrors being released these days. I have to add for a horror film the photography is great, you really can tell the attention to detail in every shot, from the angle, framing, lighting and colours. You don't notice that in many horror films!