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The Line Becomes a River
The Line Becomes a River
Francisco Cantú | 2018 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Haunting, disturbing, an essential read
This novel is beautiful, fiercely honest, while being deeply empathetic, looking at those who police the Mexican-American border, and the migrants who risk and lose their lives crossing it. In a time of often ill-informed or downright deceitful political rhetoric, this book is an invaluable corrective.

The book follows author Francisco Cantu while he was a US Border Patrol agent from 2008 to 2012. Working the desert at the remote crossroads of drug routes and smuggling corridors, tracking humans through blistering days and frigid nights across a vast terrain. Hauling in the dead and detaining the exhausted, Cantu is plagued by nightmares, opting in the end to abandon his position. Line Becomes a River is a timely look at this arbitrary landscape, bringing home to us the destruction that US policy inflicts on countless lives, and the violence it wreaks on the humanity of us all.
In December 1938, an FBI investigation into the smuggling activities of Albert Chaperau has reached the doors of Paramount, where Edith Head is the head of costumes. Since Lillian Frost was at the dinner party where Albert was exposed, she finds herself involved in attempts to head off the investigation. Meanwhile, Lillian is also looking into the disappearance of Jens Lahse. No one has seen him for a week. Where could he have gone?

This book plunges us into the world of old Hollywood, and doesn’t let us out. Real and fictional blend seamlessly on the page, all of them coming to wonderful life. The book takes time to lay the foundation of both stories and introduce the characters, but once that happens, it is off and running and hard to put down. Add in a touch of Christmas, and you have a very charming book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Rache (174 KP) rated Wine and Crime in Podcasts

Dec 13, 2018  
Wine and Crime
Wine and Crime
Comedy, News & Politics, Society & Culture
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Little known and interesting crimes (4 more)
Hilariously funny
Great research
Minnesota accents
Nice Pahps!
Wine and Crime - Best Cocktail Ever!
A hilariously funny combination of crazy crimes, three childhood friends from Minnesota, and wine. Lots and lots of wine.
With wine reviews, a "background and psychology" section, and at least two crimes per show, these girls discuss a variety of crimes from murders in crazy places, and murders for bizarre reasons, to the smuggling of horse genitals. There really is something for absolutely everyone, although the easily offended should probably exercise caution.
With over 90 episodes, live shows around the US, and their attendance at Crime Con, these three amazing women provide hours upon hours of incredible ear fodder, brain soup, giggle muscle aperitifs and gag-reflex beverages (yeah, maybe stretched that analogy a bit far). Still, the podcast is fascinating, nausea-inducing, hysterically funny, and utterly addictive, and will have you saying "nice pahp" faster than you think.
The Boys Volume 8:  Highland Laddie
The Boys Volume 8: Highland Laddie
Garth Ennis | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If Irvine Welsh wrote Oor Wullie
Highland Laddie sees Hughie leave The Boys and head home to his Maw and Paw for some peace and quiet. He soon finds that his home town has barely changed and the nostalgia wears off quite quickly.
It turns out Hughie was something of an amateur detective in his youth, and stopped a minor smuggling ring. He starts to uncover something again in this story, while also being unknowingly mentored over his troubles by a mysterious gentleman.
This story is hilarious, and like a cross between an Irvine Welsh/Chris Brookmyre book and an issue of Oor Wullie/The Beano. The old Scots angle (wee dugs, mince and tatties, everything being braw), combined with more modern Scottish ideas (inventive swearing and heroin) makes for a laugh-out-loud tale. We also see Hughie start to come to terms with the revelation from the previous volume, and consider rejoining The Boys.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Crisis (2021) in Movies

Feb 19, 2021  
Crisis (2021)
Crisis (2021)
2021 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Worth it just for Oldman
Crisis is a 2021 film from write, director and producer Nicholas Jarecki, who previously brought us 2012's Arbitrage starring Richard Gere. Crisis is a story about drugs, namely opioids, and follows three separate yet related narratives about opioids and their impact on US society. There's an undercover DEA agent posing as a drug trafficker arranging a Fentanyl smuggling operation between Canada and the US (Armie Hammer), a recovering addict architect determined to track down those responsible for her son's involvement in narcotics (Evangeline Lilly), and a university professor (Gary Oldman) who's research laboratory uncovers dangerous revelations about a new drug that they've been paid to research by a very influential drug company and their executives (Luke Evans).

