Sofia Coppola: A Cinema of Girlhood
She has received numerous accolades including an Academy Award and two Golden Globes, and in 2004...

The Coppolas: A Family Business
Vincent Lobrutto and Harriet R. Morrison
This fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at a Hollywood dynasty offers an in-depth study of the...

More than any other director, Francis Coppola exemplifies the drive and invention of modern American...

The Virgin Suicides
Previously adapted into a critically acclaimed film by Sofia Coppola starring Kirsten Dunst, this is...

Directory of World Cinema: American Independent 3: Volume 3
This third volume of the successful Directory of World Cinema series to focus on American...

The Bling Ring: How a Gang of Fame-Obsessed Teens Ripped off Hollywood and Shocked the World
Published alongside the 2013 film The Bling Ring, directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Emma...
The Film Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to Film and the Film Industry
Ephraim Katz and Ronald Dean Nolen
Regarded as the undisputed Bible of the movie industry, Ephraim Katz's "The Film Encyclopedia" is...