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Freeing his Mate: A Howls Romance (Shifter World: Shifter Affairs #1)
Freeing his Mate: A Howls Romance (Shifter World: Shifter Affairs #1)
Nancy Corrigan | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Freeing his Mate: A Howls Romance (Shifter World: Shifter Affairs #1) by Nancy Corrigan
Freeing His Mate is the first book in the Shifter Affairs series, and it is set in the same world as the Royal Kagan series. That being said, this review is for this book alone. And what a book it is! You have an 'old' wolf, depressed and contemplating suicide. He meets a waitress who perks his interest, only to find out that she is bonded unwillingly to somebody else as his breeding partner. Throw in an old murder, drugs rampaging through a town, assassins, new partners, cute kids, and you have a book that will keep you engrossed from start to finish.

Whilst this is the first book in the new series, we do reunite with some old favourites of mine from the Royal Kagan series. These appearances enhance this story without taking it over, giving it a depth and a richness. There are new characters to grow fond of, and wait impatiently for their story. A perfect combination of new and old, guaranteed to satisfy.

This story was exceedingly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. The scenes flowed smoothly from one to the next, and the pacing was perfect. An absolute stunner of a first book, that will definitely leave you wanting more. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Only Story
The Only Story
Julian Barnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slightly irritating protagonist, but good story
This unusual romance is definitely not in the same ballpark as the likes of The Notebook and other such love stories - instead it begins as a pseudo-parody of the younger man-older woman genre - ending in a tragically realistic fashion.

Following the story of protagonist Paul, a 19-year-old man-child, attempts to find his feet in the world by defying social conventions. Enter Susan, a married woman with two grown children even older than Paul. Beginning innocently after joining a tennis club, Paul seems to grow increasingly attracted to the almost middle-aged woman, but is clearly ambiguous about his motives for pursuing her. Is it out of sheer rebellion against his traditional upbringing or just another yarn to tell his university friends? What does become increasingly apparent is that it is not just a summer affair, as things start to unravel over time. The question posed by the book at the end is: "Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less?"

As per usual, Julian Barnes is a unique storyteller, able to adapt his writing every single time. It is vastly different from some of his other works such as The Noise of Time, which is written almost like a Russian classic. This, on the other hand, is written in an honest first-person narrative, sounding genuinely like a happy-go-lucky teenager. While it is not a perfect story, especially as the chronology feels inconsistent, it is an easy read.

ClareR (5667 KP) Mar 6, 2018

I’ve just finished reading this and I’m mulling it over before I write my review. It really affected me, I think.


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Mar 6, 2018

Julian Barnes is a superb writer no doubt!

A Perfect Blood (The Hollows, #10)
Kim Harrison | 2012 | Mystery
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harrison pulls off another stellar installment in the Hollows series, a book I could hardly put down for anything. Rachel Morgan's drama expands to epic proportions with the threat of HAPA, an underground organization that is working to eradicate all non-human species. Combine that with Rachel's neutered magic thanks to Trent's bracelet, and it's a catastrophe waiting to happen. My frustration at Rachel's indecision is near constant from cover to cover, and that is just with the bracelet situation.
Rachel's romantic interest is also in limbo, as she ignores her attraction to Trent and bickers with her new bodyguard, Wayde - yet another source of frustration. Meanwhile, romance buds for both Ivy and Jenks, and secrets hover in the periphery, such as Glenn's personal motivations and the identity of the vampire Felix. The subplots provide nice diversions to the main one, and will expand in the next book in the series certainly.
The introduction of HAPA to the series also adds some backstory to the history prior to the beginning of the series as to the revealing of the inderland species, which I appreciate. Once upon a time, HAPA was much more vocal about their hatred for the inderlanders, and now it seems they have a much greater presence than previously assumed. This provides much fodder for plot possibilities!
I also rather enjoyed the interactions between Al and Trent's family at the end of the book. Personally, I think Harrison could turn Al into a very good dad - and children could be the key to truly taming him. Just keep writing, Harrison!
The Secret Life of Mac
The Secret Life of Mac
Melinda Metz | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet, Funny & Charming
THE SECRET LIFE OF MAC by Melinda Metz appears to be a sequel to the ‘Talk to the Paw’ which was published last year. This quaint little romance story is something slightly unique as it is told from the point of view of a tabby cat called McGyver (Mac), alongside two other characters, Nate and Briony. Mac is on a mission to make the people in his life happy, either romantically, generally or where there are friends involved.