The main purpose of Crisis appears to be highlighting two entirely juxtaposed real life issues with opioids - the illegal smuggling and import of street drugs and the completely legal yet questionable drugs introduced by drug companies with full support of the government. For most, neither of these stories should be particularly surprising as they're fairly common knowledge and have been featured in countless films and documentaries over the years, although I think this may be the first time the two stories have been shown together in a film. And for Crisis this really works - showing the two contrasting issues makes for a more interesting and unique story rather than concentrating solely on one that we've seen many times before, especially as its split into three separate narratives.

However, the problem with Crisis is that not all of the narratives are as engaging as intended. Evangeline Lilly puts in a wonderful and emotional performance as architect and mother Claire, but her narrative becomes a little unrealistic as she becomes bent on revenge at those responsible for involving her son in the drugs underworld. And unfortunately Armie Hammer's narrative as undercover federal agent Jake is nothing original, with a smuggling operation and drugs bust that we've seen in many other films, some of which I'm afraid have done it a lot better. The most interesting narrative though is that of Gary Oldman as Dr Tyrone Brower, whose struggle over whether to tell the truth about a new dangerous drug or take the money from his drug company employers is a surprisingly thrilling morality tale. It's helped by a superb turn from Oldman himself and a wonderful supporting role from Greg Kinnear (who I've adored since 1997's As Good As It Gets), and the verbal sparring scenes between Brower and Kinnear's university Dean are probably the best in the film. It's a shame however that Luke Evans isn't given as much to do with his part in this narrative, even with his questionable American accent.

The biggest problem I had with all of the narratives is that unlike similar films that intertwine related narratives that eventually intersect dramatically (think 2006's Best Picture Oscar winner Crash), the narratives here don't all come together in the way I was expecting, which was rather disappointing.
Cinematography-wise, director and writer Jarecki does a good job as the film looks and feels good, and really highlights the US and Canadian settings. The soundtrack only adds to the overall tense and suspenseful feel of the film, although it does feature the typical pulsing, drum beat style that seems to be standard for a modern thriller. And the script, while possibly a little clichéd especially around the drugs bust and smuggling, is good and with his supporting acting role as Jake's fellow DEA agent Stan, Nicholas Jarecki could be one to watch in future.

Overall, Crisis is a good thriller that tells the story of well-known drug issues in a different way and does well in highlighting real life concerns. For the most part it succeeds in bringing an interesting set of narratives together for a fairly gripping albeit slightly long film, and despite my preconceptions about how its intersecting storylines should play out, it is an enjoyable watch, although for the most part thanks to the talents of Gary Oldman.
Rapscallion (Matthew Hawkood, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in James McGee's <i>Hawkwood</i> series of novels, this see Matthew Hawkwood sent undercover to the prison Hulks to investigate both the escape of several prisoners, and the disappearance of those sent previously to track them down.

Again taking factual history as its starting point (life on the prison Hulks, and the activities of the Free Traders (i.e. Smugglers)), the plot builds up to include those afore-mentioned smuggling rings, and a little bit of sea battle (a first in the series). It's also a first that the majority of this novel takes place away from London!

I do have to say, however, that even more so than the first two books, I found this one to be very remniscient of one of the Sharpe books from the 90s - have a look at <i>Sharpe's Company</i> (in particular) to see what I mean! That's not to say I din't enjoy it - I did - but just that, to me, elements of the plot seemed very familiar
The Informer (2019)
The Informer (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
good story (0 more)
odd pacing (0 more)
Pete Koslow, an ex-convict finds himself working for the FBI as an informer who has infiltrated a large Polish drug smuggling ring. When a delivery goes bad Pete finds that both the FBI and the Polish gang want him to go back to prison to do one last job.
I have to admit, I didn't really know what to expect from this film, I’d seen the trailer once but that was all, but I was bored and it was the only film I could get to on time so I’m happy to say that I really enjoyed this. The film runs at quite a fast pace with building tensions and emotional family scenes. The plot isn't overly complicated but is interesting enough to keep you entertained. The Informer also doesn't rely on lots of blood and gore. The only real downside was, due to the pacing, it's some times hard to keep track of how long something g has taken, for example I found it hard to tell how long the events in prison had taken.
Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Rachel Caine | 2015 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ink and Bone was probably one of those books where I originally wasn’t 100% sold on reading it when it came out – it wasn’t something I thought I would enjoy not like I enjoyed the Weather Warden and Outcast Season books and although it’s taken me over a year to get round to reading it I have to say I’m certainly glad that I did.

