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Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The stories of master detective Sherlock Holmes have delighted readers, listeners, and viewers for well over a century. The tales have grown from the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to include radio, television, and film. Director Guy Ritchie casts Robert Downey Jr. as a slightly dysfunctional but brilliant Holmes who, along with his partner Dr. Watson (Jude Law), have just stopped a bizarre ceremony and ended a murder spree in the process.

The people of London are grateful to be free of the terror induced by Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong), but solving the mystery leaves Holmes somewhat despondent and uninterested in solving other mysteries. Most likely because Watson is moving out of their home and office to complete his pending marriage plans. The lack of complexity in the cases Holmes is requested to take leaves him abundant time to sulk in his study and scare the housing staff with his bizarre behavior and inventions.

The monotony of Holmes’s life is abruptly ended when Blackwood summons him shortly before his scheduled execution for his crimes. Blackwood indicates that a dark plot is in the works and though his claims are dismissed by the authorities as the desperate ravings of a madman about to be executed, Holmes begins to think there is more to the case than meets the eye. Things take a bizarre turn when Blackwood appears to rise from the dead and starts a new wave of terror over the city. Pressed into action, Holmes and Watson uncover a series of clues that reveal a diabolic plot that will alter the balance of power in England.

In a race against time, Holmes and Watson must also deal with their unresolved issues regarding Watson’s pending marriage as well as a mysterious, seductive woman from Holmes’s past (Rachel Mc Adams). What follows is a winning combination of comedy, action, mystery, and a touch of romance Ritchie knows he has a strong cast and gives Downey, Law, and Mc Adams ample room to explore their characters yet keeps them within the story.

The plot of the film may be the weakest point and at times its uncertain if it is an action buddy film or a caper picture. It attempts to blend the two but often comes up short, lacking enough action for my taste. The plot may also be confusing to some as it lacks a cohesive structure and seems to be a free roaming entity that exists within a general framework.

Downey and Law work well with one another and Downey gives a strong, clever performance in a role that requires both physical and cerebral dexterity. Mc Adams is good as the love interest in the film but would have benefited from more time to better expand her character which I hope will happen in future films.

While the film may not come across as a traditional American studio film, there is a lot to like about this new Holmes and the new franchise it launches for fans old and new.

Becs (244 KP) rated An Unholy Magick in Books

Dec 2, 2019  
An Unholy Magick
An Unholy Magick
Kali Rose Schmidt | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the enemies to lovers (3 more)
the plot
the characters are relatable
there are not any "good guys" or "heroes"; everybody is a "bad guy" or "villain"
the beginning was awfully slow (0 more)
An enthralling read that will leave you wanting more
You can also find this review on my blog:

“The desire for power is a murderer.”

Trigger Warnings: death, injury, murder, gore, loss of a parent(s), talk of enslavement, crucification, talk of torture, talk of war, beheading, violence

I haven’t read many “dark fantasy” books and An Unholy Magick really makes me want to start reading more. It was gruesome, it had gore, it was dark, and it was witchy. Everything I love in a book!

Now, this isn’t your typical “main character is the hero” sort of story. Elena Salas was a complicated, morally gray protagonist with a dark past. You could almost say she was a bit villainous with the career she took: assassin-for-hire. Elena wasn’t likable at times but with everything she had been through, she and her actions were relatable.

One thing I really liked about this story’s plot was that there was no standard “hero” or “good guys.” Everybody was considered a “bad guy” or a “villain” in their own way. This really made the whole story more realistic. More relatable to today’s standard’s. And with the tasks and complications Elena encounters at what seems like every turn, it makes it seem like the plot is out to tear her down. This causes an extremely headstrong protagonist to form in a mere few chapters.

Now, if you are anything like me and always crave a bit of romance in a fantasy book, you totally get it with An Unholy Magick. There’s a bit of a love triangle and enemies to lovers situation between three (3) of the main characters – Elena, Matvey, and Zoran. I was seriously rooting for all of them and I absolutely despise love triangles. So that was a bit of a first for me! All three of these characters also shared a common theme: pain. At some point in their lives, they had something traumatic happen to them. To me, this just really put the icing on the cake. Even making these three characters along with Elena’s brother, Jamie, all the more likeable, relatable, and realistic.

