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Happy Trails by Quicksilver Messenger Service
Happy Trails by Quicksilver Messenger Service
1969 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 189th greatest album of all time
Decent psychedelic rock. The first track is a 25-minute rendition of Bo Diddley's Who Do You Love, split into parts so that each band member gets a solo. This is fantastic at times, pretty self-centred and cringeworthy at others. There is then a cover of another Bo Diddley song, Mona (made famous by Craig McLachlan of Neighbours fame). A good listen, but maybe be ready to skip ahead 30 seconds now and then.


    8.0 (3 Ratings) Rate It

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    Marshall Bruce Mathers III, better known by his stage name Eminem (stylized as EMINƎM) and by his...


Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Elder Sign in Tabletop Games

Jul 16, 2019 (Updated Aug 21, 2019)  
Elder Sign
Elder Sign
2011 | Adventure, Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

Disclaimer: There are many expansions for Elder Sign. I do not have any of them, nor do I have any gameplay experience with any of them. If and when I do get them added into my base game, I will either amend this review or write a new one! – L

In Elder Sign, players take on the roles of Investigators who must use their supernatural knowledge and keen wit to seal dimensional portals and prevent the Ancient Ones from entering our world and destroying humanity. Just another day at the office, right? Players take turns rolling dice to fight monsters and complete adventures that will reward them with artifacts, health and/or sanity, clues, or even Elder Signs – the symbols necessary for sealing away the Ancient Ones for good. Be careful, though – if you fail to complete an adventure, you will be harshly punished! I’m talking losing health and sanity, accidentally summoning monsters, or even bringing the Ancient One one step closer to our world! As a solo game, Elder Sign plays the same way as it would in a group setting. The only difference is that the solo player cannot use the ‘Assisting’ ability because there are no other players who can offer you aid. Besides that, gameplay remains the same – even a lone Investigator can put their dice to good use to ward off evil!

I enjoy playing Elder Sign as a solo game. Although mostly dominated by dice rolling, there is a fair amount of strategy required for this game. I don’t feel like I’m mindlessly rolling dice – I have to decide which adventures are attainable with my given items, and which rewards benefit me the most in my overall task. There are rewards and consequences to be weighed with every decision, so action must be taken with great thought. Because of the strategic implications, Elder Sign keeps me thoroughly engaged, even when playing solo, and that’s one reason why I keep coming back to it.

On the flip side, one thing that isn’t my favorite about Elder Sign is its reliance on dice rolls to progress in the game. Yeah, I know, it’s a dice game – what did I expect? Sometimes, though, you just can’t roll to save your life (quite literally, in this game) and that can make the game frustrating to play. A series of poor rolls can feel like they completely negate any strategy you’ve enacted and can unravel your entire plan. On a good dice-rolling day for me, I love this game! On a not-so-good dice-rolling day, I find it a little harder to enjoy myself. But hey – if it was totally easy, it wouldn’t be fun, right? One positive of this, I guess, is that I always have to be adjusting my strategy to take the current dice into account. I can’t just pick one strategy and run with it since almost all outcomes are dependent on the luck of the roll! Elder Sign keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure.

I got Elder Sign from Travis as a birthday present last year, and it has been a good addition to my collection. There is enough going on to keep me engaged the entire game, but not so much that I feel overwhelmed. And yeah, maybe I’m not always the greatest dice-roller, but that just makes me adapt my strategy to deal with the current situation. I have read that adding expansions makes the game even more enjoyable, and hopefully one of these days I’ll get to experience that for myself. For the time being, though, I’m content with the base game. If you enjoy Elder Sign, I recommend you try it solo – it doesn’t feel any different to play, and I think you’ll enjoy it just as much as a group game!
Elite Dangerous Legendary Edition
Elite Dangerous Legendary Edition
2016 | Action/Adventure
A beautiful, to-scale galaxy to explore (2 more)
Lots of ways to choose your path
Lessons are learned the hard way
Lessons are learned the hard way (1 more)
Online connection required, even for solo play
The various systems at play, including flight mechanics, are just complicated enough to be believable, while not hindering gameplay. It also helps that the game looks gorgeous, and runs solidly.
Critic - Paulmichael Contreras
Original Score : 9 out of 10

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Wmjp (1 KP) rated MU Legends in Video Games

Feb 17, 2019  
MU Legends
MU Legends
2017 | Massively Multiplayer
Gameplay (7 more)
Side quests and area quests
Auction House
Extra gameplay eg Cards, Pets and more
Item upgrading
Fast loading times
Rift dungeons can be done with parties or solo
Selectable rift difficulties
Not well known (0 more)
RPMMO fantastic game.. Progressing is fun rather than a grind
Absolute gem of a find this was.. I had just lost my battle. Net account and needed a new game to forget the 10+years just lost and this game did just that.. I don't even care about wow anymore ??
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Better than expected
I was apprehensive to watch this one as Han Solo is my favorite Star Wars character. I thought it would not be done very well. I was pleasantly surprised. While not the best Star Wars movie out there, it holds it's own and does justice to the characters it portrays. With plenty of action, cool effects and a decent "origins" storyline this movie didn't disappoint me. Fun for the whole family and a film any fan of the franchise should enjoy. Worth a watch.

Ryan Lick (16 KP) rated Root in Tabletop Games

Jul 21, 2019  
2018 | Animals, Fantasy
4 separate factions each with its own mechanics. War vs Economic hybrid game. And, the art and components are top notch. (0 more)
Lots of micro rules (0 more)
Root, not my final rating/review.
This rating could possibly change later due to the fact I'm having a hard time getting it to the table. My gaming group is not interested except for 1. So I'm having to learn it solo to play with other member. Kind of a drag considering it was #1 indy game of 2018.
    Gurú Andino

    Gurú Andino

    Weather and Travel

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    Toda la información sobre el Paso Cristo Redentor. Clima y Estado de la ruta. Gurú Andino es la...