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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Umbrella Academy in TV

Mar 7, 2019 (Updated Mar 7, 2019)  
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Characters (1 more)
One For A Rainy Day
A few years ago when I heard the guy from My Chemical Romance had wrote a graphic novel, it peaked my interest, but after reading up on some reviews of the book, it just sounded like a rip-off of other properties like Watchmen and X-Men and to be honest I wasn't a huge fan of the obscure character designs and bizarre artwork. I never got around to reading it after this as I was kind of put off by the accusations of unoriginality and the weird art.

Then late last year, I read that there was a Netflix adaption of the show being released and my curiosity was once again peaked. After reading some of the early glowing reviews from critics, I knew that I had found my next binge.

This show is fantastic, which for the most part is owed to it's well written and well acted characters. The members of the Umbrella Academy and their various odd relationships with one another, as well as the outsiders that have interaction with them throughout the show, make the character dynamics of this show as a whole pretty unique and exciting. The cast are all brilliant, with Robert Sheehan's Klaus being the clear stand-out. He gets all of the best lines and nails the American accent that he speaks with in the show.

It is cool to get an insight into the world that the show-runners have crafted, which is as odd as it is charming. It is similar to our own world, with a few pretty drastic changes that change the dynamic of the universe in a oddly interesting way. There were points while watching the show that I was reminded of other superhero stories like Watchmen and X-Men, but instead of Umbrella Academy blatantly ripping off these other stories, it instead takes some of the best parts from its respective influences and adapts them to suit the narrative that is unfolding. It comes off as more of a wink and a nod than just a lazy copy/paste job.

I also feel like the amazing CGI work on Pogo the chimp, - who is highly intelligent and serves as the family's butler, - deserves a shout-out. It is quite possibly the best CGI that I have ever seen in a TV show and is almost on the same level as the CGI on Caesar in the Planet Of The Apes movies.

Overall, The Umbrella Academy is a stellar example of what happens when a show embraces it's influences and presents them in a coherent way in collaboration with the original story that the show itself is telling. It is not the greatest superhero story ever filmed, but it is an extremely entertaining and satisfying ride that the show takes you on over its 10 episodes and it is well worth your time.
A Warrior's Blush
A Warrior's Blush
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Warrior’s Blush by Shannon Whittall is an action-adventure fantasy story with just a hit of romance. This book could z easily be the beginning of a very interesting series if the author wanted to go that route with it. The ending is also surprising, but I do not encourage any readers to skip ahead in the book to see what I mean.

Lenora Belavier has been held prisoner and was used as a slave in the female prison, Golnar. It is here in Golnar that Lenora makes two names for herself. The first is Iron-Will for the excellent blades she forges. The second is Golnar’s Ghost, for protecting her fellow prisoners from the guards without them finding out who the ghost is. One day after much planning Lenora escapes from Golnar and brings an eleven-year-old prisoner, Mear, with her. Elijah finds Lenora (who has now adopted a new name) and Mear injured in the desert and takes them to Drodal’s Keep for healing.

In Drodal Lenora endures training for a magical ability that she does not believe she possesses, by a temperamental Elijah. Mear, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying her freedom and wonders off for some unknown reason. Lenora and Elijah slowly form an unlikely friendship as they start looking into the appearance of Bolgran, the evil monsters controlled by Myrna. Myrna, the evil Queen who Lenora was fighting against when she was arrested has learned of Lenora surviving Golnar and seeking refuge at Drodal. In an attempt to destroy her enemy Myrna floods Drodal with Bolgren and it doesn't look good for the small keep.

What I liked best about this book was that it was not predictable nor was it confusing. The twists in the story were extremely enjoyable and even surprised me. I am purposely leaving these twists out of the review as to not ruin them for the interested reader. What I did not like was how some of the characters and creatures were named similar to each other. The biggest of these issues was Bolgran, a terrible monster, and Brogan, a blacksmith. This did cause a bit of confusion because one is obviously evil and the other is not.

This book is age-appropriate for readers who are at least in high school. Younger readers would enjoy most of the story but would have to be mature. The rape and abuse of female prisoners is a big driving factor for Lenora and readers must be able to handle that. Overall I rate this book 3 out of 4. While it was a good book the name issue felt a little sloppy and lost it some points with me. I would still recommend this book to people who like fantasy but they would have to pay close attention to the names.

Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Rob Shackleford | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. (0 more)
There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Traveller Inceptio: Traveller Book 1 by Rob Shackleford is a hard book to put into just one genre. It is both an adventure and a romance while also being science fiction and historical fiction. Overall an odd combination.

 A group of friends working towards advanced college degrees decide to work on some research together. They are even able o secure funding from a major security company, Helguard. Their goal is to create new scanning equipment to be used by security in places such as airports. The team works extremely well together and soon they have a working prototype. However, something goes wrong with the machine and a mass of wires fuse together, causing a completely different result. When they turn the machine on and tell it to scan something, the item disappears instead.