For those of you who have never read Rachel Caine’s other books this is probably as good a place as any to start however if you have read her other stuff but haven’t read this yet? Get in there.

So Ink and Bone is set in a Dystopian universe where the Great Library of Alexandria was never destroyed and books are like gold dust (they should be anyway but this a whole new level of obsession) smugglers and Burners abound in this alternate reality and The Library hold all the cards. Real books are taken by the Library for archiving and they’re replicated into a new form called a blank – which is basically a copy of a book in particular.

The story starts with Jess Brightwell doing a run for a customer as per orders from his father – the head of one of the biggest smuggling rings in London – where an original copy of a book is to be delivered to the buyer no questions asked. As a young child Jess is – as expected – pretty impressionable but he also retains his own sense of purpose and sense of right and wrong unlike his twin brother. The “client” who requested the rare book is actually an ink-licker – a book eater – and Jess witnesses the ink-licker devouring this rare one of a kind book and he loses his flagging appreciation for the smuggling trade altogether.

His father makes a good point to Jess by accusing him of having ink in his blood as Jess has a bigger appreciation for the books he’s supposed to be smuggling than the family business. His twin -ok the other hand – is the exact opposite and loves being a smuggler and criminal. The ink-licker ends up dying due to a knife in the back and we find out later on that Brendon (Jess’s twin) potentially did it.

Jess’s father buys him a position into the Library testing to become a Scholar and so begins the story of Jess and the Library.

Jess is out through a series of gruelling tests and to be perfectly honest I think the worst of the lot is putting up with his stuck up roommate Dario but Jess prevails throughout these tests and the trials he and the other postulants go through – including a few near death (and certain death) experiences – Jess is a success even if his tutor is aware of his past and family connections.

I loved the writing style as it’s just so Rachel Caine and her work always keeps me intrigued. I also loved the potential (pretty sure and I ship it) relationship between Scholar Wolfe and Captain Santi, it’s got a very good and very clear backdrop and love is love – adore it.

Some of the other postulants were a little unlikeable at first but they did grow on me and the best postulant besides Jess is Thomas and man is he wicked smart.

I also didn’t like the Artifex Magnus – he just came across as totally slimy and 100% “I’ll do anything to make sure the Library stays in power” attitude and I mean anything.

It was all around a very good book with some good and humourous dialogue but also the very serious side to it in terms of the war between the English and the Welsh and the war between the Library and the Burners. Now Burners are a very interesting concept and I can’t wait to see where the next book Paper and Fire takes the series.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Roma, Underground in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Roma, Underground
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roma Underground is done well. The author start out with a woman we meet as Bianca N. We do learn a little about her past. Her name is mentioned, as Alabaster Black. You may think well, is that her real name or not? We also meet up with Dante, Alessandro, Farrugia and Gennaro. We also run into a few more people along the way.

What out a bit of a boring start with this story. It does get much better. Somehow this group gets involved with a smuggling artifact. Why is Bianca recruited by “Rendition”? Who are they, and what do they want?

Though you do not know how this group gets brought in to start a hoax? You will just be wandering in the world is going on and what it roughly about. Someone is stealing artifacts or art artifacts that have been going missing. The hoax is started by an idea that is shared by Dante.

You do go about learning about Roma Underground and what happens there along the history of Rome. I can not wait to find out what to happen next in the next book named “Wasp Nest.” This book is worth the reading and it offers so much more.
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Naomi Novik | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
On paper this book ticks all the boxes for one that I should like: Alternate history, historical setting and dragons.

Unfortunately the reality for me fell well short fo what I felt could be acheived. This is the first book by Novik I have read and perhaps starting at number 6 means I am missing something, but this just failed to gel.

The concept of the dragons being a reality and influencing history was one that was easy to grasp but so very little was done with it. The dragons themselves are quite dull - far from the spectacular beast of legend they have little interesting to do and virtually no personality. There is also not a great deal of plot strung out very thinly involving a chase across Australia, but it takes so long to get going and the chase is repettitive and didn't capture my imagination.

There are some sparks of good ideas here - the smuggling, the political issues in Sydney (caused by the governer - a certain Captain Bligh) - but they end up undeveloped and drowned by the plodding narrative which doesn't seem to want to examine anything that doesn't involve the dragons.

The central idea may have promise in other books of the series, just not this one. Sorry Naomi