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The Shell
The Shell
Jenni Boyd | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nicole Fysh is a conchologist, she studies shells. When her friends send her pictures of themselves diving, she sees something in the pictures that could make history. But if this shell is really what she believes it is, she can't possibly be the only one looking for it. She hops the next flight to join her friends, and find out if this shell is exactly what she thinks.

The Shell is full of twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat. I never knew that shells were such a hot commodity. This book definitely will have me taking a closer look at the shells I come across on my vacation this summer.

In Nicole's search for the shell, she comes across quite a few people who are also on the hunt. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on the rare treasure. From murder, smuggling, and purgery, nearly anything. Nicole goes on quite a journey herself, suffering along the way.

Jenni Boyd give another enjoyable mystery. This so far has been my favorite. There are twists you don't see coming and surprises around every corner. You don't know who you can trust and if the truth will ever come out. I recommend this for all looking for a great thriller this summer.
Roma, Underground
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: Roma Underground by Gabriel Valjan (Blog Tour) Roma Underground is done well. The author starts out with a woman we meet as Bianca N. We do learn a little about her past. Her name is mentioned, as Alabaster Black. You may think well, is that her real name or not? We also meet up with Dante, Alessandro, Farrugia and Gennaro. We also run into a few more people along the way.
What out a bit of a boring start with this story. It does get much better. Somehow this group gets involved with a smuggling artifact. Why is Bianca recruited by “Rendition”? Who are they, and what do they want?
Though you do not know how this group gets brought in to start a hoax? You will just be wandering in the world is going on and what it roughly about. Someone is stealing artifacts or art artifacts that have been going missing. The hoax is started by an idea that is shared by Dante.
You do go about learning about Roma Underground and what happens there along the history of Rome. I can not wait to find out what to happen next in the next book named “Wasp Nest.” This book is worth the reading and it offers so much more.
The Mechanical
The Mechanical
Ian Tregillis | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mechanical surprised me. The first few chapters were hard to get into. It was so different than anything I’ve read. I’m not a fan of historical fiction (even if it is supernatural or steampunk) but I gave this book a chance based on a recommendation from a friend. I’m so glad I did.

The Mechanical is a wild ride through the lives of three characters; a catholic priest pretending to be protestant and smuggling information to New France, a female spy known in the legends as The Tallyrand, and Jax, the mechanical in question. The characters stories intertwine together to create a rich well-developed adventure of excitement, love, treachery, betrayal, and euphoric freedom. The book looks you in the eye and challenges the idea of free will, religion, and the tendency for us to believe everything the government wants us to believe.

In the beginning, I found the narrator hard to listen to, maybe because of his pacing, and steady non-fluctuating voice. But as I got more and more into the story, learned more about this world and what was going on, fell in love and hatred with the characters, I appreciated the way he read more. It worked for the characters and for the story.

I am super excited for the rest of this series and highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a well thought out story. Ages 17 + for some violence and sexual scenes.
American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Barry Seal is officially a pilot for TWA. Unofficially he also smuggles a few cigars around. Until the CIA catch him in the act. Now he's unofficially smuggling more than cigars, and not just for the CIA.

The adverts for this made it look like quite a good film, and I honestly couldn't believe that this actually happened. Well, I sort of can, but still.

I'm not a massive fan of Tom Cruise, I think possibly because all of his films I've seen don't give him much variation from who he is, but this one was different. It kind of made me feel he was the Del Boy of America. Always looking for a quick buck and a little bit bumbling. Even if it was on a much bigger scale. I don't quite think that Del Boy would have done well with cartels.

As is the way in Hollywood the story has been tweaked to suit the cinematic needs. Since writing the paragraph above I have read a bit more about Barry Seal and it seems the films as made him a bit more shiny for the purposes of marketing. And by that I mean that it sounds as if he wasn't quite as innocent at the beginning as the film makes it appear. But, that just from reading a few articles, I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

An enjoyable films though, that kind of made you root for the "bad guy".
The Mule (2018)
The Mule (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Verdict: Simple & Enjoyable

Story: The Mule starts as Earl Stone (Eastwood) a horticulturist that has spend too much of his life on the road away from his family, missing the major events in his family’s life. After he doesn’t cope with the changes in the market, he is left with nothing and looking like failing his granddaughter Ginny (Farmiga), only for her fiancée Mike (Freeman) offer him a chance to just drive.
With Earl taking the job, it turns out he has been transporting drugs, with Agent Colin Bates (Cooper) and Agent Trevino (Pena) trying to track down anyone smuggling drugs across the border. How long can Earl keep this up before he gets caught, even though he is spending the money on helping the community.