 After some research, it is discovered that the machine is sending items to the exact same location, just 1,000 years into the past. This discovery naturally gets the attention of governments around the world and the military who try to take over the project. Military men are trained in the ways of the Saxons and are sent back in time to become part of their society and provide reports and pictures of a time period that was originally poorly documented. There are many dangers that the travelers face for this project, but the main one is that the Saxons are currently at war with the Vikings.

 What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. I am unsure if this is because he remains unaware of what he did, or out of fear because he was messing where he did not belong, either way, this is what stuck with me the most. There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. The war or battle aspect of the book was very drawn out, though I have never been one to enjoy play-by-play fight scenes.

 This is more of an adult book. The length and technical stuff would probably be a bit daunting for younger readers. It is also rather detailed in the more graphic fight scenes (gore) and rape, which might make some readers uncomfortable. I rate this book 2 out of 4. The more interesting parts of this book, such as when Michael is becoming part of the Saxon culture moves quickly and is enjoyable. The duller areas such as the fights and technical speak are dry and really bring this otherwise interesting book down.

Louise (64 KP) rated A Court of Thorns and Roses in Books

Jul 2, 2018 (Updated Oct 16, 2018)  
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Feyre is the sole breadwinner for her family,with two sisters and her father to feed she trains herself to hunt. When out hunting on one of the coldest days in winter, she finds she has competition in the form of a wolf, hungry and knowing that she won’t get her chance again for a while she kills the wolf and her prey. She manages to sell the pelt from the wolf she killed and gets a pretty penny too but days later a beast/lion crashes through her door demanding to know who killed the wolf and that the killer must live in the immortal lands by the Fae law or die. When Feyre is taken to land of immortals (Prythian) she is shocked to see how beautiful everything is and also that her captor is not a beast but a handsome High Fae that is known as Tamlin. As Feyre grows to be more accustomed with her surroundings and finds a mutual interest with Tamlin, their companionship evolves into something more… A LOT MORE! There is a sickness that is spreading causing the fae to become weak, Feyre wants to help to stop this sickness but first she has to find….HER!

Why oh why have I waited so long to read this? I am always the last one on the hype train, but this didn’t disappoint me and is worth all the hype.

This is the first Sarah J Maas book that I have read and now I have a thirst for more. I don’t read a lot of retellings as I have this feeling that they are going to be totally different from the original. This really did feel like beauty and the beast with a twist and faeries. I have not read a lot of books involving fae, so I didn’t know what to expect but with Maas’ descriptive writing I was able to gather a good idea of what they looked like.

I had a hard time getting into this book, I don’t read a lot of fantasy and where I am so new to the genre I was a little worried that I wasn’t going to know what was going on. There are a lot of characters in this book and different types of Fae and creatures which was definitely interesting. I needn’t have worried as after reading this book I really wanted to delve into more fantasy, where anything can happen, where you have all types of creatures and just let your imagination go wild.

Feyre is a huntress, she is fearless, courageous, stubborn and a pretty good protagonist, however saying that some of the things she did, just made me shake my head and shout WHY? at my book. She would do some pretty stupid stuff and get herself into trouble even when she was warned by Tamlin that she shouldn’t do something or stay away.

Tamlin is the lord/high fae of the spring court and is able to shape shift into the lion/beast that Feyre encountered back in the mortal lands. He’s brooding, secretive, stubborn like Feyre and handsome obviously. I am100% team Tamlin, you grow to love him and the interactions between him and Feyre

Lucien, I was not sure about him, he was funny in parts but then he did things that put Feyre in jeopardy, however he had more of a back story to him which was interesting but I wasn’t a massive fan of his.

Rhysand he is good looking and he knows it, but he is devious and you are left wondering whose side he is really on. He is definitely a likeable character and seen as a contender for Feyre’s affections

Aramantha! What a bitch! What a badass! She is a great villain, she is pure evil and I loved it. She has everyone wrapped around her finger, she was cunning and sly.

I loved the romance in this book, it is verging on new adult with some scenes that are quite steamy between Feyre and Tamlin. There is a build up to the romance and so much tension between the two its palpable. Feyre despises Tamlin at first and then they find mutual interests(art) and become closer.

And for people who have read the book if you were like me. I was shouting at Feyre, at my book…..JUST SAY IT! SAY IT! And then afterwards WHY OH WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY IT!(Hopefully you know what I am on about)

I will definitely be continuing on with the sequel I need more Tamlin and the world. Sarah J Maas you legend!

If you are looking for a YA retelling that has a twist and makes it its own then you should definitely pick this up. If you love romance with tension then pick this book,it’s definitely an all the feels kinda book.

