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The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
Mindy Mejia | 2017 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing what attracted me to this book was the cover, a lonely barn in a lovely setting. Another thing was – small town. There is such a low possibility of a crime, that when it happens, it is a centre of attention. It was the same thing in this book; no one expected it to happen, once it did, it became the main talk of a town, which brought out some very interesting and unexpected events and a very boring murderer.

As it was already mentioned in the description, this story is told from three different perspectives: Del’s, Hattie’s English teacher and Hattie. To be honest, the most interesting parts of this book were, when Hattie and her teacher told their story, I believe Del was just an add-on, because his investigation was not the best, and the whole story was opening up very nicely without Del. I think the characters lacked charisma and personality in this book, except for Hattie; she was well rounded and interesting. I really liked Hattie as a character because of her amazing talent of acting and manipulation, she knew what people wanted, and very nicely provided it to them.

The plot of this book didn’t really impress me. I did enjoy the story and the character’s feelings, but I think it lacked some spice in it. The twists and turns were not very story changing and the whole investigation just flowed smoothly. I really liked, that author opened quite a difficult topic of teacher-student love, and why teachers fall for it. I think that aspect was interesting, and along with Hattie’s personality, these were the things which kept me going. There was not much action going on in this novel, but I did like the way author was trying to sidetrack the reader with different possible killers.

The writing style of this novel was easy to read, but the length of the chapters dragged for me. (What can I say, I love short chapters) The ending of the book explained everything really nicely and I did like the conclusion and outcome of this book. So, even though it lacks some action, I still found some parts to enjoy, and if you like small town crime investigations, give it a try, you might like it.
Three Days and a Life
Three Days and a Life
Pierre Lemaitre | 2017 | Crime, Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm having a little bit of a struggle coming up with the words to describe how I feel about this one. Clearly, I enjoyed it, but I can't quite work out what it was about it that I liked so much, and then how I can get that across in my review. Let's go through this one step at a time...

This book is very much about neighbourly relationships. It's based in the small village of Beauval where everyone knows everyone, there are friends in the village and there are enemies. They live everyday surrounded by people who know everything about them. There are a load of books about the small-town-mentality at the moment, it's clearly a very "in" thing for authors at the moment. Some of them I like, others I find boring or distressing. This one was just perfect for me!

We begin the novel in 1999 and this is where we get most of the small-town vibes. We meet Antoine and his mother, whose only worry is to keep up with appearances. We meet the neighbours, the Desmedt's and Mouchottes. We meet the town butcher, Monsieur Kowalski. We meet the Weiser's - the mayor and his son Theo. We meet a lot of different people, but they all have a very important role to play within the story.

It's the 23rd December 1999 and little Remi Desmedt has gone missing. There are plenty of the theories as to his disappearance, but we know what's happened to him, and we know where he is. What follows is a slow paced novel about the effects of Remi's disappearance on the town and the theories and judgments each villager makes on anyone suspected of having taken the young boy.

The majority of this novel is set in the few days after Remi's disappearance in 1999. This was definitely my favourite part of the novel. It was enjoyable to follow the story through Antoine's mind-set, who is 12 at the time. But as we move through the story, we meet Antoine again in 2011 and then again in 2015, but these parts of the book aren't as enjoyable to read.

As we progress through the novel, Antoine keeps coming up against challenges he needs to overcome. Will he do the right thing, or will he do anything to keep his secrets close?

Like I said before, this novel is slow paced, but I quite like that in a books sometimes. This is advertised as a thriller but I wouldn't think of is like that, this feels more like a general fiction novel to be honest. This was also described as "suspenseful", but again, I'm going to disagree with that. See what I mean about not being able to describe my feelings on it? I'm at a loss for words on what I feel this books was like! What I can say is that I love Lemaitre's way of writing. It really sucked me into the story and for this reason, I'm definitely checking out his other stuff!

