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Terrifier (2017)
Terrifier (2017)
2017 | Horror
Cast (1 more)
Art the clown
I'm not sleeping tonight
IMDB is a bit confusing about the release of this movie, it says 2017 but also March 2018.
Art the clown goes on a killing spree on Halloween, targeting 3 teenage girls and anyone else who gets in the way.
I didn't hold much hope for it at the beginning, but being scared of clowns anyway I thought it might provoke a reaction out of me. Well it certainly did, the acting for Art the clown was, to me, amazing. I felt uneasy, nervous and on edge from the beginning to the end of the film. It's also very gory, but looks fake.
For a slasher movie I found this different and enticing, even though that clown made me want to run away and hide I had to keep watching. Also a little humour from the clown too. This guy's needs so recognition for his acting in THIS!
Smiley (2012)
Smiley (2012)
2012 | Horror
Interesting twist to the ending (0 more)
The ending couldn't save the rest of the movie (3 more)
Cliche plot you have seen before
Bad acting
Annoying characters
The internet's bloody mary
This was a terrible movie

Bloody mary meets unfriended? It feels like a typical supernatural slasher you have seen plenty of times.

None of the characters are likeable, if anything they are actually annoying right from the first start especially the main girl. Again there is no logic, it's not creepy or gory and I found it just boring.
Don't get me wrong I love urban legends when it is done right.

The killer was not designed well, not shown enough and not creepy enough. Only a few deaths that were not scary or gory.

I couldn't wait for this movie to end but I'm happy I watched it so that you don't have to. It was paced horribly and even a good twist at the end couldn't save this movie.
Clown (2016)
Clown (2016)
2016 | Horror
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well made creature feature, with good effects and high quality visuals (0 more)
Classic Horror Movie decision making (0 more)
This guy ain't clowning around...
Clown is like a classic twilight-zone style curse movie, where a dad puts on an antique clown suit, which turns out to have dire consequences that essentially turn him into a child eating killer clown.

There are some great comedic moments, as you would expect, some gross body horror, gruesome kills and actually pretty good performances.

Despite the b-movie plot, the acting is very solid, and the whole feel is of a well-made, well budgeted horror film, that would not have been out of place on a decent cinema release.

There are plenty of plot holes, bad decisions and parts that drag on a little, but overall this is a pretty entertaining movie, which provides a throwback experience to an 80's style slasher but with modern production values, so what is not to like?
Intruder (1989)
Intruder (1989)
1989 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you were to look up the definition of "underrated horror gem" then Intruder would be staring you in the face.
Brought to life by several members of the team behind Evil Dead II, it's no surprise that this movie is equally as fun as it is gory. It's cast of likable characters drive the film for the mostly bloodless first half, with final girl Elizabeth Cox being a stand out.
When things do get gory, Intruder doesn't fuck about. The kills inflicted upon the main cast are pretty damn creative, and incredibly realised by fantastic practical effects courtesy of Robert Kurtzman and Greg Nicotero. The scenes not set in the main supermarket hall have a low budget and dimly lit Evil Dead feel to them, and results in a genuinely nasty atmosphere when coupled with the more violent moments.

It's a shame that Intruder isn't as widely hailed as some of its better known slasher contemporaries, for all of the above reasons.
See No Evil 2 (2014)
See No Evil 2 (2014)
2014 |
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This sequel to the average-at-best See No Evil is sadly a bottom of the barrel mess.

It's takes everything from the first film, and makes it so much worse - the characters are dumber and even more unlikable (although this time we're mercifully spared from the edgy mugshot introductions - it's the small victories), the story is less cohesive, the setting is somehow more boring, and it's less gory. I know that gore isn't the be all and end all of horror, but when you're making a run of the mill slasher, then it's expected. At least the first film packed a bit of a punch in that regard.
Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs is probably the best thing going here. His killer is still suitably intimidating, but he's stuck in a huge turd of a film unfortunately.