Thoughts on The Mule

Characters – Earl is a horticulturist, he has spent his whole life in this business, which has seen him sacrifice major family events, making him distant to most of his family. He loses his job and is given a chance to become a driver for a cartel, which he soon becomes the most successful in the industry he even gives the money back to the community he has seen struggle for years. Mary is the ex-wife that has finally become tired of the let downs that Earl has left the family with. Ginny is the granddaughter that has been promised money and doesn’t care as long as her grandfather is willing to be there for her on the big days. Agent Bates is fresh to the force he is tasked to try and stop the smuggling and spends most of the time trying to learn about the new mysterious mule for the cartel.
Performances – Clint Eastwood is a joy to watch in this film, he comes off like an everyday older person that just wants to be willing to help people around his life, even though he is filled with regret about his family life. Bradley Cooper doesn’t really get too much time to shine or do anything in his role, while the rest of the cast don’t seem to get that much time to show off their characters.
Story – The story here that follows a retirement aged, he has worked his whole life and ends up becoming a drug mule for a cartel, which sees him becoming one of the most wanted men in America. This is based on a real man that took this role because he enjoyed driving, he isn’t like anybody else they have worked for, but his style makes him harder to track down. The story does use the themes of regretting losing time in life which is clear in the behaviour from Earl along the way. We do have a few plot holes with how the cartel carry out their jobs, because this just seems to end, without any consequences, why would they give up the success they were having too.
Crime – The crime side of the film does feel like just somebody casually taking part in the drug mule business, he is only ever put to a test once he needs to decide his own future.
Settings – The film uses the settings to show the locations that Earl stops along the way, which does make him harder to track.

Scene of the Movie – The last run.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Nothing seems to happen to the cartel.
Final Thoughts – This is an easy to watch crime story that shows just how one person can casually commit crimes without anybody noticing them.

Overall: Easy Watch.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Nowhere To Run in Books

Oct 24, 2021 (Updated Oct 24, 2021)  
Nowhere To Run
Nowhere To Run
James Oswald | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third instalment in the Constance Fairchild series and yet another that doesn't disappoint. You don't have to have read any of the other 2 books but I would suggest you do because it gives insight into Constance's story and you won't regret it. Nowhere to Run provides some of the back story and history but it can only touch upon it otherwise it would be a tome!

I think I can safely say that I'm a fan of James Oswald's work and I particularly like his character DC Constance Fairchild, otherwise known as Con. She is one tough cookie and this is shown in all its glory here.

It starts off pretty sedately with Con recuperating in an isolated cottage in Wales but, as is the case with Con, trouble seems to find her regardless of whether she is in the centre of London or in the middle of nowhere! Here she is getting embroiled in a smuggling operation on the Welsh coastline - you just know from the very beginning that things aren't going to go well for Con but little do we know just how bad.

Once again, Mr Oswald creates fantastic characters even ones of the four legged variety; I absolutely loved Gelert the deerhound who embodies the phrase "[wo]man's best friend" and I guarantee you will want a Gelert in your life albeit without the flatulence!

With action from the start, numerous scenes of peril and suspense all wrapped up perfectly in a plot which mixes contemporary themes with Welsh folklore and a touch of the unexplained, this is a book that I have no hesitation in recommending.

Thank you Headline and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
True story (5 more)
Quick read
Very humorous
Mark Sonna
Heart-warming anecdotes
"Where are they now" section
A true tale of how an American mom made a life in Mexico
Contains spoilers, click to show
A true tale of how an American mom moves from Illinois to Mexico with her two youngest sons in tow.
Lois Sonna (aka Batman) is tired of trying to be the kind of wife her husband expects her to be. She realizes this is not who she is and wishes to be free from the antiquated views of marriage and wifedom that her husband has.
She leaves her 4 children with her mother and heads for Mexico on Easter weekend and ends up securing a job and housing in Irapuato, Mexico.
She returns to the US to get her two youngest children and promptly heads back to Irapuato to move into their new apartment and report to work.
She soon discovers how different things are in Mexico from the battle to maintain more than 5 minutes of hot water, issues with plumbing, and the lack of American food choices to struggling to imbed some semblance of American culture in her childrens upbringing and making everything work out happily ever after in the end.
Due to unforseen (and not very well thought out) circumstances, she learns the Mexican ways of bribery and upcharging as well as taking advantage of the machismo culture of Mexico. This leads Lois to consider entering the world of smuggling goods from the US back into Mexico in order to make ends meet.
The memoir was written by Lois's oldest and only daughter, Linda Sonna, who recieved letters every week from her mother. The original manuscript was presented in letter form, but later changed to flow more like a story, with much of the writing taken verbatim directly from the letters.
This is a heart-warming, laugh out loud, and sometimes ridiculous story that can only be made sense of because it really happened.
Zall's Captain (Planetary Submissives #3)
Zall's Captain (Planetary Submissives #3)
Amber Kell | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third and, so far, final book in the Planetary Submissives series and speaking of the series as a whole, I have loved how each story has gone. With only a touch or hint of BDSM and a storyline designed to tease and titillate whilst giving the reader the HEA, these books have been wonderful. Perfect for those coffee breaks when you want something steamy to read without being the equivalent of War & Peace.

