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I forgot how much I loved a good paranormal romance novel until I discovered Frost. A couple of my favorite authors recommended Jeaniene Frost, singing her praises. I was a bit hesitant after the slew of horrible vampire romances that I have forced myself to make it through as of late.

Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. Frost’s fiery Cat immediately captured my attention. She was one of the first female protagonists who actually enjoyed being schooled about her weaknesses. Instead of being obnoxiously stubborn, she actually threw herself into making herself stronger and learning from her faults. I know that sounds like so many other female leads, but to me she seemed different. I didn’t feel that everything was a struggle between Cat and Bones. Whenever they fell in love, I could see how they got to that point. They did have fire and chemistry, but it was far from them continuously butting heads and arguing like so many other novels do.

I also enjoyed the simple plot. It wasn’t about Cat and Bones being the only two being able to save the world from certain doom. Of course, they did have a goal they were working towards, and an antagonist they had to take down. However, there were no random surprises that only the author could see coming and no twist that broke our necks from confusion.

However, I will state that Cat’s ridiculous mother seriously made me want to slam her face into the pavement. While Frost can create the likable characters of Bones and Cat, she can also create some monsters like Cat’s mother.
This is the third in the series, and it definitely shows. I did not know that it was part of a series until I started reading it, but I wish I had. While it is not necessary to read the first two to understand or enjoy Highlander Redeemed, I found myself wondering more often than not about what I had missed out on.

I wish I could find at least one negative comment to make about this novel to balance out all the good I can say, but I honestly cannot. It is your typical Scottish historical romance where the couple are facing the threat of the English. It had so much character, however, that it did not just fade into the background once I finished it with all the previous ones I have read. I also appreciate that the author actually has some background in Scottish heritage instead of just researching it. It made it much more authentic.

Mainly, however, I loved watching the couple grow both as a couple and as individuals. At first, Scotia irritated me with her behavior and thoughts, but I believe that was the point. To watch her grow and mature was both satisfying and relieving. She was believable as person instead of a made up character.

Overall, Highlander Redeemed is one of the best Scottish historical romances I have read as well as a coming of age story. I fell in love with the characters and became invested in their growth and story. Not only that, but the ending left me with warm satisfied feeling. Now, I am definitely planning on picking up copies of the first two.
Eleanor & Park
Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
When Park first sees Eleanor get on the school bus, he cringes. Everything about her is wrong - her size, her hair, her clothes. He knows the other kids will pick on her immediately. But for some reason, he tells her to sit down next to him, despite knowing it will attract attention -- exactly what Park doesn't want. However, over time, Park and Eleanor forge an unlikely friendship-- attention be damned.

I feel like reviewing this book can't do it justice. This was a lovely, amazing, heartwarming, heartbreaking novel. Rowell does an unbelievable job of capturing adolescent love, relationships, and high school life. And not your typical YA cool kids, easy romance, where the protagonists "meet cute" and fall in love on Day 1. Park and Eleanor's friendship isn't easy, their relationship isn't easy: their lives aren't easy. Rowell portrays all of this beautifully, even if it's agonizing to read, without making it seem trite. Park and Eleanor are two of the most developed characters I've read about in ages. They leap off the pages, to the point where I wanted to adopt Eleanor and hug and befriend Park.

The book slowed a bit for me in the middle -- the creep of an adolescent relationship can be a bit rough -- but it's worth it. The ending is crushing, in many ways, and I would just about kill for a sequel, even though I can grudgingly probably admit it's best the way it ended. No matter what, a beautiful read-- so worth your time-- and one I'll be recommending to anyone I can find who hasn't read it yet.
The Earth Bleeds Red
The Earth Bleeds Red
Jackson Paul Baer | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good book, just not one for me!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Scott and Jessie, and their 17 year old daughter Ashley, live a good life, a happy life. Til one day, it all goes terribly wrong and Ashley is kidnapped, possibly dead. Scott and Jessie need to keep it together long enough for Ashley to be found alive, or not.

Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone is a really good thing but, while a well told story, this one just didn't quite hit the spot. And I don't really know why!

Told mostly from Scott's point of view, in the first, it deals with how a family copes when tragedy strikes.

We do get some other people, in the third person, but they felt more of a narration of their voice, rather than THEM speaking, if that makes any sense?? I didn't connect to them in any way, not even when the bad guy has his five minutes, and you know how much I LOVE getting into the mind of the bad guy! I just felt, apart from Scott, totally disconnected from everyone else.

It is well written, and I saw no editing or spelling errors. It does get a little graphic in places, when being told what was done to Ashley when she was kidnapped, but it is not in any way romantic. Not even before Ashley was kidnapped, did I feel the romance between Scott and Jessie.

