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This book was fantastic in its complexity. I have never read a book by Carla Laureano before, even though I know she is a well-known Christian Fiction romance author. I just have not picked up her books. Now I am definitely going back and reading them. In this fantasy novel, I found so much depth, intrigue, and growth. The characters were very well laid out, had fantastic arcs, and the first part of the story was told from a male POV, which I had never read before.

The world in which Carla Laureano immersed me was like no other. I loved the Isle of Seare and how it was intricately built through the pages, and I liked the different cultures of the four different kingdoms. I for one have always been fascinated by our faith in a theological sense and I loved how Carla Laureano wove different aspects of it into this story. It added a touch of realism that was interesting.

Overall, this book was one fantastic read that left me breathless with wanting more (bring on the next book soon please!), had some twists I did not see coming and filled me with a sense of wonder. I definitely recommend putting this one on your soon to be read list. 4 out of 5 stars!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Inheritance Games
The Inheritance Games
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every game of cluedo you've ever played, with a twist!
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was fantastic. I finished it in a matter of hours because I simply couldn't put it down. I wouldn't.

I love games. Puzzles. Riddles. I'm good at them. Maybe not Avery or Hawthorne good at them but I can hold my own. I also love guessing the endings of books and movies. I'm not always right but maybe 90% of the time I am. This book reminded me of every game of cluedo I've ever played. Every riddle I've ever read. And Knives Out the movie, one of my favourites. I love the small subtle romance, its not in your face like most books. I loved the sister bond despite their lack of parents. I love the idea that even though the brothers are so handsome and rich, they aren't desirable because of a few rumours. And I love the idea that Avery isn't a random girl whose birthday held some meaning. This puzzling was fantastic! I was continually guessing who Avery was, who shot her in the woods, who Toby was to her.
Now I have to say that I'm suprised I got the big twist in the first few chapters. Toby Hawthorne II is Harry her chess partner? Called it. Obviously.
But the rest was just masterful. As good as my imagination is, I wish it was a movie so I could see the puzzles and riddles in motion.
Unforgotten (Forgiven #2)
Unforgotten (Forgiven #2)
Garrett Leigh | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNFORGOTTEN is the second book in the Forgiven series, and this time, the focus is on the brothers - Luke's brother, Billy, and Mia's brother, Gus. They both had a moment in the past, and neither of them has forgotten about it. So what will happen when they start sharing a house and working together?

This is what I would call a high-angst book. There is not a page where there isn't some form of trouble, whether it's between Luke and Billy, Gus and Mia, Luke and Mia, or Billy and Gus! And, oh, for the love of god, will someone please explain how a conversation works to these people?

As with book one, I found this to be brilliantly written, but I was just unable to connect with the characters as I wanted to. Mia still annoys me. I can feel my teeth grinding whenever she is in a scene. I think there was only one where she behaved in a more compassionate way.

I feel this book was better than book one, but I still prefer other books by this author. If you are after a contemporary romance with high angst, then I can definitely recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Phantom of the Opera (2005)
The Phantom of the Opera (2005)
2005 | Drama, Horror, Musical
I have to admire the spectacle but I found this to be mostly didactic, repetitious as a musical (there's only like 3.5 good songs and the rest are just unendurable variants of the exact same one) and nearly nonexistent as a romance. I do admit this almost works as a total campfest, Gerard Butler totally butchering these classical-inspired ballads that require flawless vocal range is actually pretty hilarious. On the flipside I spent most of the time in complete awe of how astonishing Emmy Rossum is in this, only 18 years old at the time and effortlessly nails every formidable note not to mention looks the part seamlessly. This is through and through her movie, every inch top to bottom. I should also add that the movie looks extraordinary - the sets, the costumes, the makeup, the cast, all of it. But would some fucking choreography every now and again kill these people? The stakes, too, are paper-thin - things just happen without delving too deeply (if at all) into the consequences/implications of them so a good chunk of scenes just pass through without making any sort of effect. Lastly this gets docked extra points for ruining the best part of the musical by making it too obvious that Christine was going to give The Phantom the ring from the start of that moment. I have seen much worse, though; this would have been noticeably better if they'd just gotten more people who could sing.
The Raven King (All for the Game, #2)
The Raven King (All for the Game, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this one picks up a few days after the events of the first with everyone dealing with the death of one of their team. Neil has slowly been pulled into Kevin and Andrew's crew and is coming to terms with the fact that Riko has it in for him.

I do feel a little like this series should have been reviewed as one thing, really, as the story continues across all three but it would be one thick arse book if the author had done that.

Every single team member has grown on me a lot with this book. They are finally coming together thanks to Neil who has been straddling both halfs of the team, starting to settle into his life at Palmetto and making friends. I thought Nicky summed it up brilliantly with this quote:

"Oh, you just might be the best thing to happen to the Foxes."

This one has some dark scenes in it like the first but they affected my feelings in regards to a certain character more this time around. I'm just glad that Neil was being a super sleuth and managed to put it all together with all the little titbits that had been thrown out.

I've already started book 3 because I am slightly obsessed with this series right now, despite its lack of romance up to this point. Will review it when I'm done!