An Unholy Magick was imaginative, fun, and unique. The world was constructed beautifully and kept making me want more of it. The magick system was also constructed in a way that made it understandable from the get go. The only reason why I didn’t rate this enchanting book a five out of five stars, is due to the beginning being a bit difficult to get into because it read awfully slow. Also, because the format I received the book in was all wanky and hard to read at times. It was an eARC, so that could be why. But other than that, this complex and unique read is one that I feel most will enjoy!
Hexed (The Witch Hunter, #1)
Michelle Krys | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Happy Friday the 13th! By no means was this review deliberately placed on this day because it's witchy (maybe it was deliberate in my subconsciousness. I don't have a say in there).

Hexed follows Indigo Blackwood, aka Indie, who has a perfect life – dating the captain of the football team, popular, and has a mom who works at a voodoo shop. At least until the family "bible" goes missing after a random stranger by the name of Bishop pops into her life and tells her she may be in danger if she doesn't get the bible back. Oh, and add that there's a centuries old rivalry.

Hexed was a pretty delightful read, but it didn't exactly click with me as other witchy books do. I do love Indie's personality though (and her name – it's cute), but for a good part of the book she seemed to be the type that let others walk all over her. She seems hesitant sometimes, but then decides to do it anyway, because it makes the person happy. It's not until after some [major] things go down – and a chunk of the book (no books broken in process) – that she finally realizes her childhood friend Bianca isn't exactly a true friend.

Thus the cheering behind the screens didn't exactly begin until a little over half the book, when Indie basically tells Bianca, "Screw you. I'm outta here." *zips off to new friend recently made that's a lot better than former friend* Oh, and she officially stops being a doormat.

There's also Bishop, in which I actually thought he either a) was shaped like the chess piece, b) has a very diagonal life, also like the chess piece I suppose, and "Bishop" was just a nickname for something super complicated, or c) he just has a weird name. A was an exaggeration, B may or may not be true except for the nickname part and C was the right answer.

Bishop to me was a bit annoying. Immature, and the sexual innuendos weren't exactly appreciated even though he's humorous. Maybe not exactly immature, but Bishop is more of the very carefree type. He also seemed to be the stalker type at first, which I personally really hate (no privacy. Come on!), following Indie around and popping up just everywhere. On the bright side, he had a legitimate reason rather than, say, "Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But I have a MAJOR crush on you, so let's go on a date?"

But the bread talk. I thought that was Peeta's job?

Recommended For: Paranormal Romance fans

The "Cellar": Sorcerers vs. Witches – aka Magic vs. Magic rather than Mortal/Machine vs. Magic or Humans vs. Witches.
Advanced review copy provided by publisher for review
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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American Panda
American Panda
Gloria Chao | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<h2><em><strong>American Panda</strong></em><strong> is one of the books I needed my entire life.</strong></h2>
Gloria Chao's debut novel is about Mei, a Chinese-American teen who has no desire to be the doctor her parents want and a crush on a boy who wouldn't get a parental stamp of approval. Her older brother, Xing, is disowned by the family for falling in love with the wrong person, and a few meetups with him to reconnect makes her question the traditions she grew up with.

<h3><strong>I related to Mei so, so much.</strong></h3>
95% of the time growing up and now I feel like I'm alone in my experiences - <em><strong>American Panda</strong></em><strong> reminded me that I'm not alone. At all.</strong> There are other people like me who go through relatively similar experiences! &#x1f62d;&#x1f62d;&#x1f62d; (Honestly, I want to cry happy tears the entire time reading.)

And while my experiences aren't the same as Mei, it hit close to my heart with her struggles to choose between fulfilling her parents' dreams and what her heart wants. This is something I continue to struggle with, along with balancing two different cultures.

<h3><strong>Cute, adorable, hilarious.</strong></h3>
On top of relating to virtually every page, paragraph and line in the novel, there's a cute and adorable romance! I loved reading the moments between Darren and Mei.

