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Emerald Blaze
Emerald Blaze
Ilona Andrews | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I do really enjoy this series.

This one starts with Catalina and her team trying to coax a "helper" monkey down off a lamppost while fellow PI firm, MII, do the same - both working for separate clients who claim to own the monkey. After sorting that little issue out they sense an unusual force coming from the water and are attacked by a horde of strange creatures. Afterwards she is summoned to her boss' house where she learns of a new job. A man has been found dead in what's known as the Pit and his father wants his murderer found and killed. Catalina has to figure out who did it and Alessandro - her teenage crush and the man who broke her heart when he left six months ago - is there to do the killing.

A lot more than just the above happened but it would be a spoiler to share that with others so I'll let you figure out the fun that is this book.

I really love House Baylor. They are all really protective of each other and have some of the handiest powers going for a PI firm: precision shooting, ability to sniff out lies, the ability to build armoured cars. I feel they've grown a lot over the last four books and in this one, they really are top of their game.

The romance between Catalina and Alessandro was definitely on a slow burn in this. We knew they cared about each other after the previous book but when he left, he really hurt her. It was like the pink elephant in the room. They didn't really acknowledge it but it was there, floating around, knocking into them occasionally to make them remember. It took a while but they did - eventually - talk to each other about it and finally resolved the issues they'd put between them

'm assuming that this isn't the last we'll see of these two since one arc of the storyline did not get resolved fully and the next book they'll be fighting the threat side by side to the death. I can't wait!
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
T.J. Klune | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

Well, right from the start this had me laughing as Paul introduced himself. It was very frank and pretty much laugh-out-loud at times. He doesn't have the best opinion of himself, bless him, but he's so fun. And then he meets eyes with Vince while out at his friends drag queen performance at a bar/club and things go from there. Vince is not backing down about his intentions to date Paul, while Paul cannot believe that this younger, attractive, really nice if slightly dumb man, wants him and fights it tooth and nail.

They have a text conversation about a third of the way through the book that almost had me laughing like an idiot. The text faces that Vince was sending Paul were frigging hilarious. The Sex Face one is going to stick with me for a long time: >_<

And let's not forget Paul's parents. Oh. My. God! They are so funny it's not fair. I almost had tears streaming down my face at one point. They all go to nan's house for a meal and ignoring Johnny Depp, the homophobic parrot, they get into a conversation about how they met and it's stuff like this that has me crying with laughter at times. Vince, bless him. Not the smartest but he's a real sweetheart.
"He was choking to death in a restaurant," Vince explained
"I was not!" I said.
"On like a burrito or something."
"It was spinach."
"Anyway, he would have died had I not done the haemorrhoid manoeuvre."
"Heimlich. It's Heimlich."

There were so many conversations like this, with some crazy stuff being discussed and I LOVED it! They were such a cute couple and they gelled so well. It was so obvious they truly needed each other at the time that they found each other. Paul needed to let himself be loved and Vince needed someone to be there for him after a family issue. It was amazing!

I'm going to be keeping my eye out for other books in this series.
The Girl He Used to Know
The Girl He Used to Know
Tracey Garvis Graves | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

I'll admit I bought this as a spur of the moment thing from one of my favourite bargain book shops The Works. I've never read anything by this author though I do have her book, "On the Island", to read on my Kindle - and have done for several years now.

This book switches between 1991 and 2001 with almost every chapter after Annika meets her college love for the first time in years, bringing back memories of their time together and making her want to reconnect with him. They meet for coffee and decide to reconnect as friends, going out to dinner later on in the week. Things slowly progress between them and they try again.

The last few chapters of the book take place around September 2001. I honestly had no idea where the author was going with this until the news channel Annika was watching started talking about "a plane crashing into the North Tower" and I'll admit a little shiver went through me.

I'm assuming Annika has some sort of Autism because she has a lot of the same traits as Rikki - from - that I read a little while ago. Doesn't like certain clothing because of how it feels, hates loud sounds, doesn't know how to interact with people very well...etc. In fact this was discussed further on in the book and she is on the Autism spectrum.

I guess people are a bit cruel to those they don't get or understand but I really like how Jonathan always seemed to know what to say and do to ease Annika's anxieties when they were out together. He didn't mind putting his own wants aside to help Annika cope better in situations. They were perfect for each other in that.

I just found the story a little slow and not much seemed to happen in it really. The jumping between months seemed to miss out a lot of their growing relationship and I always feel a little cheated when that happens. I like to read it all.
Anything That Isn&#039;t This
Anything That Isn't This
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this was a surprising read. Not just a typical YA dystopian novel, but a peculiar, artistic novel complete with illustrations throughout.

For some reason, I wasn't expecting the strange world that Priestley created in this book. The Grey is suffocating Frank, the Ministry controlling his every decision. Most people are okay with it, comfortable in the routine provided. But Frank wants more.

First, Frank is obsessed with a girl from his school. Even after they graduate, he is desperate to be with her - he believes they're 'fated'. But after a while, he realises that maybe she's not quite right for him.

This combines two typical YA romance plots - the "unpopular boy gets the cool girl" and also the "childhood friends become lovers" plot. I think it's a bit unusual to mix the two, but I didn't find anything spectacular about this aspect of the novel.

The whole book has a very strange abstract sort of feel to it; I was unsure at times whether to actually take what he was saying at face value or take it as a metaphor. There are loads of weird myths that are thrown around, many of which play a big role later in the book. 