In this story, we meet again with Zall, who is still on the ship that Chalice put him on. He has found his own niche amongst the crew - sort of - but wishes he had something more. Everyone just sort of puts up with him because of his connection to the Emperor. When the new Captain arrives on the ship, the lust is instantaneous but Zall is determined to never put himself in the thrall of anyone else again. Mixed in with this is a smuggling plot, abduction and attempted murder. Will Danner and Zall be able to come to a mutually agreeable arrangement and stay alive long enough to enjoy it?

Full of fun, frolics and yearning, this was a wonderful read from the start. Zall makes an observation about Prince Chalice that runs true for the series - the Pet may be the one wearing the collar, but he is also the one holding the leash. It doesn't matter who is called what, if the role they have is changeable or fixed, so long as the couple is happy and content with that, that's good enough for me.

Whilst these books may not be suited to everyone as they are not 'hardcore', I have personally loved each and every one and would love to read more in this series. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 17, 2015

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Figurine in Books

Nov 20, 2023  
The Figurine
The Figurine
Victoria Hislop | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I do love Victoria Hislop books, and in The Figurine I was transported back to Greece in the 1960’s with dictators ruling and a young girl, Helena, visiting her affluent grandparents on her own. Her grandfather is authoritarian, aloof, and never really connects with his granddaughter, but her grandmother clearly adores her. Through these summer visits, Helena grows to love Greece, even if she never manages to form a relationship with her grandfather.

As she gets older, Helena goes to university, meets a man who convinces her to go on archaeological digs on Greek Islands, and she then discovers antiques in her grandparents flat after their deaths - antiques that should not be owned by a private collector at all. These antiques are not acquired under legitimate means, and just how they were acquired soon becomes very clear to Helena. With the help of some Greek friends she is able to start the process of returning the valuable antiques to their rightful owners - the Greek people.

There is still the matter of a dodgy, antique smuggling boyfriend to deal with, and to do so involves the help of friends in London. So this story goes between London and Greece - and believe me when I say that Greece is painted in a much more favourable light than London. Everything seems grey and cold in London, and Greece is all sunshine and warmth. I know where I would rather be.

I love how Hislop writes about Greece: she’s clearly a Hellenophile, and why wouldn’t she be?! It’s a beautiful country. And when the matter of an ancient figurine comes up (that of the title of the book), we see how important even the smallest piece of Greece’s history is to the country as a whole.

Another gorgeous book from Victoria Hislop - a good one to read during the dull winter months that we have coming our way!

Read on The Pigeonhole.

theVman (16 KP) rated Fellside in Books

Jun 3, 2017  
M.R. Carey | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Main Character (1 more)
Short Chapters
Unnecessarily long (2 more)
The subplot was better than the Main Plot
Supporting Characters not given enough development
About 200 pages too long
After M.R Carey blew me away with the novel THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS i couldn't wait to read the follow up FELLSIDE. Unfortunately i was left a little disappointed, the opening was great setting up the character of Jess Moulson and why and how she has ended up in Fellside Womens prison. But once the opening court case and transfer to Fellside was complete it became a bit lackluster, with the introduction of prison politics, unrounded and redundant characters and Ghosts. Yes Ghosts! the Supernatural element to the story actually makes it feel rather stupid when compared with the darkend side of humanity the reside in the prison.

The book is approximately 500 pages long and i felt like it was a 300 page story dragged out. However if you stick with it the pay is worth it for the best part. Unfortunately the actual climax itself was an absolute mess. I found that about half way through the book i stopped caring about the main plot which focused on the supernatural part and Jess and her promise to the ghost of the little boy she has killed, and i became more interested in the subplots, involving drug smuggling, re-trials and a potential friendship/relationship with her lawyers assistant. I found that we are given some extensive time to characters who are the medical staff in the prison which proved to be way way too much for the relative small role they actual play in the story, and characters that i would have thought would have been more prominent and created much more interesting reading such as Jess' boyfriend John, her cell mate and the Prison Warden were never really fleshed out and barely anything more than inanimate object being pushed in place.

I did enjoy Jess Moulson as a main character, she is presented as a timid, repentant, emotionally and defiantly physically scarred and M.R Carey did make her a stereotypical drop out waster drug user or loud mouth bully inmate and think that is the strong credit here. Her situation does dictate her actions and decisions greatly but unfortunately it does seem like she is the only character that has that depth to her.