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The Source of Magic (Academy of Falling Kingdoms #1)
The Source of Magic (Academy of Falling Kingdoms #1)
Marissa Mills, Drake Mason | 2019 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
32 of 250
The Source of Magic ( Academy of Falling Kingdoms book1)
By Drake Mason and Marisa Mills

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I can speak to demons. The punishment is death.

The mission: put on a dress, pretend to be a lady, and infiltrate the academy of mages to steal a journal from the forbidden archives.

The problem: I’m no mage and I’ve never worn a dress in my life.

But it’s not like I have a choice. My bastard of an uncle basically sold me to a dangerously pretty nobleman, and they can’t pull off this heist without me. Unfortunately, once I fake my way through the entrance exam with a piece of hacked mage tech, and reach the floating kingdom of Reverie, my problems are only just beginning.

Keeping my secret identity is hard enough without a suspicious prince following me around, and the jealous rich girl who wants to marry him threatening me at every turn. But I know I’m in real trouble when my magic sword starts to talk to me. If I can survive the demon attacks, the backstabbing nobles, and the piles of homework long enough, I may discover the source of magic… and if the truth gets out, it will shatter everything.

This showed so much potential but for me book 1 didn’t deliver in some areas! I got a little bored but ploughed on as I don’t like giving up! It was a 2.5 until the end which gave me a bit of a boost to try book 2!
Deadly Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #3)
Deadly Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #3)
Rebecca Royce | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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42 of 250
Deadly Truths ( Kiss her Goodbye book 3)
By Rebecca Royce

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I'm Everly Marrs.

Eighteen months ago the Letters took me to force my father's hand and turned my world upside down. A few months after that, a man named Ben took me from them and I went through hell before I saw them again and they turned my heart inside out. In fast moments I'll never get over, I killed my father and walked away from everything--the Alliance, the Letters, my heart.

Before D, W, T, K and J, I had plans. I was going to help people. After, I barely recognize myself, but I went through the motions, and I finished school. I had a job that paid under the table. I avoided electronic monitoring and I knew how to take care of myself. I was going off the grid. I was going to be safe and disappear.

Then one of my Letters walked into a sounds like a joke yet its anything but funny. Once again, I'm plunged back into their world, only they aren't taking me this time. No one is.

No, this time I know what it means to be Everly Marrs and what happens next is going to happen my way.

Yes!! Everly gets her happy ever after!! She worked hard for it and finally took control of her life. Love Rebeccas books and although sad to see this end it’s great to have a complete story that is compact and holds a punch! Brilliant RH series
Circle of Fire (Damask Circle #1)
Circle of Fire (Damask Circle #1)
Keri Arthur | 2001 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
120 of 250
Circle of Fire ( Damask Circle book 1)
By Keri Arthur

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Sixteen teenagers taken from their homes. Eleven bodies recovered, each completely drained of blood. Some believe vampires are responsible, but Jon Barnett knows it's something far worse. To stop the killers in Taurin Bay, he becomes enmeshed in a web of black magic and realizes he needs help. But fate gives him only one choice in the form of recluse Madeline Smith.

Madeline Smith has retreated to an isolated farmhouse, afraid of the psychic abilities she can't control-abilities that have killed. But when "ghost" Jon Barnett brings a warning of danger and her nephew disappears, Maddie has to leave her haven. She also has to learn to control the abilities she fears and place her trust in Jon Barnett, a man who is neither human nor ghost.

But as the search for the teenagers becomes a race against time, and the noose of sorcery threatens to kill Maddie and Jon, the greatest danger to them both could be the feelings they have for each other-feelings that they refuse to acknowledge.

This is one of those books where you realise after 2 chapters you have actually read it! Didn’t stop me flying through it again and actually enjoyed more the second time round. Keri Arthur is one of those authors that just drags you into her worlds! She is a very good writer. This will go into my collection I’m determined to own all her books!
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake, #3)
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake, #3)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
126 of 250
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake book 3)
By Rachel Caine

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She can’t ignore a cry for help. But in this remote hunting town, it’s open season.

Gwen Proctor escaped her serial-killer husband and saved her family. What she can’t seem to outrun is his notoriety. Or the sick internet vigilantes still seeking to avenge his crimes. For Gwen, hiding isn’t an option. Not when her only mission is to create a normal life for her kids.