I rated this 4.25 out of 5 stars
I got maybe three or four chapters into this novel. Ella seemed like a strong character with potential, and the basic plot seemed like it could have been really good. Sadly, I couldn’t get past chapter 4. There are a few reasons why.

1. Drama. Drama, drama, drama! Really that’s what most fiction boils down to, but what makes a book good is that the drama is realistic. This drama was a little overdone. Ella goes to college (running away without telling anyone where she went, which technically is impossible: trust me, I know. My university sends my parents stuff all the time with their logo on it). when she comes back, Micah is a mess, and has been looking for her everywhere.

2. Physicalities. I felt like this book was an excuse to write steamy romance… bad steamy romance at that. When Ella comes home, she still wants Micah, but she won’t admit it. And he knows it. Then he starts flirting with her, touching her, kissing her on the ear, etc. Really? The girl won’t even look you in the eye, doesn’t want to talk to you, and you can’t even rekindle your friendship before getting touchy-feely? Talk about being a douche bag. After she tells him off and leaves, he climbs into her room through the window and climbs in bed with her. C’mon. Really? Does this girl have no self respect? Then there was the factor that it wasn’t even hot. I mean, if you want to write erotica, fine. Write erotica. don’t disguise it as a New Adult novel… and at least make it good. It was just sappy and corny. Trust me, writing emotional and physical scenes is really hard: I’ve written a few now since I’ve gotten through some of my own books. But if you suck at writing love scenes, don’t make your whole book a drawn out love scene.

3. The sorority best friend. Every time this b!tch opened her mouth, I had flashbacks to this video (
). That was one thing the narrator did really well: She nailed the rich kid! And I couldn’t stand her. Maybe that was the point… but it was just the nail in the coffin for me.

So yeah, that’s why I didn’t like the book. Also, the female narrator sounded like she was fourteen, and the male narrator sounded twenty eight… So that was awkward.

Maybe if I read the book instead of listened to it, I would like it more… but as of now, I can’t recommend it.
The Hypnotist's Love Story
The Hypnotist's Love Story
Liane Moriarty | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick read (2 more)
The ending
Great writing
Contains spoilers, click to show
I read this book because it was picked by my Book Club for our June discussion. I typically do not read books in the romance genre and have never read a book by this author, Liane Moriarty.
The Hypnotist's Love Story was well written and the character development was excellent.
The book is told in two view-points, Ellen's in third person and Saskia's in first person. Suspense and mystery are woven throughout, albiet mildly, and it gives the book a less than romantic feel at some points
The story begins with Ellen, who is a rather sucessful hypnotherapis. She is in her late thrities and single. Although she is quite happy with her life, she longs to have a family of her own. Her past three long-term relationships were less than satisfying so she resorts to using a dating site on the internet to meet someone new.
Enter Patrick. A handsome land surveyor who owns his company and has an 8-year-old son, Jack. His past is much more complicated. He is a widower with an ex-girlfriend that has been stalking him for 3 years!
When Patrick tells Ellen about Saskia, his stalker, she is somewhat intrigued instead of frightened.
Even though Elln seems to be okay with the baggage of a dead wife and a stalker, Patrick and Ellen have a difficult time being a new couple falling in love and their relationship is strained from the get-go.
As Ellen and Patrick are mid-flight to a weekend getaway, Ellen realizes that she has allowed herself to divulge their location to Saskia unknowingly due to the fact that Saskia has been a client of Ellen's while using a false name.
When Ellen decides to reveal big news to Patrick, he does something completely unexpected and Saskia puts herself in the middle of it all.
As the stalking incidents escalate (they are never violent), Patrick's demeanor deteriorates and Ellen is put on edge.
Throughout the book, we learn the reasoning behind Saskia's stalking and by the end of the story, I felt almost sorry for her. Almost. Because through it all, she chose to do the things she did and threw out all other options to persue her failed relationship.
I am relieved to say that it does eventually end with a HEA. I only say that because although I was reading a romance novel and expected an HEA, the suspensful undertones of the book led me to think differently at times.

Meg (47 KP) rated The Cruel Prince in Books

Sep 11, 2018 (Updated Sep 11, 2018)  
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot is unique (0 more)
Characters (2 more)
Good but not amazing
Contains spoilers, click to show
3.5/5 stars

So I ended up liking this more than I thought I would. It took a while to pick up and get properly into the plot line, the first 40% took me ages to get through but I ended up finishing the last 45% or so in one sitting. The book was fast paced and well written, however I found the language to be very basic in places, I would have liked a little more sophistication or development in the writing. For me it felt more like a children’s book than a young adult in terms of the writing style and vocabulary.

The plot was good, predictable in places which I expected considering I’ve read so many YA fantasy, many of the tropes and plot twists are similar. There was still an element of surprise when it was most important and I still found myself enjoying the book even when I knew what was coming.