I'd still just about take this over Leprechaun Origins, but would rather just forget that WWE horror films are a thing at this point.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Elves (1989) in Movies

Dec 24, 2020  
Elves (1989)
Elves (1989)
1989 | Horror
4.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bargain-basement everything-but-the-kitchen-sink horror movie. Three young women accidentally summon up a homicidal elf as part of a conspiracy to take over the world. Features a lengthy scene in which a department-store Santa (Dan Haggerty) engages in a gun battle with neo-Nazi agents, while the young female leads are stalked by a knife-wielding glove puppet. (The film is not nearly as good as it sounds.)

Sort of a slasher movie, sort of a monster movie, but definitely tasteless and tacky schlock by any reasonable metric. It seems to be trying to play the knowingly-ironic card at a few points, but it's simply not accomplished enough to pull that off: it looks cheap, sounds cheap, has long stretches where not much happens, and there's the obligatory badly-edited and confusing climax. Would be virtually unwatchable if not for an heroic performance by Dan Haggerty, who for some reason is taking this fiasco seriously. Nasty, brutish, but not nearly short enough.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
2019 | Biography, Crime, Thriller
Manages to tell the story without glamorising it
When I heard about this film, and that it wasn't your normal horror type serial killer film, I was intrigued. I like the odd slasher film but feel guilty when I find out they had been inspired by horrific real life crimes.
"Extremely ... " manages to focus on the life and relationships around Bundy without gratuitously showing his crimes. While there was a chance this could be seen as demeaning the horror these young women went through, I think it manages to avoid this ... just.
Efron ticks the boxes for the public side of the psychopath, but the darker side is not explored. Some might see this as suggesting his innocence but I see it as allowing the film to focus on how others perceived him, and show why he got away with it for so long.
The rest of the cast are strong as well.
An enjoyable different take on a horrific man.
Hell Fest (2018)
Hell Fest (2018)
2018 | Horror
As the movie starts we see a group of friends entering a haunted house at a fairground, they are split up from each other and one is killed by someone in a costume and hung with other bodies like an attraction, this sets the scene for the movie and got me interested straight away.
Next scene we see another group of friends talking about going to hell fest, yeah yeah we know where this is going to end right!? To be fair if hell fest was real, I would want to go too as its right up my street, you know with the murders and all!
Anyway I found the movie very good, you didn't always know if someone was about to be killed or if it was part of the festival which definitely kept you guessing throughout the movie.
The ending is not your typical Slasher movie ending and it did leave me wanting a sequel. Look out for a cameo from candy man's Tony Todd.
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
2021 | Horror
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Straight off the bat, I didn't hate There's Someone Inside Your House. As far as 90s inspired teen slashers go, it's relatively entertaining - it's has some solid gore, it's pacing is snappy for the most part, and the opening 15 minutes or so has some genuinely unsettling wide shots of houses with subtly open doors, hinting at someone unwanted being inside. It's a neat trick that's repeated once, but then unfortunately abandoned.
The main issue with TSIYH is how darn predictable it is, down to every set piece and narrative beat. The eventual killer reveal is sadly an obvious one, and there are even moments where the plot threatens to get a little ballsy but chickens out at the last second.

TSIYH had some fun slasher moments for sure, and I did like the multiple mask concept of the killer, but it's over reliance on genre tropes, and tendency to play it safe drag the overall experience down.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) in Movies

Feb 25, 2022 (Updated Feb 25, 2022)  
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
2022 | Horror
Some good gore scenes (0 more)
Unlikeable characters (2 more)
Very short
A massacre of ideas
Nothing new
Thought I'd give this a go as it's been a while since the previous versions. Other than setting it in the current time with influencers and current technology, this offers nothing new. Just a bunch of unlikeable characters to the predictable slaughter.
Following on the recent Halloween films trend of making a sequel to the original set decades later. We have a cameo from the original film final girl who has gone Linda Hamilton bad ass up for revenge. With some real T2 elements in some scenes. A very weak plot line as she and leatherface must be in their 70's now as nearly 50 years have passed from the original.
Gore fans will probably like it and fans of TCM films in general, for others there is no real depth to it and full of Slasher film clichés. Shame as it had potential but ends up a bit of a mess.