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    Chaos Legends

    Chaos Legends


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    The Rise of Dragon Tide Update will bring brand new school and gameplay to our fans! Are you ready...

    Taichi Panda

    Taichi Panda


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    The drumbeat echoes the hearts of a legion of brave warriors ready to defend their beloved Avzar...

    Taichi Panda: Heroes

    Taichi Panda: Heroes


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    The earth-shaking roar of the Lion Lord heralds a new chapter in the legend of Nozwot. The King of...

The Daughter's Secret
The Daughter's Secret
Eva Holland | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
__ <b>2 Snail Paced Stars</b>

After reading some really positive reviews I must admit that I'm disappointed that I didn't enjoy this book more. The blurb sounded interesting and different to what I would usually go for but I'm very open minded when it comes to books.
What got to me the most about this book was that it was so very slow, my eyes would start to glaze over after every couple of pages, it would repeat itself and the jumping forwards and backwards in time got a bit confusing. The main characters were unique but others got swept under the rug and many questions were left unanswered. I would of liked to know more about Stephie's dad and why he was...well...the way he was.
If the mother wasn't so anxious and didn't question everything in life then I feel that we may not have had much of a story.
The prejudice towards tattooed people and the gothic subculture left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth...because they're just as bad as paedophiles right? <I>*Grumble*</I>

I didn't hate it but I didn't love it.
    Age of Wushu Dynasty

    Age of Wushu Dynasty


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    The beacon of war been out for a while, a series of new changes are coming to Jianghu now, the...