Something I also know is that I enjoyed this book, for the most part. If it hadn't been for the 2011 and 2015 chapters, and the direction they took, this could have been a 5 star read for me.
The Scent of Rain
The Scent of Rain
Anne Montgomery | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book would be Rose, a young girl living in Fundamentalist Mormon community which is run by a “Prophet” and polygamy is a norm. Women have only one purpose – reproduce. This story is told from multiple perspectives, including other characters, and sharing their point of view, and their feelings. This writing style was an absolute joy to read. I had a chance to get to know different characters, and have an insight into different people’s minds. I LOVE THAT! Some of the characters were really annoying, I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and some of the character’s actions and words made me really mad. HOW CAN YOU BE THAT STUPID??? The characters are very well selected and have their unique personalities, I couldn’t relate to them, but I loved reading about them. It would be really hard to pick a favourite for me, they all had interesting qualities, which I liked.

The narrative in this book was constantly changing. I was glued to the book to find out, why Adan ran away from his home. The suspense was very well kept throughout the book. There is a lot of shocking and absurd events happening in this novel, so if you want to read it, be prepared. 🙂 I really liked the research the author done for this book, I don’t know how close it is to the truth, but sounded pretty much close to what I read in the newspapers. Even though I really enjoyed the plot, some of the parts were a bit too slow for me. It did have short chapters and different stories, so, it was an enjoyable read.

The writing style is pleasant and the language used is easy and understandable. The whole story is set in a small town in the US but has very picturesque scenery with mountains, and small-town lifestyle. The ending rounded up the story very nicely and I really liked it. So, to conclude, this novel has plenty of not always likable, but very absorbing characters, and a very interesting story to tell, so if you like books about small communities, with a very different way of living, give this book a go, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dry in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
The Dry
The Dry
Jane Harper | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aaron Falk is an investigator for the federal police in Melbourne. There, he follows money trails left by criminals. And while he may live a rather solitary life, at least he's also left behind his childhood home of Kiewarra, where the locals literally ran him and his father out of town. But all that changes when Aaron finds out that his best friend in Kiewarra, Luke Hadler, is dead. So is Luke's wife, Karen, and their young son, Billy. Luke apparently killed Karen and Billy before turning the gun on himself: the only person he spared in his family was his baby daughter, Charlotte. Aaron grew up as a second son to Luke's parents, and they call on him now to look into Luke and Karen's finances. Were things really so bad that Luke would enact such violence? As Aaron and the local police sergeant, Raco, begin investigating, it's quickly apparent that the case isn't as cut and dried as it seems. But the people of Kiewarra have long memories, and they still blame Aaron for something that happened over 20 years ago. Is Aaron safe in his hometown? And can he clear Luke's name--if it even needs clearing?

I have been hearing about THE DRY since before its release and wasn't sure it would live up to the hype, but I was wrong. I really, really enjoyed this novel and read it over the span of about 24 hours. My only regret about the entire experience was that it was over so quickly. This was an incredibly well-written, interesting, and intricately plotted novel that just flowed effortlessly. The story at its core is a dark one, and the town of Kiewarra is a sad and depressing place: the townspeople find it easy to believe Luke killed his family because everyone is down on their luck. The town is plagued by a horrible drought (hence the title), which spells certain doom for a community that makes it living primarily on farming. Luke and Karen had bought their farm from Luke's parents, and many think he killed himself because the farm couldn't remain profitable. Harper does an excellent job at portraying the people of Kiewarra--the small town town becomes almost another character in the novel. She does an excellent job of depicting depressed small town living.

In fact, I loved all the nuanced characters in THE DRY. You know when an author just captures her characters' voices perfectly? That was this book for me. Falk just slides effortlessly off the page, and I was completely taken with Sergeant Raco, as well. But you can also easily visualize all the people in Kiewarra that Aaron encounters. While the story primarily takes place in the present-day, we get key flashbacks to the past, when Luke and Aaron were teens, and they hung out with two other kids, Gretchen and Ellie. The slow buildup to a big event surrounding this foursome also creates incredible suspense, as both stories (what happened with Luke and family and what happened when all four were kids) unravel in parallel. It's remarkably well-done.

I enjoyed how the story kept me guessing the entire time, which isn't easy to do. Even when I had a decent inkling what happened with Luke, there was still so much I hadn't figured out. I was completely captivated by the story and frantically turning the pages to find out what had happened--both in the present and the past. I could see the setting, the people, and the town so clearly. The novel truly hooked me from the very beginning and never let me go.

I'm very excited to see that this might be a series featuring Aaron, as I really loved his character and Harper's writing. I read a lot of thrillers, but this one packaged everything together perfectly, and I highly recommend it. 4.5 stars.

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