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Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th (1980)
1980 | Horror
The suspense (2 more)
Violent deaths
Not too much splatter
Acting sometimes a little wooden (0 more)
Classic Slasher
It has been a very long time since I watched this, back in the day I always preferred The Nightmare on Elm Street series. So I went into it almost with fresh eyes, not really remembering too much.
I now wonder why I didn’t like it more at the time, the gory deaths were not over done as in some modern films (eg. Saw series) there was the right amount of suspense and anticipation was cleverly filmed... some of the later scenes once the killer is shown especially the close ups and later struggles remind me for some reason of the style of Hitchcock in psycho.

This is how horror should be done. Maybe some of today’s excessive gore fest films (which I don’t actually dislike) should learn from it - sometimes less is more.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
Young cast - especially Zoe Margaret Colletti (1 more)
Spooky Stories that are gore-light in the main
Won't please horror fans looking for harder material (0 more)
Horror-lite yarn that might have benefitted from a 12A
Directed by “Troll Hunter” director André Øvredal, I really enjoyed this one. I’m not a massive fan of ‘slasher’ style horror films. I have no burning desire to be constantly reminded of what the inside of my body looks like. So this turned out to be much-more to my liking than the normal horror flick. It had enough spookiness to make me turn on the lights when I got back home, but not enough to pervade my dreams.

For the full review please check out One Manns Movies at
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Horror
Too much under water screaming
Contains spoilers, click to show
My god.
This film was frustrating and confusing. So much screaming and really unlegit conversations. Then the end went crazy with multiple escapes from the jaws of a shark...
The oxygen levels only were relevant at certain plot points and so were a pointless tension tool they never used.
The random strong current and the way the sharks just popped up out of no where when there was no way they could have got into those areas was eye rolling.
There was also no other fish at all which is strange since where the hell are the sharks getting there food.
This was trying to be a weird slasher movie, replaced with a shark.. trying to be too serious and then throwing out the most ridiculous ending...
I was so surprised to find out this was a sequel XD

KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween Kills (2021) in Movies

Jan 16, 2022 (Updated Apr 2, 2023)  
Halloween Kills (2021)
Halloween Kills (2021)
2021 | Horror
Unfortunately awful.
Following the successful 2018 reboot, Halloween Kills picks up with Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) being rushed to the hospital as Michal Myers is found alive within the wreckage of her burnt-down house.

Halloween Kills has very little plot, characters are quickly introduced just to suffer random brutal deaths.
Jamie Lee Curtis is barely in this movie, being confined to a hospital bed.
The choreography for the various kills is bad, in one scene Michael kicks a door to deflect a gun, making a woman shoot herself. Our frightening slasher is fighting like Jason Statham now.

There are zero surprises. Anthony Michael Hall plays Tommy Doyle, the boy from the original movie. But the character has been ruined. He's an angry hick, inciting a riot to kill the wrong man.

Halloween Kills is a brainless sequel, save yourself and skip it.
When Darkness Falls
When Darkness Falls
Kathleen Harryman | 2017 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. (0 more)
What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
When Darkness Falls by Kathleen Harryman is an extremely gripping thriller that will have readers up all night. This psychological murder mystery is uniquely written from the killer’s perspective and will have you making conclusions only to find out that you are oh so very wrong.

 Tracy Bennett seems to be an average young woman. She has a typical and relatively boring job at a store and leads a typical life. Tracy has her own apartment which she shares with the mysterious Lauren. In her free time Tracy hangs out with her tow best friends Susie and Abigal. For as normal and mundane as Tracy’s life is there are things going on that are directly related to her, yet just like everyone else she remains oblivious.

 There is someone terrorizing the city, though the police have prevented an all out panic. This person is suspected to be a large and rather muscular man, the press has named The Slasher. The real Slasher hates this name as they see their murders as artwork. This is the killer’s story and they take great pride in what they do. The killer is extremely aware of how forensic teams work and finds it funny playing mind games with them. The killers is also aware of how society labels them and often debates the characteristics of these traits and personality types. But just who is The Slasher? What makes them choose the seemingly random victims and how will all this affect Tracy?

 I don’t know where to start when talking about what I liked best about this book. The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. Even once I figured out what was going on I did not want to accept it and the book always had me second guessing myself. While it may be a little confusing at times it is all explained in the end. What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). This is one of those books that once you finish it you are left wanting more.

 This book is ideal for adults and young adults who can handle reading graphic descriptions of blood and gore. Other than that there are mentions of a rape but nothing in detail. It could however, potentially give younger readers nightmares. I rate this book 4 out of 4. A word of warning, be careful when you start to read this book because you won't want to stop until its done. There was nothing in this book that I truly did not like and that alone is rare and impressive.

