The Silence (1963)
Two estranged sisters, Ester and Anna, and Anna's 10-year-old son travel to the Central European...

The Crawlers (1993)
Movie Watch
They Hunt…They Feed…They Kill…You’re Next! People from a small town are attacked by evil...

Trading Paint (2019)
Movie Watch
Veteran race car driver Sam Munroe and his son, a fellow driver from a small town overcome family...

Lacewood: A Novel of Time and Place
Thrust together by chance. Bound together by destiny. A disillusioned socialite and a special...
Women's Fiction Historical

Juggernaut (2017)
After a lengthy absence, a small town outlaw returns to his hometown, violently obsessed with the...

Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires, #6)
In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace-until all...

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Blindsighted (Grant County, #1) in Books
Jun 8, 2019 (Updated Jun 8, 2019)
When a young college professor is brutally murdered (and I mean BRUTALLY - i.e. not for the squeamish) it falls to Sara Linton as the town coroner to perform the disturbing autopsy. Having found the victim in the local diner, it soon becomes obvious to Sara that there is a seriously sick individual on the loose.
It’s Sara’s ex-husband, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, who must head up the investigation along with the only female detective Lena Adams, who is also the victims sister (love small town America everyone is all up in each others stuff - did I mention as well as been the towns coroner Sara is also the local paediatrician….) When another victim is found crucified the tension to find the killer builds, as does the tension between characters.
This book was very graphic, but boy was it entertaining in a disturbing way. Fast paced with plenty of suspense, a great beginning to a series.

FilmIntuition (33 KP) rated Virgil Wander in Books
Nov 21, 2018
Narrated by the well-liked eponymous film projectionist who finds himself still getting his bearings and memory back after his car soars into Lake Superior during a snowfall, as Virgil navigates his small town with new perspective, we get acquainted with the equally affable, unique characters who inhabit the “cursed” town of Greenstone, Minnesota.
A seemingly straightforward journey made all the more enchanting by the author's magnetic prose, “Virgil Wander” is stunning not only in its simplicity but by how masterfully Enger builds a strong foundation of characters you can relate to before seasoning his story with elements of Norwegian myth and fisherman's tall tales, which in his hands become Minnesota magic.
A highly recommended chronicle of small town life with much more on its mind, this gorgeously penned sleeper is one of my favorite novels of 2018.

Under the Mistle-tome (Christmas Falls #5)
Hoping to give his young daughter, Holly, the joyful childhood he had, Trevor moves back to the one...
Contemporary MM Seasonal Romance

Beartown: A Novel
People say Beartown is finished. A tiny community nestled deep in the forest, it is slowly losing...