But while <em>American Panda</em> is all three of those traits, it can also be really heavy and emotional later on as Mei is having an internal struggle with herself, and eventually external with her family members. <strong>If you are expecting a fluffy contemporary read when going into this novel, you will find yourself a little disappointed.</strong>

<h3><strong>But sometimes it wasn't funny.</strong></h3>
There were a few moments in the book where I felt the novel was not funny - most of that occurred near the end. While I understand the approach was meant to be comedic, I felt like it played into the Asian stereotypes a little too much. It also felt like Chao was trying too hard (and maybe that was intentional?) with some of those scenes. At the same time though, most of the stereotypes I feel were handled well by Chao. Again, I'm only one Chinese-American - my experiences compared to another will be different.

<h2><strong>Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed <em>American Panda</em> and how it deals with the struggles of Chinese-American teens growing up.</strong></h2>
While this specifically deals with one Chinese-American experience (and as noted by the author, Mei's experience is taken from many backgrounds and fictionalized), I think a lot of teens will relate to the book in other ways.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Queen of Air and Darkness: The Dark Artifices
Queen of Air and Darkness: The Dark Artifices
Cassandra Clare | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I was lucky enough to be approached by LoveReading to review and join the blog tour for The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare. Starting today, and posting every Wednesday, you will get to see what I thought about this series.

<b><i>Series: The Dark Artifices</i></b>

#1 <a href="">Lady Midnight</a> - ★★★★
#2 <a href="">Lord of Shadows</a> - ★★★★★
#3 <a href="">Queen of Air and Darkness</a> - ★★★★★

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We made it to the finish line. After three weeks of me into the shadowhunter world, I am now back in reality, wishing I could never leave from that amazing world. Queen of Air and Darkness was the lovely desert after such a tasty appetiser and main course. A perfect way to leave a restaurant.

The finale of The Dark Artifices was everything I was hoping for. Full of adventure, emotions and wisdom from a lot of characters. Development like I have never seen before... I found myself attached to so many characters, genuinely feeling for them and being with them in all their adventures.

Don't get me wrong, I do get attached to characters quite easily, but it's usually two at best in one book. This book had me loving so many characters in different ways, with different strengths and such strong emotion.

Queen of Air and Darkness finishes off where it starts, and without spoilers it's quite hard to say what goes on in this book. A forbidden love, unexplainable sadness and the best romance I have read in quite some time. Danger and faerie battles all over again. Love and betrayal, love and loyalty...

During the first couple pages, I was a complete wreck. I cried so hard and felt so sad. And after that, I had my favourites in this book and they didn't disappoint. I loved every moment of this book and I can't recommend this series enough.

Read this series, get into the world of power, magic, angels, beauty and danger. Get into a world of adventure, love, betrayal and excellent character development. The series was so satisfying, even though the ending didn't seem like a proper ending and I am sure there are many new books coming.

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Again, But Better
Again, But Better
Christine Riccio | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger warnings:
a crazy amount of ableist language, cheating, grey area cheating, and sexual assault in the form of an unwanted kiss.

When you read a synopsis, you kind of expect the book to be somewhat similar and Again, but Better followed the synopsis but also, didn’t? I really wanted to like this but it just was not for me. I originally rated this 3.5 stars but I am dropping it down to 2 stars.

Again, but Better follows Shane as she makes a change to her constant everyday life and moves to London for a semester abroad. From zero friends, no social life, and a non existent romance life, Shane hopes that moving abroad will help her make college better than what she’s been experiencing. Because college is supposed to be all fun and games and parties and boys, right?

Well, once Shane gets to London, she soon finds that college there is not all it seems. She is faced with complicated realities of living outside of the bubble she has been living in. Her self-doubt also comes swooping in, helping to tear the new life Shane so desperately was trying to make for herself, fall even more apart. But, finding the right amount of courage and determination, one can conquer anything that is thrown at them. Throw in a little fate and magic, the possibilities become endless.

The writing wasn’t bad at all, but it was the plot and characters that had me feeling off. There was also little details that were repeated quite often, like we get it Europe has different laws than America. You don’t have to keep talking about it. And how some of the characters talked about their relationships. *cough* Pilot *cough* Also, can we talk about the Young Adult feels this gives off? It was classified as New Adult but doesn’t have any of the NA feels.

There was also the ending that really threw me for a loop. I was okay with the first portion of the book, but the twist at the end had me all sorts of confused. Certain parts of the story didn’t connect with other parts and I really had a hard time following along. I was also frustrated with all of the pop culture references. There were SO MANY OMG. Honestly, the book felt like it was built specifically around all of those references and it got boring, FAST.