But now, a threatened woman has reached out. Marlene Crockett, from the remote town of Wolfhunter, is panicked for herself and her daughter. When Gwen arrives in the small, isolated rural community, Marlene is already dead—her own daughter blamed for the murder. Except that’s not the person Marlene feared at all. And Gwen isn’t leaving until she finds out who that was.

But it may already be too late. A trap has been set. And it’s poised to snap shut on everyone Gwen loves. Her stalkers are closing in. And in a town as dark as Wolfhunter, it’s so easy for them to hide…

Another brilliant book in the series I really really enjoyed it! Only one star off a 5 because I did find some bits a bit of a rush. I love the strong chap the kids are dealing with it all so much better. It’s just a shame we only have 2 books left knowing we’ll never get a 5th is heartbreaking. I have nothing but love for this author.
The City Revolts (Caitlin Chronicles #4)
The City Revolts (Caitlin Chronicles #4)
Daniel Willcocks, Michael Anderle | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
71 of 250
The City Revolts ( The Caitlin Chronicles book 4)
By Daniel Willcocks and Michael Anderle

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What can one woman do when a whole city wants to fight back?

Things are heating up in The Broken City. Accompanied by Kain, Mary-Anne, and Jaxon, Caitlin must work - and work fast - to stop both humans and Weres from destroying everything they've worked so hard to rebuild.

Danger approaches from every angle. The two factions of the city are ready to revolt. Nudged on by a crazed psychopath with unspoken power, Caitlin must pull together her full force to stop the city from crumbling.

The fate of the city rests on Caitlin's shoulders, and the last thing she wants to do is fail...

Set within the wonder of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe, discover the chaos and insanity of the Age of Madness - a time when the world turned on its head, and nothing is as it appears...

I’m gutted to be giving it 2 stars as I’ve been loving this series but for some reason this one just didn’t grab me! I was struggling all the way through. I can’t quite put my finger on why I found it so hard to read or a little boring!
Please don’t be put off by personal opinions on this one book in a series of 5 as the ones before this I really enjoyed! I will be finishing the series and look forward to book 5 In the hope I enjoy it which I’m sure I will.
Blood in the Mirror (The Haunted Collection #3)
Blood in the Mirror (The Haunted Collection #3)
Ron Ripley | 2017 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
58 of 250
Blood in the Mirror ( Haunted Collection book 3)
By Ron Ripley

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Stefan Korzh is at it again, and while Ivan's deadly ghost has thrown a wrench into his son's plans, the spiteful road to revenge continues. More haunted items from the family's notorious collection are appearing with new owners. Worst of all is a pen possessing an inviting glimmer that can destroy whoever spills its demonic ink.

Jeremy Rhinehart and Victor Daniels are in a desperate rush to stop the mayhem, and seem to be headed in the right direction...but somehow, the closer they get, the harder things become. And they are slowly finding that they're not the only ones who want Stefan dead.

As the histories of the possessed collectibles continue to reveal themselves, more objects emerge, and old family secrets are contained within the elegant ridges of the compact mirror. Everything hangs in the balance, and it's up to Victor to discard his tragic demons and stop Stefan before the streets are lined with more bodies.

But as Victor and Jeremy continue their quest against evil, they discover a terrifying force lurking in their midst. Nothing is ever as it seems....

This was my favourite so far! The walls are closing in on Stefan from all sides. This one was saw a Goblin gone crazy and oh no Anne is on the loose but where? We saw Jeremys demise (though I’m thinking not for long) leaving poor Victor with another death to avenge. Looking forward to book 4.
Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Katie Carys | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
110 of 250
Death be Shifted ( Terra Vane book 6)
By Katie Carys

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Previously published under the author name of Katie Epstein...

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. I have visions, and so far they’ve helped us track down almost half of the Portiside Prison escapees. After admitting my feelings to my partner, things are better than ever, but at the same time I've just found out that I might not be completely... human. I suppose you’ve got to take the good with the bad, and as for the ugly – I just promised a friend I’d travel to the Shifter Lands to track a predator, one that is hunting and killing the natives, his kin.