The friendship with Scape was interesting; it kind of just happened out of the blue and ended in a similar way. And Mr Vertex was a weird character - it was obvious there was something strange about him, and I felt he really added to the abstract feel created.

The book kind of felt grey, but not in a bad way - as in, I felt how Frank felt about his life. I was pretty shocked by how dark it got at the end, quite suddenly. The ending was a bit of a whirlwind, followed by a moment of calm. The calmness was nice, an interesting ending that left your imagination running wild.

I didn't really enjoy this book at first but I did eventually get into it, and quite liked it. I definitely liked the unique feel it had, almost like Coraline. 3.5 stars.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated This is Home in Books

Sep 26, 2019  
This is Home
This is Home
Lisa Duffy | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Libby lives with her father, Bentley (Bent to nearly everyone) and their oversized, lazy dog Rooster Cogburn. And then there's also her Aunts Lucy and Desiree, who live in the apartment above them. And now there's Quinn. Quinn's husband John and Bent served together in Iraq. Bent invites Quinn to live in the basement apartment after John goes missing, suffering from PTSD. Libby feels the place is crowded enough already. And Quinn's not too thrilled to be there either. But, before either of them realize it, they are thrust together and slowly become friends.

This is one of those quiet, unassuming books that sneaks up on you, pulling you in with its beautiful writing and wonderful characters. There's no wild plot, insane mystery, or major twist--just elegant prose, a troubled cast, and some real and raw moments that will stick with you long after you finish the last page. Lisa Duffy is an excellent writer, and I so enjoyed her book.

"He'd come home from from the war a different person. A stranger to her. Someone she moved around carefully, gently, as if he were a bomb, ready to explode."

There is a lot going on here--the aftermath of war; family issues; a budding teen romance; marriage problems--but it all works. Libby and Quinn each tell their own story, and as their lives begin to intertwine, it's very heartwarming to watch each come into their own a bit. They each have their own unique voice, and it's hard not to fall for both of them. Libby, especially, tugged at my heart. (But I loved Quinn, too!)

There is, of course, darkness here. This novel offers a very thoughtful exploration of the aftermath of war, not only on the soldiers, but those who love them. It's not always an easy read, but I think it's a valuable one. It gives a very unwavering look at the PTSD these men and women face and how it can not only can ruin them, but their families as well.

Overall, I found this to be an excellent and poignant read, and I'm sorry I let it sit on my Kindle so long. Easily 4+ stars.
One In A Million
One In A Million
Lindsey Kelk | 2020 | Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contemporary romance in a world of social media. One in a Million is a nice addition to a library, for those of you who enjoy this genre.

Annie is working hard to get her own marketing business moving. She doesn't have time for anything else, especially love. And now that her ex-boyfriend has proposed to someone else after 6 months, she has to pretend that it doesn't mean anything to her.

She makes a risky bet to turn a random person internet famous in a month. It seems like an easy thing to do, but when it turns out that this random person is one of those that want nothing to do with social media, this bet turns out to be mission impossible. Not to mention that this person is also brutally honest and savagely rude.

The plot was predictable and flat. I knew what was going to happen and the ending was too obvious and without any major twists.

Knowing the subject of this book, I was expecting at least some character development from both main characters:
* The man who never uses social media realizes that online presence is extremely important in today's world, especially if you are trying to sell a book and promote what you are doing.
* The woman who is addicted to social media realizes that aside from the online world, she needs to focus on the real-life experiences and friendships.

The realizations from both sides never really happened. The characters mentioned and discussed this, but the never changed their actions or behavior, which I found very disappointing.

One in a Million is a wonderful chill book, one of those books you can read by the pool or on the beach. It is the perfect book to cheer you up, but it didn't seem to have any real value to it, and for me it was a predictable and a boring experience.

If this genre is something that you usually read and enjoy - please pick it up, you are probably going to enjoy it! This book just wasn't for me, that's all.
Four Days of You and Me
Four Days of You and Me
Miranda Kenneally | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I hate writing less-than-positive reviews, especially for authors I typically enjoy, but this book was not a favorite of mine. It's told across Lulu and Alex's four class trips (one per year) with flashbacks to other times. I simply could not warm up to Lulu or Alex. Honestly, of the two, I probably liked him better, but we don't hear his side. It took nearly half the book for the story to engage me even a little bit, and I thought about giving up, but for some reason, I have a tough time just stopping a book.

Now, I read YA a ton, so it's not that I don't enjoy YA novels. I read one right after this and *loved* it. But I found this story way too simplistic, and I feel like teens would too. There is so much better YA out there--for all of us. The book just felt simplistic in its writing and the "will they / won't they" storyline was boring. I did not care if they did or not. Honestly, there was a side plot about Lulu's gay best friend Max that was much more interesting--I would have rather read about him!

Supposedly Lulu is an artist/writer and that's her thing, but that felt forced. Mostly, the book felt about a girl (and her friends) all trying to find boys to like (and like them back). That's what they cared about and talked about. I felt no huge connection between Alex and Lulu and hence no reason to root for them to choose each other. They didn't feel destined for one other, as most couples do in a good romance. The story does pick up a bit near the end, but by then, I just felt burned out.

So maybe this story would resonate a bit more with a teen set (and it should be an older teen set, due to language and themes), but there are a lot of other better books out there. Now, others seem to enjoy this more than me, so maybe I just got caught in a bad mood. 2.5 stars for me, though.