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Norman The Slug With The Silly Shell
Sue Hendra | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Norman is a slug that wants to be a snail so he can join in with his snail friends as he feels a bit left out. This is a really good read for children as it's very bright, colourful and a lot of fun. My daughter likes to count the piles of snails.
The Wailing Snail
The Wailing Snail
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wailing Snail by Claire Walker is a cute little rhyming book about a chain reaction caused by a little garden snail. It reminded me of a similar book by Dr. Seuss called Because a Little Bug Went KA-CHOO! but with a much darker ending.

 In a garden, a little snail wails so loudly that it causes a major chain reaction. This reaction at one point causes a cat to get mad at a bird and chase after it. Once the bird escapes it is so tired and exhausted that it goes in search of something to eat. The story then comes full circle with the bird finding the snail in the garden that started the whole thing in the first place. The snail then once again lets out a wail…

 I really liked the illustrations by Diane Bonham. They are cute with simple shapes and colors that ultimately do not overwhelm children. The subject matter of the page is always depicted in a way that draws full attention to it. The rhymes give the book a solid rhythm and the rhyming words being bold and all caps puts emphasis on them for learning and teaching points for new readers. What I did not like was that while the story comes full circle it dose so it a dark and almost morbid way with the bird eating the snail. The back of the book does hint at something bad happening so I might just be used to children’s books have a feel-good ending.

 The target readers for this book are young children, infants to toddler age range who would enjoy having this book read to them as the rhymes make it fun. Older toddlers and/or children just starting their first few years of school may question the ending. The ending is an interesting twist for adults though. I rate this book a 2 out of 4 because in the vast amount of children’s book available I would not go out of my way to recommend this book. At the same time, I also would not discourage anyone from it either, but I would warn them about the ending. This book sits firmly as a mid-range book, not good and not bad.
The Snail and the Whale
The Snail and the Whale
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Family
8.4 (12 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
It's Charm (0 more)
Couldn't fault it (0 more)
Another Julia Donaldson
This animation company saw great success animating the gruffalo, then the gruffalo's child and have continued the pattern until we are on Julia Donaldson's Snail and The Whale. Here we have characters true to the original illustrations gliding through incredibly animated water in this heartwarming story of a snail who lives on a rock but wants to see the world so gets a lift on the tail of a whale. It's made for small children and is full of innocence and charm and is very very watchable. What's makes Donaldson's books work is her charming simple stories but also her rhythm. The TV show keeps the rhythm but slows it right down to create a peaceful dream like film. They don't overcomplicated it, they just deliver the book and make it cute.
Death of a Bookseller
Death of a Bookseller
Alice Slater | 2023 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

I loved this book about two booksellers: Brogan (or Roach to her work colleagues) who has a fascination with all things true crime, and Laura, the object of Roach’s obsession.

To say Roach is obsessed with Laura would actually be an understatement, and she becomes increasingly creepy as the book goes on. To be fair, neither Roach or Laura are particularly likeable characters, but Roach and her rather questionable personal hygiene practices may just clinch it for me. Although she does have a pet giant land snail, so that may be her one redeeming feature 🐌

This is a really unsettling book, and I couldn’t find anything to like about either character (err, the snail was nice!) - even though I did try to feel sorry for Laura. She goes through a lot, and her background is traumatic.

I can see this being very popular and for good reason - it’s a great read!

Stalking Jack the Ripper
Stalking Jack the Ripper
Kerri Maniscalco | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not enjoy this book - it was a struggle .. 2 stars for just being a book and one that remotely had a plot and the blood and descriptions and photos were cool. The rest of it was NOT FUN and I DID NOT enjoy it.

It started off interesting, I thought it'd be cool, but it progressed slow like a snail and I wanted to sleep through it. It did not get exciting and I will definitely not be continuing this series - shame.

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Post (2017) in Movies

Jan 28, 2018 (Updated Jan 14, 2019)  
The Post (2017)
The Post (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Thriller
Woof, another overrated film nominated for awards this season. It wasn't riveting, as everyone has been suggesting. The friend I went with almost fell asleep in the middle. The pace was snail-like, and it really could have been edited down. I'm actually shocked Steven Spielberg did that disgusting, shaky cam crap, following the reporters through the newsroom. I almost vomited. The story was meh, the acting was meh, and I feel like people are rallying behind it because they think it's timely.
I wouldn't waste the time watching it again.
Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
big let down.
I had such high hopes for this film. I saw the trailer, I've seen clips, I really thought, "This is the Alfred Hitchcock film that is going to restore my belief in his abilities." And alas. I was let down immensely. This film moves at a snail pace with a shit ending. I don't know how else to put it. I just hated every minute of it. I literally had to stop watching on multiple occasions because it was bad and I couldn't bear to hold on and wait for something to happen. Again, Hitchcock's blatant savior complex and overall hatred for women is obvious through this film and it's just gross. It doesn't sit well, it doesn't age well, and I just don't like him.

Woman Without Fear
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***I won a copy of this book in a First to Read giveaway on Goodreads***

The story is about a shy woman named Trinity Silverman who, for reasons that are never fully explained, suffers from constant fear and anxiety. Despite this, her job is to go to trade conferences, and give presentations trying to sell her firm's financial software. Her companion when she travels is a snail named Speedy that she keeps in a small Plexiglas box. On one such business trip to Las Vegas, she meets a man in the hotel bar who works for a pharmaceutical company. He offers her some pills that he has developed, promising that they will take away all of her fears.

I had a few issues with this book. Conversations were sometimes strange, but it was originally written in French and translated into English, so that could be the reason for the odd dialog. I also had a problem with the way Trinity befriended a hotel maid who allowed her to dig through the garbage to retrieve the her lost pills. I didn't find their interaction and fast friendship at all believable. Most of all though, I was surprised at the amount of time spent on the snail who is not even mentioned in the book blurb. This was the first time I had ever read a novel told (at least in part) from a snail's point of view.

It ended abruptly, and somewhat confusingly, but it was only part 1 of the story. There are 4 more books, but the author's style and the unusual subject matter just didn't grab my interest enough to make me want to keep reading to find out what happens.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Suzanne Collins | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really looking forward to this book when I heard the synopsis. A prequel to The Hunger Game. The development of Snow and Panam. There were two speeds in this book: snail paced and space rocket. It was really nice that the author linked in aspects of the subsequent books and their origins, for example the Hanging Tree song and where the name Katnis came from. And I thought the origins of Coriolanus Snow was really interesting, but throughout the book I found it difficult to see how these series of events turned him into the character we see in The Hunger Games. If anything the events should have led to his character being a rebel and the reason described in this narrative seemed lazy. This could have been brilliant but for me as there was no clear character development to the Snow we see in The Hunger Game, it killed it for me
The Daughter's Secret
The Daughter's Secret
Eva Holland | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
__ <b>2 Snail Paced Stars</b>

After reading some really positive reviews I must admit that I'm disappointed that I didn't enjoy this book more. The blurb sounded interesting and different to what I would usually go for but I'm very open minded when it comes to books.
What got to me the most about this book was that it was so very slow, my eyes would start to glaze over after every couple of pages, it would repeat itself and the jumping forwards and backwards in time got a bit confusing. The main characters were unique but others got swept under the rug and many questions were left unanswered. I would of liked to know more about Stephie's dad and why he was...well...the way he was.
If the mother wasn't so anxious and didn't question everything in life then I feel that we may not have had much of a story.
The prejudice towards tattooed people and the gothic subculture left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth...because they're just as bad as paedophiles right? <I>*Grumble*</I>

I didn't hate it but I didn't love it.