Maniac (2013)
Movie Watch
As he helps a young artist with her upcoming exhibition, the owner of a mannequin shop's deadly,...

The Burning (1981)
Movie Watch
Counselors and teenagers at a summer camp in upstate New York have their lives endangered when a...
Slasher Cropsy Slashers Cropsey Urban legends Garden shears

My Bloody Valentine (1981)
When a group of young adults decide to proceed in throwing a decades-suspended Valentine's Day...
Slasher Holidays

The Prowler (1981)
Movie Watch
Before the first graduation spring dance in a thirty-five year hiatus since an infamous...
Slasher Rosemary's Killer Tom Savini Die Forke des Todes The Pitchfork of Death

April Fool's Day (2008)
A year after an April Fool's Day prank which resulted in the death of one of their set, a group of...
and 8 other items
The Slackers

Door Slammers
Games and Sports
Heat up your tires with long smokey burnouts and when the green light drops launch full throttle...