A good book, just not one for me and I'm sorry for that!

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A beautiful setting and a heart touching tale of forgiveness and redemption. A very sweet story that had me falling in love with Gloucestershire and Beagle puppies! The Elusive Miss Ellison is Carolyn Miller's debut novel and I applaud her creativity and gift for story! The descriptions of the settings, homes, and gowns were so detailed that I can still see the images in my mind.

Miss Ellison and Lord Hawkesbury have so many challenges to overcome. In their personal lives as well as with their relationship with their families and each other. Learning to lay down their pride and lean on God for truth and guidance was a very encouraging thing to witness.

I did enjoy this story and I am very excited to continue the series. However, the flow of the story and some inconsistency in the characters had me confused on multiple occasions. Hence my rating. That being said, the words and language was elegant and soothing. I found it very fun to read terms used in Regency times that I had to look up. This aspect added an extra level of depth to the story. There are several acknowledgements to Pride & Prejudice, which is always a delight to find in books. I am eagerly looking forward to following the author's growth and progress in her books to come. If you enjoy Regency stories with romance and redemption, I suggest you give this one a try!

I received a complimentary copy of The Elusive Miss Ellison from Kregel Publications through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Undercover Pet brings us up to date with where the Rebellion is at, as Ben tries to uncover specific information to help the Travians. He knows what he has signed up for, but is surprised when he is treated (on the whole) more gently than he expected. There is also Kath, a Travian f**k boy who also tries to help him. However, Ben and Kath don't actually know that they are both on the same side, and more to the point, that Dane is too. This leads to a whole cavalcade of scenes that could have been alleviated if they had trusted each other, but then the story wouldn't have been half as interesting! I loved how Dane showed differences in his behaviour once he knew that he could trust them.

This is brilliantly written, as they all have been, but a nice touch is the conclusion that you get with some of the other characters. I don't know if this is the final book in the series, although it does feel like it. There were no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, and this story flowed just as smoothly as the others, although I would say with less 'romance', as they all try to keep their secrets. This book, and series, isn't for everyone, but I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my time with the Humans and Travians. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mortal Engines (2018)
Mortal Engines (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Pretty good, but with a few issues
I've been wanting to see this since the first trailer was released, and I'm pleased to say it's actually quite good.

The visuals and CGI are very good, the traction cities and towns look fantastic and they're impressively done. Shouldn't be a surprise considering these have been done by Weta. The plot itself is intriguing and fairly unique as far as apocalyptic futures go, although there are a few plot points that are a bit cliched and reminiscent of other sci-fi/fantasy films - the whole final act/ending being the main example.

Hester Shaw is a very strong heroine and a good lead character, although i think she suffers from some bad scripting. Hugo Weaving is doing his Agent Smith best as the villainous Thaddeus Valentine, he really does know how to play a good bad guy. I'm most impressed however with Robert Sheehan. He's a very underrated actor yet seems to have such range and versatility, from his start in the series Misfits to the creepy Vladek in Fortitude, and then his turn as the dashing hero in this, he really made this film worth watching even if the script wasn't always in his favour. The romance aspect of this film too is also a little too forced and not very subtle, and a little bit predictable.

In short this is an interesting story with a great cast and special effects, that is let down by a patchy script and a few cliches. The next book I have to read is this one, so I'm interested to see how the two compare.
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
1968 | Drama, Romance

"Romeo and Juliet is on my list because I saw it when I was at a very formative age. I think I was 14 or 15, and at that age, girls are very dramatic about romance and they’re just starting to get those feelings, and love is very painful and very important. It’s overwhelming and you have these huge crushes, and so Romeo and Juliet is all about that huge first love. And you couldn’t have found two more beautiful teenagers than Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting… and that was the first time I had ever seen Michael York and he was stunning — he was stunning. The costumes were gorgeous. Zeffirelli was a beautiful artist. He designed theater and opera and sets, so it was just beautiful. I think why I love Italy so much now is because of that movie, and it made me fall in love with Shakespeare. That’s one of the first times that Shakespeare became not just some dusty old English thing that you had to study in school, but it became really alive. You know what else did that really well? Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet… So, Romeo and Juliet was my first introduction. I walked around pretending I was Olivia Hussey. I had my long dark hair parted in the middle, and we had these, like, hippie baby-doll blouses that had the empire waist, so I would wear that all the time and I’d sorta stare at myself in the mirror. Of course, there was nobody in Cleveland, OH who looked anything like Leonard Whiting, so it was all in my head."