But proud, stubborn and highly secretive, wolf shifters are not known for their hospitality. Getting into their lands will be a struggle, getting answers will be a challenge, and getting assistance will be almost impossible. But I know how important family is, and I gave my word. Whatever is attacking the wolf shifters of Caladonia Moor, it’s dangerous, and I have a feeling we’re going to have one hell of a fight on our hands.

I just love reading this series! Each one it just gets better. Full of action, it has these amazing friendships building as well as a beautiful well written relationship that doesn’t over cloud everything else. Kinda getting pissed of with Cole’s attitude and that of his family there is definitely something going on there that I’m sure Terra will uncover!
Well recommended to anyone that want an addictive series that’s well written!
Into the Deep
Into the Deep
Aspen Winters | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
106 of 250
Into the Deep
By Aspen Winters

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The Ocean hides many secrets, and my family has uncovered one of them.

My name is Coralee Eldimire and I was dragged into the secrets my family has been keeping from me. The Eldimire Aquarium and Animal Sanctuary, was more than that. It was a testing site.

A testing site for shifters. The place I thought was made by hard work and passion was actually made by torture and the deaths of creatures I never knew existed.

I found this out the hard way that these shifters are more than they seem. They aren’t mindless or monsters...they were something more. The shark shifters that I had gotten to know only want one thing: freedom and I was their way out. Though it seemed they wanted me for more than an escape route.

These shifters wanted to keep me, and I was starting to have a hard time saying no. With my family trying to keep the shifters or kill them, I have my work cut out for me...and I may learn to be a stronger person on the way.

Ok shark shifters? Thank god finally for shifter fans this is a bonus to have one of the animals species finally covered! I really enjoyed the book and really hoping we get more as I can find much info on her coming books! Fingers crossed she will write more following this lead! I’d be quite disappointed if she didn’t!
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Ivy Ash | 2020 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High book 1)
By Ivy Fox

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I had their love once.

They saw me for the girl I am and the person I yearn to become one day—a woman who thrives in her freedom and dances away in her rightfully earned independence.

They saw all the strong, unafraid parts of me, and coaxed each one of them out, daring me to dream bigger, climb higher.

They never once saw the girl I had been groomed to see in the mirror.

The abandoned daughter of a dead man.

The unwanted child of a woman who despised her.

The broken body formed wrong and built on a shaky foundation, threatening to fall apart and shatter.

They made all the ugliness disappear and left only wonder and promise. The love we shared for each other was probably the only miracle I would be granted in this life, and I knew they felt the same.

Or so I thought.

Everything I held dear has been robbed from me, and I’ve been a victim of theft too many times to mention.

I will not have them steal my pride.

They can keep my heart, for all I care.

The day they became my stepbrothers, it stopped working anyway.

Well that was so much better than I thought it was going to be! I do love Ivy’s books. This was brilliant I didn’t put it down. So much has happened and we haven’t hit the school yet! The epilogue was sooo good!
The Disappeared (Jenny Cooper #2)
The Disappeared (Jenny Cooper #2)
M.R Hall | 2010 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Disappeared ( Coroner Jenny Cooper book 2)
By Matthew Hall

Review via Smashbomb! Link posted in commenonce read.

Two missing students. One sinister cover-up.

Two young British students, Nazim Jamal and Rafi Hassan vanish without a trace. The police tell their parents that the boys had been under surveillance, that it was likely they left the country to pursue their dangerous new ideals. Seven years later, Nazim's grief-stricken mother is still unconvinced. Jenny Cooper is her last hope.

Jenny is finally beginning to settle into her role as Coroner for the Severn Valley; the ghosts of her past that threatened to topple her, banished to the sidelines once more. But as the inquest into Nazim's disappearance gets underway, the stink of corruption and conspiracy becomes clear . . .

As the pressure from above increases, a code of silence is imposed on the inquest and events begin to spiral out of all control, pushing Jenny to breaking point. For how could she have known that by unravelling the mysteries of the disappeared, she would begin to unearth her own buried secrets?

I enjoyed this book so much! I really connected with Jenny I found a lot of common ground with her and with the two surrounding cities of Birmingham and Bristol! I sometimes struggle when a male author writes a female lead but Hall does it brilliantly! The story was interesting it kept you gripped from the start. The struggle for Jenny is balancing her being a mother with her high powered career all while having mental health issues caused by real life situations! I genuinely couldn’t put it down!