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Get Smart (2008)
Get Smart (2008)
2008 | Action, Comedy
6.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the post Cold-War era the focus on national security has changed from focusing on Eastern Block adversaries to terror cells and state sponsored terrorism. For the agents of the ultra secret agency Control, the demise of their arch nemesis KAOS was the signal that they had ceased to be important in the world of today and had shut down when in truth they just went further into a cloak of secrecy and continued their mission.
In the new movie “Get Smart” audiences are given a new interpretation of the classic Mel Brooks/Buck Henry series that started Don Adams and Barbra Feldon as a pair of secret agents tasked with saving the world.
This time out Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway star Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 as they are forced to work with one another following a devastating attack on Control headquarters which results in the exposure of their operatives worldwide.
With no agents having the required anonymity needed to perform covert missions, the Chief of Control (Alan Arkin), is forced to promote eager intelligence analyst Smart to the ranks of field agent and pairs him with Agent 99 who is still able to maintain her guise thanks to some prep work she had done for a prior assignment.
To say that 99 is not thrilled to be paired with Smart would be an understatement, as she sees the eager Smart to be an unproven liability and one that would likely cause the failure of the mission and kill both of them.
Since the ultra suave Agent 23 (Dwayne Johnson), is unable to work in the field, Smart and Agent 99 are forced to work with one another as they head off to Russia to get to the bottom of the weapons threat and hopefully follow the trail to the ultimate threat, Siegfried (Terrance Stamp), who is the brains behind an all new wave of terror that only Agent 99 and Smart can stop.
The film starts out slowly, but eventually finds its rhythm and does a decent job of blending comedy and action. Hathaway and Carell do a great job with the material as both roles require a degree of physicality that they have not shown in previous works.
The laughs on the film are constant, but they are off the more dumb humor comedy as nobody will mistake this film as a piece of high comedy. Which is not to say this is a bad thing as Carell is very likeable as Smart and while he portrays the character differently than did the late Don Adams; he maintains the goofy competence that his character requires as despite being a goofball, he does get the job done in the end.
The fine supporting work by Arkin and Johnson as well as a good amount of cameos lead to the fun of the film.
It is important to note that this is not a retelling of the original series that ran from 1965-1970 but a completely new interpretation of the series which has been updated to reflect the modern setting yet contains plenty of winks to the show that inspired it.
While many of the series catch phrases seem out of place in the film, I found myself enjoying the new film despite being a fan of the original series.
Some have leveled criticism that the film has traded locker room humor, stupid comedy, and FX for the wit and inventiveness that made the original series so popular.
I found myself enjoying the new version of the film and enjoyed the performances of the characters and while not side splittingly funny, there were more than enough chuckles along the way to keep me entertained.
Here is hoping 86 and 99 will be back on the big screen for future missions.
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation
Stuart Gibbs | 2019 | Children, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Charlie Be as Smart as Einstein?
Meet Charlie Thorne. She is highly intelligent, a great athlete – and twelve-years-old. She is attending college, if you can call only showing up on test days to be attending college, just biding her time until she is legally an adult. Until the day the CIA shows up and strong arms her into helping them on a mission of critical importance. It is believed that Albert Einstein developed an equation in the 1930’s that rivals his theory of relativity in importance, but he hid it to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. While people all over the world have been looking for it for decades, the race to find it has heated up, with the fate of the world potentially in the balance. Because Charlie is so smart, they think she can more easily decode the clues that Einstein left behind. Will Charlie be able to follow the clues to find it?