This was an easy, light read so I did not feel disadvantaged in any way not having read ‘Talk to the Paw’ first, though it would have been preferable to me if I had read them in sequence.

This book is a romantic comedy where Mac acted as the matchmaker. As well as being wildly humorous and funny, it is also a tale about personal development and self-discovery. There’s even a mystery linked to the retirement home which added to the interest of this sweet tale.

Most of this story was told from the viewpoint of Briony and Nate. Nate had some personal issues that he needed to deal with, helped along by Briony who had woes of her own. All of the characters had something to offer and the mystery was concluded very well.

All in all, THE SECRET LIFE OF MAC by Melinda Metz was a charming, sweet and worthwhile read.

Thanks to NetGalley, Kensington Books and the author, Melina Metz, for my free ARC of The Secret Life of Mac. My honest review is entirely voluntary.
Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2008)
Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery, Romance
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Terrible audio (3 more)
Laughable editing
The worst CG birds ever
Horrific acting
Contains spoilers, click to show
A friend posted a trailer for Birdemic, i have now watched this and must advise others to not make my mistake.
The editing is all over the place and the sound mix is horrendous, espically scenes on the beach. The score just starts and stops at random points. Then theres the cgi birds, oh my god they are the worst cg effects i have seen ever.
The story for the first half is a romance as Rod and Natalie meet and become a couple. To be fair Adam Bagh and Whitney Moore are a likeable couple but cant act and are hindered by the slapshot editing.
Then randomly birds attack. For no reason. They claw people, they explode but never blow up a gas station even though they hit two.
Our hero couple meet another couple and bravely fight the birds with coat hangers!
Get to the other couples van and suddenly they have guns!
They resuce some kids. On a road when in the first shot is deserted but in the rest of the shot is very busy.
They have a picnic. Meet a Dr who lectures us on Global Warming. Humoursly there is a bird in the background of this shot.
The rest of the film is forgettable. The director goes for the Hitchcock-esque ending of the birds just stop attacking and fly off.
This film is bad, characters make bizzare decisions, the birds are the worst they just sort of float there.
The Measure of a Lady
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love me some Deeanne Gist, but I have never had a novel make me as angry as this one.

Everything about this novel was so obnoxious and contradictory that I wanted to scream. Rachel is an overbearing sister who is trying to set a good example for them, but, in reality, she is just a control freak who has been uprooted from all she has ever known and clearly does not like change since she does not even try to adapt to her new surroundings. What makes her character even more frustrating is that she tends to break all the rules that she sets forth for her siblings, mainly her sister.

Her younger sister is a whole other can of worms. While the brother seems almost nonexistent in the novel, only appearing when needed for furthering the story, Rachel's sister has grasp onto to this new found freedom, since Rachel cannot control her because she is too busy breaking her rules for being a lady. The younger sister takes this freedom and runs with it, wreaking all sorts of havoc while her bad attitude ever increases.

Out of all of Gist's books, this seems to be the most sensual. In her other books, the relationship of the protagonists seems more important than their hormonal need for each other. I felt like I was reading an 80's romance novel with the way they lusted after each other.

I am giving it two starts only because of its one redeeming factor: Gist's lovely style.
Aboard the Wishing Star
Aboard the Wishing Star
Debra Parmley | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aboard the Wishing Star by Debra Parmley
Aboard the Wishing Star is a romantic suspense that is high on romance, and low on suspense, as it is clear from the very beginning who the 'big bad' is. Kara has won a week's cruise, and has taken her best friend for many years with her. It starts off stressful as the airline loses Kara's luggage. She is also phobic about the water, so maybe a cruise wasn't the best idea. However, things look up when she meets Nate, a scuba diving instructor, who takes her under his wing.

