A story of a father and son who Get Shipwrecked during the 18th century on a remote island shared by...
Disrupting Japan
Japanese startups are fundamentally changing Japan's society and economy. Disrupting Japan gives you...
Gyaan Ka Saagar
Welcome to Gyaan Ka Saagar (an Ocean of Knowledge), as we take you on a spiritual and religious...
Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures | PBS
Jean-Michel Cousteau and his expedition team set sail to explore dangerous and spectacular locales...
Les morues
The life of a circle of friends in their thirties, who meet regularly in a bar to remake the world....
Runaways Vol. 6: Parental Guidance
Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona
The return of the Pride! The secret super-villain society is back, but this all-new group isn't made...
Zardoz (1974)
Movie Watch
One man finds the secret his savage future society has kept for centuries and he has to out what to...
Spanish Football and Social Change: Sociological Investigations
In the past few decades, Spanish football has undergone a significant transformation, both on and...