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Pete Buttigieg recommended My Name is Red in Books (curated)

My Name is Red
My Name is Red
Orhan Pamuk, Erdag M. Goknar | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Ah, the days when Hollywood harbored existentialistic realists, and the entirety of America—from its back roads and highway saloons to its hinterland betting subcultures, working-class desolation, gone-wild farm fields, and small-town cafeterias—was a metaphor for itself, and for all of our postwar lostness. Monte Hellman’s career peak is easily the greatest film I never even heard of as a film-hungry 1970s kid, vanished and hardly ever TV-broadcast, even as I thought the sobering, grown-up likes of Deliverance and Chinatown and Scarecrow were emblematic of an American cinema that had finally reached adulthood. Then came Star Wars."

Men, Women & Children (2014)
Men, Women & Children (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A critical and commercial flop on its release but in my humble opinion sorely underrated. I liked how the film shows the influence of technology on human relationships largely to a negative degree and made me thankful for being old enough that I went to school in those halcyon days where we didn’t have constant access to the internet and social media. The film successfully weaves several stories of different generations in a small town and I found its different depictions of loneliness and anxiety quite moving at times. The ensemble cast all do good work (even Adam Sandler) and the quality soundtrack enhances the mood. Well worth your time.