I was excited to dive into a new series from middle grade author Stuart Gibbs. It takes a little time to set up the characters and the story in the first half, but the second half is packed with action. When I got here, it was nearly impossible to put down. The main characters got some nice character growth over the course of the book. The rest of the characters aren’t quite as sharp, but they are developed enough to keep us engaged in the book. This doesn’t have quite as much humor as some of Stuart Gibbs’s other books, although I did laugh some. The more serious tone is reflected in the more serious nature of the story. There isn’t anything that isn’t appropriate for the intended audience, but there is more violence off the page than in his previous books. Only the most sensitive kids will be bothered by what happens here, however. The ending of this book will leave you ready for Charlie’s next adventure. I know I’m anxious for it.
The Doll (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #3)
The Doll (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #3)
Taylor Stevens | 2013 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once you start with the series, the only way is forward. So here you go, third book of Vanessa Munroe’s series and of course I liked the book but could’ve been better? The answer is yes. Even though the book had interesting characters it was quite slow paced and Munroe’s amazing abilities didn’t shine that much. Some of Monroe’s decisions were predictable and not very smart. Badford was doing great job in this book and he was the active one this time. I missed the action from Munroe’s side, as she was really passive this time. “The doll” itself was sometimes very annoying and stupid, and it was sad to see Munroe to put up with it. It was interesting and easy to read this book but it was missing the “wow” factor.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.8 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Return to Form for the MCU
Welcome back, MCU, we missed you.

With GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOLUME 3, the MCU has returned to the top ranks of movie-making, creating a thrilling, character-driven action/adventure that is emotionally charged and satisfying.

Directed and Written by James Gunn (as he has done with the first 2 Guardians films), Guardians 3 ties off the trilogy of this ragtag group of heroes in an appropriate, fun way by focusing on something that recent MCU films failed to do - it focuses on the characters and their relationships and how the out-of-this-world adventure that they are on will, ultimately, grow and enrich these characters and relationships.

Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax), Pom Klementieff (Mantis) and the voice of Vin Diesel (Groot) are all back and they all slip, comfortably, into their roles and relationships and it feels good to have them back together again.

Karen Gillan (Nebula) and, especially, Bradley Cooper (the voice of Rocket Racoon) shine above the rest as the script calls for their characters to grow in smart, fulfilling ways and both actors shine in these circumstances.

This film also has something that the previous few films - especially the latest Ant-Man film - were lacking…a terrific villain. Chukwudi Iwuji is terribly scary as THE HIGH EVOLUTIONARY who is so single-minded in his mission that living beings - and planets - are expendable. It is a terrific performance (and the 2nd straight strong one from Iwuji in a comic book vehicle, following his work in the HBO-MAX DCU TV Series Peacemaker). He is a talent to keep an eye on.

Of course, credit to all of this goes to James Gunn who, after some controversy, returned to helm the end of the Guardians trilogy (at least the Guardians of the Galaxy with THESE characters) and he hits the mark, finding the right blend of action and character that makes the audience care very much what happens to this group. It is a strong exit film from the MCU for Gunn and the DCU is very lucky/smart to hire him as their artistic director going forward.

A very rewarding end to the Guardians trilogy - and a return to form (at least for 1 film) for the MCU.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Originally titled WITHOUT MERCY, CURSE OF THE KISSING COUSINS is a good start to the series, even with some flaws. The main character/sleuth/nostalgic reporter, Tilda, is smart and likable, funny and realistic - basically, a solid lead (no pun intended, originally :P). The plot is interesting and for the most part, flowed smoothly; the same could be said about the additional characters. My favorites were fanboy Vincent and the kinda-sorta-cliche gay friend/co-worker, Cooper, who both added a lot to the book. Actually, none of the characters were unnecessary or overdone, from the less-than-perfect roommate to the back-stabber at <i>Entertain Me!</i> to the the lecherous computer geek, all contributed to the book as a whole. However, with all the good the book had, there was just something missing, besides Mercy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but even though I really did enjoy the book, there was just something off. The idea behind this series is really cool and I hope it gets better as it goes along. I look forward to WHO KILLED THE PIN-UP QUEEN?
3.5 stars

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2157 KP) rated A Murder Most French in Books

Apr 25, 2024 (Updated Apr 25, 2024)  
A Murder Most French
A Murder Most French
Colleen Cambridge | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Most Rare
When this book opens, Julia Child is excited about a demonstration that a famous chef is going to be doing that afternoon at Le Cordon Bleu, and she insists that her friend and neighbor, Tabitha Knight, go with her. However, the demonstration ends abruptly when the chef dies after taking a sip of a rare and expensive wine he’d received just before the event started. Despite vowing to stay out of it, Tabitha can’t help but wonder what is going on. Can she figure it out?

