
Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Hatchet (2006) in Movies
Aug 13, 2018
Kane hodder (2 more)
Old school horror at its best reminds me alot of the slashers like friday the 13th and many others kane hodder perfectly cast as crowerly plenty of gore and familar cameos from many horror vertans thumbs up from me

Ben 10 Slammers – Galactic Alien Collectible Card Battle Game
Games and Entertainment
Collect, upgrade and unleash your aliens in a massive BEN 10 COLLECTIBLE CARD BATTLE! Play through a...

Dean (6927 KP) rated Buried Alive (2008) in Movies
Apr 30, 2019
Compared to many Slashers I've seen lately, and that's quite a lot, this was pretty good. From the same director as the Wishmaster and starring Tobin Bell of the Saw films. It is a bit slow building up to the kills, but when they come they are quite gory and different to the norm. A bunch of uni friends head out to one of the kids big house out in the desert looked after by the creepy caretaker. The house has a dark history involving a family curse, gold and murder. Good production value and a decent cast raise this above most straight to DVD slashers.

Last Podcast On The Left
The Last Podcast On The Left covers all the horrors our world has to offer both imagined and real,...

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated American Horror Story - Season 9 in TV
Sep 22, 2019
Emma Roberts (1 more)
Only watched the first episode but going keep watching to see what happens next. Obviously this the makers are fans of 80s slasher movies like Friday the 13th cause of the summer camp setting and other slashers of the time Emma Roberts always watchable . I hope the rest of the season is as good

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Blood Rage (Nightmare at Shadow Woods) (1987) in Movies
Jun 16, 2021
Man, Blood Rage is a trip. It features completely over the top acting from pretty much everyone, some gnarly as fuck gore (practically done of course), and a batshit plot that instantly earns it's cult status.
Blood Rage is a proper gem of 80s horror, buried underneath a mountain of more popular slashers from the era, but well worth digging out.
Blood Rage is a proper gem of 80s horror, buried underneath a mountain of more popular slashers from the era, but well worth digging out.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Initiation (2020) in Movies
Oct 23, 2021
Just watched on amazon prime another of those so so slashers I've seen this week interesting plot some good kills but could have done without all those text messages on the screen just got to distracting and took too long to get to the first kill like half an hour an hour into the film overall could have been better film

Dean (6927 KP) rated Silent Bloodnight (2006) in Movies
Apr 30, 2019
One of the worst low budget slashers I've seen. Even going well past the it's so bad, it's good in a funny way. This Austrian offering from 2005 really does look and feel like an 80's slasher. The script, acting, gore, lighting everything is just bad! The main character speaks and acts like she has an IQ of about 50. Skip past this....

Mike Keltner (2 KP) rated Sleepaway Camp (1983) in Movies
Jun 13, 2018
80's Slasher (2 more)
Campy Acting
This is one of the most unique 80's slashers. The whole film is filled with laughable acting. The kills are great and the characters are likable, for the most part. It is one of those instances where the original in a series is very different than the sequels it spawned, but I still love it every bit as much.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Final Terror (1985) in Movies
Jun 4, 2023
Watched for a Friday the 13th ripoff it wasn't up to the standards of slasher movies and I've seen lots especially from the 80s and this one just didn't do it for me from the cast yes that's daryl hannah who basically doesn't do much till near the end of the movie when she's attacked by the psycho not one of my favourite slashers