One thing I enjoyed was the social anxiety rep and the diverse character cast. The main characters were white and straight so that was a bit of a let down, but the minor characters were of different sexualities and race. I feel Again, but Better is a bit of a hit or miss when it comes to reading. So, take my thoughts and do what you so please.

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Magic Mike (2012)
Magic Mike (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama
5.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Depending on what you are looking for and what your expectations are going into it, the movie Magic Mike will either satisfy you or dissapoint you entirely.

Bad news first: If you are looking for a great plot, great storyline and phenomenal acting you will undoubtedly leave the theater disappointed.

Good news: If you are looking for a movie full of ‘good views’, some decent laughs, and men with rock-hard bodies with ripped muscles, you’ll get what you were looking for.

The movie Magic Mike, produced by Channing Tatum is loosely based on Tatum’s own experience before his acting career took off, when he spent a period of time earning a living as a male stripper. While working a roofing construction job, Mike (Tatum) meets Adam (Alex Pettyfer) and despite his young age, Mike befriends him and takes him out partying and, unbeknownst to Adam, to the strip club where Mikr works as a stripper. Mike introduces Adam to Dallas (Mathew McConaughey), the owner of the strip club, as The Kid.
During one of the club’s shows, one of the other strippers, “Tarzan” (Kevin Nash) passed out, and Mike pushes The Kid out on stage. It’s an awkward, unpolished performance, as one would expect from someone brand new to that particular scene, but The Kid proves to be a hit. When Adam realizes the income potential and allure of life as a stripper, he expresses interest in joining Magic Mike’s crew, and Mike and Dallas take him under their wings and teach him everything he needs to know to be successful in the business. They share tips, tricks, and outfit him with appropriate costumes. He quickly learns the dance moves and the importance of perfect timing when it comes to the pelvic thrust.

While the ‘main’ story line unfolded pretty well and the dancing and on-stage portion of the male revue club scenes were rather riveting, the attempt at bringing a romance into the story – first between Mike and Joanna (a Sociology student played by Olivia Munn) then Adam’s sister Brooke (Cody Horn) fell flat. It seemed awkward and forced, and there was no chemistry whatsoever. With a cast of stars such as McConaughey and Channing, one would expect a higher level of performance, but apparently the writer was counting on the sex appeal and dance scenes to carry the film. Instead, the audience was left with a series of awkward silences and uncomfortable, choppy dialog. Magic Mike left those in the audience that were looking for more than a two-hour male revue sadly disappointed.

We agreed that if you go wanting to see a ‘real’ movie with a ‘real’ storyline, Magic Mike rates 2 out of 5.
If you go with the expectations of ‘sex on a screen’ we rate this 4 of 5. And only 4 of 5 because we both felt uncomfortable with the ‘crotch in the face scenes’. But if you’re into that kinda thing, then by all means, 5 of 5.
A Note of Madness (Flynn Laukonen, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tabitha Suzuma is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors.

I didn't realise this was the first of two books, but it reads fine as a standalone novel anyway. I hadn't intended to read on, but I just love Suzuma's writing too much. I've reserved the next novel at the library.

I found this quite similar to Hurt in a couple of ways; firstly, the protagonist is a young male who is experiencing something very unpleasant but important to talk about. Instead of rape, as in Hurt, this time the topic is mental health. Flynn's got the whole world at his feet, but suddenly he's up all night composing or drowning himself in alcohol and aspirin. Everything feels wrong and he doesn't know why. His flatmate, Harry, calls Flynn's brother in to help. He's a doctor and soon realises Flynn needs proper help. After one incorrect diagnosis and several relapses, Flynn finally feels the world go back to normal.

Although the ending is typically "hopeful" (which you can only expect, really - it's not gonna be very helpful for kids to read stories where you never recover from your mental illness) it still manages to be realistic rather than overly positive and optimistic. For example, Flynn is offered a couple of amazing experiences in this book, the first of which he is determined to take. But he doesn't, because his health declines so much. I can tell you how horrible it is when you have your heart set on something but your mental health holds you back... Sometimes you just can't do it. Flynn's health gets so bad that his brother takes him away on the eve of his big concert (he's a music uni student).