As I was reading this book, I couldn’t help but wonder why the characters, who are speaking French, are throwing French words into every line of dialogue. But that writing quirk aside, this was another great book. I loved getting to visit the characters again, and Tabitha was just as smart and resourceful as in the first book. Meanwhile, the new characters lead us on a merry chase in a well-constructed mystery. I was satisfied when everything was explained. As with the first book, there is a smattering of foul language. Once again, Paris in post the World War II era came to life, and I enjoyed this look at the time period. Don’t read this book hungry since all the talk of food will make your mouth water. I enjoyed getting to spend more time with Tabitha and Julia and look forward to their next adventure.
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Had a genuinely creepy vibe (3 more)
Likeable characters for the most part
Michael Fassbender is great
That cameo!
Doesn't feel like an Alien movie to me (2 more)
Acting can be very flat
Characters make stupid decisions that it doesn't feel like their character should make
Felt like an alien movie, but didn't feel like an Alien movie
I love the Alien franchise. I have all 4 of the original movies and I've seen all of them multiple times, even 3 and Resurrection. I'm not a huge fan of Prometheus, but I was really looking forward to this movie despite knowing it would probably be more of a sequel to that instead of a true prequel to the Alien franchise. not entirely sure how I feel about this film. It's not a bad movie, but I don't feel like it's a true Alien film. There are great things about this movie. Michael Fassbender is pretty amazing in dual roles. Danny McBride shows that he can actually act outside of comedies. I cared about most of the characters. The gore was practical and not overbearing. Some of the characters actually made smart decisions. The "main character" is actually a decent action girl.
But, to go with the good there's the...not so good. For every good decision the "main character" makes, the "captain" makes 3 dumb ones. There's a couple scenes that make no sense. The "plot twist" is predictable. When you finally see the alien, it looks super human and not at all like xenomorphs we know.
It's a good sci-fi horror/thriller movie, but if you're expecting something in the vein of the originals, you're going to be disappointed.
Kick-Ass Vol. 1
Kick-Ass Vol. 1
Mark Millar | 2010 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well it is pretty damn kick-ass.
I didn't read the comic until after the movie came out and at the time I still hadn't really delved very deep into comic books just yet only reading a few here and there but I really think Kick-Ass was a great start because holy hell did I freaking love it the blood, the gore, the action and all the smart ass remarks definitely drew me. What can I say I love asshole characters and this comic is chalk full of them.

I loved hit-girl the most she was even more bad-ass in the comics the only thing I genuinely didn't care for and the reason I couldn't give this a full 10/10 was Big Daddy all I can say is I'm so glad they changed it for the film.
The Theory of Happily Ever After
The Theory of Happily Ever After
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scientist, Dr. Maggie Magguire's life has been turned upside down. Recently dumped by her fiancee, the author of a book on happiness. Maggie spends her days sitting on her sofa eating gelato and watching romance movies until her friends come to the rescue and book her as a guest speaker on a "New Year, New You" cruise to Mexico.

Maggie fears she is unqualified because she can't find happiness herself. Then she runs into a handsome stranger who insists that smart women can't be happy, this makes Maggie determined to prove him wrong.

I enjoyed this book, it was fun, witty and full of suspense. The characters were believable and interesting.
The writer proves that if we listen to God and follow our hearts, happiness will follow.

This is a wonderful book that is hard to put down.
Witch in Winter
Witch in Winter
Kaye Umansky | 2019 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this story would be Elsie, a girl, who can do a few magical spells. She is only beginning to learn how to do magic, with the help of a great witch Magenta. I really liked Elsie, she is smart but kind little witch, that is not afraid of adventures. I really liked all the characters chosen for the book, they are all different and interesting to read about. They all have their moods, that make them special and memorable.

The narrative of this novel was easy, adventurous and entertaining. This book is not very long, and it is filled with beautiful illustrations. The narrative is quite surprising, and it has interesting turns and unexpected surprises. I absolutely loved the magical larder, that makes any dish/food you wish for. (I need this in my life!!!