Michael Packner (32 KP) rated Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)
Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)
2018 | Horror
The tone is surprisingly similar to the original given the change in director. (9 more)
The continued use of music as another character.
Turning the Strangers' truck into a 4th villain.
80s music.
The beautiful sets and cinematography.
The epic pool scene.
The evolution of the Strangers as characters while still respecting their mystery.
The 20 minute or so climax from the pool scene up until right before the final scene.
Damian Maffei's imposing performance as Man in the Mask, especially in his 3 big scenes.
Emma Bellomy's psychotic evolution of the Dollface killer.
The cut scenes we'll never get to see that should've been left in. (5 more)
The weak cop out ending.
Kinsey as a character.
The film's choice for a victor in the game of deadly cat and mouse.
The criminal underuse of Pinup Girl, although I know the unfortunate reason.
The runtime was way too short.
This film is truly a unique film, as while it is a polar opposite of the original Strangers, it is also awesomely familiar. Even with some of the glaring mistakes, I still give this film 5 ☆ because it takes it's own path and stands on its own in the franchise and doesn't try to mimic the first one, which could've been disastrous. Plus, I waited 10 freaking years for this film, and damnit I had a BLAST! While the original pays homage to 70s horror and the Hitchcock style as well as early Carpenter, Prey at Night chooses to pay straight homage to 80s slasher films and 80s Carpenter, and does a fantastic job. The film's 20 or so minute climax is more than worth the wait and contains the greatest pool scene in horror film history. The first film is dark and foreboding while the sequel is balls to the wall slasher fun. I can't wait to see what's in store next for my favorite horror franchise. ??
The Furies (2019)
The Furies (2019)
2019 | Action, Horror
The Furies - I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this, considering it's relatively low score across review sites. It certainly has flaws but I found it to be a solid slasher throwback.

It has a simple enough premise - people are abducted, and subsequently released and hunted in a game like scenario - it's something that's been done before, but it does have it's own unique spin on the formula - no spoilers here (although it's an easy one to clock thanks to the opening scene) but it makes for a relatively interesting series of events, and lends the film some well earned tension around the mid point.
Let's take a moment to talk about the gore - Jesus H. Christ, The Furies does not fuck about when it comes down to the nasty stuff. Director Tony D'Aquino seems committed to practical effects as well which is a huge plus, and results in some really well executed moments of viscera and it's disgusting. Love it!
It's all complimented by and absolutely incredible music score and a visually compelling backdrop.
Another plus is Airlie Dodds taking the lead role. She puts everything into the role and is easily cemented in the pantheon of badass final girls.

Other than that however, I found the majority of the characters pretty boring and it feels like they're there just to be killed. The killers are pretty standard masked maniacs and the overall film doesn't really have a lot of depth to it. The ending also feels like an hastily thrown together after thought, and I honestly feel like it could have benefited from an extra 15 minutes of run time to round things off in a more satisfying manner.

Still though, if you're looking for a gory, no-filler slasher, then you could do a lot worse than The Furies. Now excuse me whilst I listen to the score on repeat...
Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
2021 | Horror
A young teen, Heather, is finishing her last shift of the day in the mall, upon closing time she agrees to meet her friend Ryan outside so they can walk home together. Once Ryan leaves to gather his things, Heather is chased through the mall by a masked stranger and murdered in an almost identical way to casey becker in scream! When the credits start, the 1994 is blood red and someone screams as it is splattered against the screen, again just like scream! Either purely coincidental or the writers are a fan of the movie.

Anyway, the next day we see a number of teens talking and apparently this isn't the first murder in this town, in fact almost every decade has had a massacre, which many of the teens believe is the result of a witches curse. After a fight breaks out at a vigil held for Heather and Ryan, the rival schools threaten to kill each other and a killing spree starts shortly after. However, it is not the teens going through with their threats, in fact the killers aren't even alive! The teens must find a way to stop these creatures.

The movie is filled with so many feels of the 90s, as someone who was a teen in that decade herself I enjoyed all the nostalgia, from the mention of AOL to calling someone a dilweed. I liked the fact that the teens in the movie actually did look like teens unlike many other movies, though it did the almost sex scenes seem wrong. I enjoyed the teen Slasher part of the story as Slashers are my fav movie genre and we don't get many of those anymore, what ruined I for me though was the addition of Supernatural beings, I really wanted a teen Slasher with a big reveal at the end but sadly that isn't what I got. Still a good film though.
Terrifier (2017)
Terrifier (2017)
2017 | Horror
When two women see a creepy clown in a pizza place they soon find themselves fighting for their livers in an abandoned building.
Terrifier could easily be mistaken for an 80’s or 90’s slasher movie as Art the Clown (never actually named in the film) cut’s, stabs, shoots and strangles his way through the rest of the cast using a variety of different weapons. Art the Clown seems to stand out in a genre that could almost be called over saturated, he speaks less than either Mike Myers or Jason Voorhees but carries out his kills with a comedic joy that almost matches Freddy Kruger, acting out his pleasure through mime which seems to intensify the silence he exudes.
The film seems to have a homemade feel about it, that’s not saying that it seems cheap but that the cast seem to get along well and that it could almost be something that was shot for fun by a group of friends in the same way the ‘Evil Dead’ or the original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ was. This is helped by a small cast and limited locations.
Being a slasher there is, of course; blood, violence, screaming and a bit of nudity but no sex, in fact the reason one character gets involved it to avoid being in the room with a couple who are getting amorous. Art dispatched his victims in a number of ways, most of which have been done before, after all there are only so many ways to stab or shoot someone, however, Art brings a joyfulness to his actions and, although I have already compared him to Freddy Kruger, Art seems to really see a funny side to what he is doing unlike Freddy who just enjoys the kill.
I have seen that there is a sequel slated for 2020 and given the being/end of Terrifier I think that is could be very interesting.
    Slayaway Camp

    Slayaway Camp


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