I found some of the characters to be quite two dimensional and in all honesty I wasn’t fond of many of them and didn’t have the same attachment to the characters that I usually would in other books. I found it predictable that Cardan would not be a true villain and that Dain was not as he seems, the characterisation of Cardan is typical to that of YA fantasy; misunderstood, mysterious and handsome boy that is cruel but somehow every reader seems to love him. I couldn’t understand how Black could make the reader hate him to such a strong capacity and then completely turn it around within a few chapters. It seems unrealistic to me that Jude, who is such a strong minded and brutal character herself, would instantly forget all the pain and anger than Cardan put her through, as soon as she gets an indication that the only reason he did it is because he likes her. To me, that incredibly weakens her character and undermines her whole character development; I dislike when authors weaken their female protagonists with an unnecessary romance.

I would have liked a little more character development for Vivi and Oriana, both of whom I really liked by the end of the book.

All in all, I think I would continue with the rest of the series, but I hope that The Wicked King is a bit better written and we get more from the other characters.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Moon Field in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Moon Field
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Moon Field</i> is an historical romance novel set during the First World War. It focuses mainly on two people: George and Violet, although there is a wide range of characters.

Split into three parts the novel begins with George, an 18 year old postman planning on telling Miss Violet of his feelings for her, only to find out that she is already engaged. He runs off feeling jealous and ends up enlisting for the army. At first I thought the description of George made him seem more like a child than a young adult and this annoyed me a little, however this helped to emphasise the changes he undergoes as a result of the war.

Part two is mostly set in Flanders where George is involved in the fighting resulting in deaths of certain other characters for which George blames himself despite it not really being his fault. This section ends with George being hurt himself and part three begins with him being returned to a hospital in England where he begins to recover although is now deformed. Throughout this final part George suffers with depression and thinks that he is now a freak. He has to deal with lots of rejection but, thankfully, the novel ends with a more positive outlook for his future.

Knowing in advance that romance was to be involved, it appeared at first that there might be some romantic attachment developed between George and Violet. From the very beginning I personally did not want this to happen. It did not feel right particularly as they were of different social classes, which at that time was quite important. Fortunately this did not happen and I was fairly pleased with the ending.

I think that Allnatt’s writing is extremely good and reflects the time period well. I quite often find when reading historical novels that authors use words or phrases that are too modern to have actually been said at that time. There was none of that problem with <i>The Moon Field</i>. Allnatt had also researched extremely well to get across the experiences of the soldiers on the Western Front. She mentions in her acknowledgements that she read many soldiers accounts of their experiences in the Great War. All her research defiantly paid off!

All in all it is a great historical novel.
In Picardy&#039;s Fields
In Picardy's Fields
Hannah Byron | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Told from two perspectives, In Picardy's Fields is the story of two brave young women during the First World War. Set mostly in France, the two women put gender stereotypes to one side to help the allied soldiers. Baroness Agnès de Saint-Aubin, a young surgeon from Paris, follows her teacher, Dr Alan Bell, to the Château de Dragoncourt on the front lines in Picardy to help her friends, Jacques and Elle de Dragoncourt care for the injured soldiers. Meanwhile, the youngest Dragoncourt child, Madeleine, is determined to escape from her finishing school in Switzerland to play her part in the war effort.

The author, Hannah Byron, accurately describes the devastation and dangers the characters faced both in Paris and at the front. Flowing seamlessly from scene to scene, Byron paints a dark picture of life in wartorn France at the same time as weaving a captivating story. Agnès is a reticent but strong woman, a stark contrast from the stuck-up Madeleine, used to getting her way. Yet both characters develop, forced to face horrifying circumstances. While Agnès becomes more confident, Madeleine uses her head-strong determination to secretly help the allied soldiers, even if it means putting herself in danger.

Whilst the war is the main feature of the novel, the author weaves themes of friendship and romance into the narrative. Although only two people narrate the story, In Picardy's Fields shows the importance of working together and putting aside prejudices. The undercurrent of a developing romance brings a sense of hope that everything will end happily, yet the reader also knows nothing is safe during wartime. With each turn of the page, disaster could befall the characters, which makes for a gripping read.

Hannah Byron admits she is not a medic or war expert, yet she undertook extensive research to make In Picardy's Fields as accurate as possible. She also confesses it is unlikely a female doctor went to the front lines, yet as a work of fiction, this does not matter, especially as Agnès's profession is key to the story.

Authors have written novels about the World Wars ad nauseum to the point that writing an original story seems impossible, but Hannah Byron proves this assumption wrong. In Picardy's Fields feels almost modern in some respects, despite being set in the 1910s, which adds a freshness to the story. These women, these characters are just like you and me, living in a time we could not possibly understand.

In Picardy's Fields is a fantastic debut novel and Hannah Byron is a writer to keep an eye on.


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