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The Hollow (2016)
The Hollow (2016)
2016 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Often all it takes for me to put a flick on is to see a name of an Actor that I have loved in other movies, this can often make me more forgiving and open to watch the next flick that comes along. When I received The Hollow for the intentions of reviewing. I was smacked in the face by two such names, William Sadler (Shawshank, Die Hard 2) and William Forsythe (Things to Do in Denver When Your Dead, The Rock). Neither actor is setting the world on fire as of late but as a movie fan you know your about to get some solid performances. I was not wrong.

The Hollow is yet another Small Town backwoods crime drama genre in a long line of VOD releases. The difference being that The Hollow has a certain amount of Backwoods charm to it that usually tends to fall flat upon replication, This is in no small part due to the performances driving the Flick. Writer, Director and Star Miles Doleac plays corrupt as balls Deputy Sheriff Ray Everett. In a town that seems to have been forgotten by the outside world Ray is able to function as a truly horrendous unlikable character, But fear not because just about everyone in this down is a bonafide Asshole. The movie kicks into gear fairly quickly when we witness a triple murder down by Make-Out Creek (Thats what they call places like that right). One of the victims being an under-age girl we witnessed barely 10 minutes ago giving Officer Ray some pretty bad head (Like a said he is a proper shit bag)… The FBI comes swarming into town when it is revealed one of the other victims is the daughter of a US Congressman. The game of small town cover up vs government stooges begins.

I’m not going to dive to deep into this flick because it is your standard by the numbers Crime/Drama. I said towards the start of this write-up that sometimes all it takes is a couple of names that you recognize as regular Jobbers who tend to put in solid performances and that is certainly one of the things this movie has going for it. Forsythe, Sadler and Jeff Fahey all being shining lights for me. Not to be out shone in his own movie though Doleac manages to portray a truly horrendous shit bag with no redeeming quality’s at all pretty expertly and that is where your Movie can live or die. Take nothing away from the supporting cast either they were all great just that most characters were fairly one dimensional.

Personally I feel like The Hollow is a good enough movie with some solid performances that you would be kept entertained. The script is not exactly Tarantino levels, while it does at times feel like thats what Doleac was going for, but as I said at the start when you sit down to this movie, you know what your getting.

Its a solid Recommend from 365HQ in a sea of by the numbers Crime/Dramas The Hollow has some pretty great performances and for the directors second Feature Film its a solid effort.
Slither (2006)
Slither (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Cheesy gruesome goodness (1 more)
Practical effects
Before writer/director James Gunn made us familiar with Star Lord and Rocket, he wrote and directed this fantastic creepy gory thriller starring Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks and Michael Rooker.

The film starts out with a similar first act to The Blob, then quickly goes its own way. Slowly, little, juicy caterpillar creatures make their way through the small town and infect the inhabitants while the main creature infects another group of townspeople.

You have to like B movie quality cheese and gore to enjoy this movie, but I thought it was a lot of fun. The actors definitely do not take it too seriously, but you find yourself squirming in your seat once all hell has broken loose.

I return to the film often when I need to lighten my mood.

Top of the Lake  - Season 1
Top of the Lake - Season 1
2013 | Crime
Build up of the story (3 more)
Elizabeth Moss
Brilliant support cast
While the slow build up is good sometimes it feels like nothing is happening (0 more)
A slow burner
A fantastic but disturbing story about a small town in New Zealand, following Robin Griffin as she returns home to visit her ill mother but is pulled onto a case when a 12-year-old girl is found (alive) in a lake. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout and there's an intensity that's slowly bubbling away.

At times it does get a bit slow and at the beginning it can be hard to get into, but the brilliant cast of actors - led by the absolutely fantastic Elizabeth Moss - keep it going and turn it into something brilliant. Some of the characters are disturbing but believable and it winds up to an eventful finale.
The Stepford Wives (1975)
The Stepford Wives (1975)
1975 | Drama, Thriller
Bryan Forbes' SF-horror-satire has left a cultural impression out of all proportion to its original box-office success. Nice modern couple leave grimy New York for idyllic small town of Stepford, where everyone seems happy and the women are thoroughly domesticated. What on Earth can the secret of the place be...?

 Subtle storytelling and fine performances do a good job of masking the fact that the premise of the story is basically a paranoid fever-dream; oddly, some people interpreted the film as being anti-feminist and actually misogynistic, when it is actually about male objectification of women and fears of the same (maybe also has stuff to say about consumerism too). Perhaps a bit overlong, but the slow aggregation of details adds a lot to a convincingly unsettling atmosphere. An entertaining horror fable.
Well, I've found yet another cozy mystery series to add to my must-buy list! I really enjoyed the setting - a working historical farm - and learned everything I could want to know about maple syrup production. Not in a clinical way, but as interesting bits of information presented during the story.

Our heroine Kelsey has her hands full trying to run the farm, raise her kindergarten-age son, and solve a murder before the police can pin it on one of her young employees. There was an interesting cast of characters, and that homey, small-town feel that I love in a good cozy.

While previous events are mentioned, it's not necessary to have read book 1 to know what's going on.

NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.
I love the Bluegrass series and was very happy to read that there was more to come in the shape of the Bluegrass Brothers. This is a set of books set in a small town where everybody knows everybody and some know things that no one else knows how they know! Still with me? This book carries on with the LOL moments and the suspense in this book is in the form of the drugs ring that the DEA is trying to break.

The ending was fairly obvious but I wasn't reading it for the suspense side of things so this wasn't a problem for me. If you are looking for a light read, filled with humour, feel-good moments and spice thrown in there too, then give the Bluegrass/Bluegrass Brothers series a go. Recommended.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Colossal (2016) in Movies

Nov 20, 2019  
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Original (0 more)
Sudden change in direction at the end (1 more)
Odd plot
I missed this at the cinema so gave it a watch as it's on Netflix currently. It comes across as quite a quirky odd film. A girl with a drink problem has to go back to her small town home after being kicked out by her boyfriend. She randomly discovers she has a connection to a giant monster that appears in South Korea.
The problem with this film is it doesn't feel it's going anywhere. What's the connection and why? Why does the lead character make some of her choices? It just doesn't add up. Then the last 15 minutes have a very different change in direction and tone that just didn't fit with the rest of the film. One for those who like quirky films.