I have mixed feelings about this story as I'm afraid I just can't see a man like Nate - self-confident and assured - with a woman like Kara. Although she has nice qualities, she is also quite weak, although she appears to gain some strength at the end. She is also incredibly naive, unbelievably so. She lets her boss and best friend walk all over her. And there are no reasons given for why her best friend's behaviour has suddenly changed within the past year. I didn't feel this made much impact on the story at all, and wasn't really relevant in any way.

However, saying that, it was a nice enough read, with plenty of descriptions. For a story set mainly on a Caribbean cruise, this was a nice getaway read.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
James Patterson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has so much potential. I almost gave it a two & 1/2 stars. The characters can at times be funny and humorous. It has almost no romance beyond the acknowledgement that Whit has a girlfriend. Although, the prophecy is one of the largest let downs since I found out the name of the childlike empress in The Neverending Story. I kinda started to root a little for the siblings.
However, I kept getting hung up on the layout of the book. The chapters really? Truly? I don’t think that there is a chapter longer than 5 pages. I’m not even sure there is a chapter that is 5 pages long. I’m all about short chapters but this takes the cake. There is no reason for at all for some of the chapter breaks. Especially when a double space between the paragraphs or an asterisk (*) would do the job much better.

Here’s an example of one of the worst breaks. This is the last two sentences of chapter 58 which is in Whisty’s pov

“His thick, black hair fell forward over his eyes. ‘Sorry about that, Freckles.’

Chapter 59
‘Not Freckles either,’ suggested Whit. ‘Or Carrottop.’”

For the reals. There is no need for this to be a new chapter. All it does is distract and chop up the flow of he book. It made me think they are getting paid per chapter. There are 104 of them!
The idea is there and like I said massive potential.... just feels unfinished.
Finding Joy Street isn't your normal, run-of-the-mill, contemporary romance. What you get is a helluva lot more than what you see. Cali Blue gives across the impression of being permanently positive and "practically perfect in every way". However, she is dealing with a whole lot more than what she allows people to see, and this also influences her career of choice. When she meets London for the first time, sparks fly, but not in the way you expect. If I remember correctly, a "prick in a nice suit" is one description of him. However, he gets under Cali's skin and not always in a bad way. When she needs help, he is there unconditionally.

I thoroughly enjoyed how these two got to know each other, figuring out the puzzle of what makes Cali/London Cali/London! The attraction is there, and it does yo-yo for a while, but Melissa Belle allows their relationship to grow way beyond just a quick romp.

If I had one 'bad' thing to say it would be that the place names being names got a bit old, but consider that just one of my personal quirks. About the story itself, I can give nothing bad. It deals with some major issues in a sensitive and sympathetic way, without glamorising or playing the victim card.

Extremely well written, and a joy to read, I look forward to more from The Tarot Series. Definitely recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
2002 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Attack of the Clones is easily my least favourite Star Wars movie, but still, I can't bring myself to completely hate it. It's still Star Wars. It's still a big part of my childhood.

The main issues for me lie within the story, and perhaps most infamously, the romance plot between Anakin and Padme. It's an integral part of the story for sure, but the dialogue is horrible, Hayden Christensen is oddly wooden, and unfortunately, it takes up a big part of Episode II's runtime.
I also find the action set pieces in AOTC a very mixed bag. Nothing particularly stands out, except maybe the arena fight scene with hundreds of Jedis, and the potentially great chase scene near the start is soiled by the needlessly quippy script work.

It's not all bad though. There are some great actors involved - Ewan McGregor is still awesome as Obi Wan, and of course, we're introduced to Count Dooku, played by the ever incredible Christopher Lee (although is character is ultimately pointless).
Locations such as Kamino are something new and different and great to look at, and then of course, the single most important thing about AOTC - it paved the way for the Clone Wars TV show, so it definitely deserves credit for that.

Unfortunately, Episode II feels overstuffed with a while lot of nothing, and is no where the same quality as Star Wars at it's very best, but like I said, I can't hate on it too much. For better or worse, it's part of the Star Wars experience.