There's also a romance line through this, which I gather will be furthered in the next book. Flynn doesn't pay much attention to it - doesn't even notice it - due to his condition, until it's too late and he's messed it up. Jennah is an old crush of his, recently parted from her boyfriend for a mysterious "other guy". Flynn just doesn't put 2 and 2 together, though, and assumes she could never love him because he's so hopeless and talentless and depressed. Things really get bad when they argue about it during one of Flynn's relapses, and she goes missing for the night. I must admit that I immediately feared the worst after what happened in Hurt, but it was eventually resolved. I am very interested in reading how Flynn's mental illness impacts his relationship in the future.

This is a great topic to address, especially in males. The episodes may be a little exaggerated but then I suppose that is how some people experience it. It's different for everyone. I really appreciate the age chosen, too, because people often forget that mental illnesses don't only develop when you're twelve or thirteen. 5 stars; a fantastic book and a fantastic author.
In Grimbaud, love is on everyone’s mind. From the annual ritual of getting a completely true love fortune from Zita’s charm shop to the statue of Love in the square, that is just about the only thing that matters in the town. This is great for those who have found their matches and live happily ever after. For those who are fated to be single forever, not so much. They quickly become the social outcasts in the town and join the Spinster and Bachelor villas.

For Fallon Dupree, a spinster fortune is just another reason that she’s an outcast in Grimbaud High School. With her parents and brother all strict inspectors in the clothing and restaurant department, Fallon leads a high quality life that quickly gets her branded as a snob. Not ready to give up on love quite yet, Fallon joins a rebellion to overthrow Zita’s charm shop and take back their own fortunes. Much to her surprise, so does her next door neighbor, Sebastion, who is also the high school’s heartbreaker.

Okay, if you’re following me on Twitter, then you already know I like this book. It’s adorable and sweet. I am a bit of a sucker for modern fairy tale towns like Grimbaud is. Fallon is a really good character, even though I don’t really like her parents. I mean really, controlling much? Her brother is pretty cool, though.

I actually like Sebastion’s character. Player love interests can either be complete jerks or be really hot, and Sebastion is definitely hot. Unlike the love interest in The Boy Next Door, the teen romance I’m reading now, Sebastion isn’t a complete douche to girls, even though he does date around. He is really funny and I like the chemistry between him and Fallon a lot.

What I didn’t like about this book was how a lot of them just gave up. I mean, if I was in the Spinster Villa, I would be over at the Bachelor Villa all the time. Even if it wasn’t true love, it would be nice to have a fling, right? They are all lonely. I can’t see the villas staying segregated because of a piece of ticker tape they got a few decades ago, even if the fortunes always come true. Worst case scenario there’s always friendship, right? And some of those love fortunes definitely didn’t have a life sentence. You will get a terrible rejection in the near future? That could have been my fortune in the sixth grade. Now I’m dating an incredibly sweet guy who loves me and is adorable and sexy. Too much of this town gave up way too quickly. At least Ms. Ward tried.

I still give this book four out of five stars. Romantics out there will definitely enjoy it, and every teenaged girl feeling unlucky in love should read it.
Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Synopsis: September 3, 1940. Ten peculiar children flee an army of deadly monsters. And only one person can help them—but she’s trapped in the body of a bird. The extraordinary journey that began in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. There, they hope to find a cure for their beloved headmistress, Miss Peregrine. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner. And before Jacob can deliver the peculiar children to safety, he must make an important decision about his love for Emma Bloom.

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal, Fiction

Audience/Reading Level: Middle School+

Interests: Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal

Style: Light Read

Point of View: Third Person

Difficulty Reading: It was a very easy read and know even younger individuals will be able to understand what the underlying meaning of the story is.

Promise: Like its predecessor, this second novel in the Peculiar Children series blends thrilling fantasy with newly discovered (and thoroughly mesmerizing) vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reading experience that will delight readers of all ages.

Quality: Like your favorite cake with extra whip cream and ice cream. 😉

Insights: When I first read this series, I read Tales of the Peculiar by Ransom Riggs first to get a better understanding of the characters since I had a feeling that there was going to be a lot of references to it. I was right. I honestly fell in love with this series and love the way that Ransom Riggs writes. It just captures my attention and transports me into a world of fantasy that is a great escape from reality!

Favorite Quotes: “Laughing doesn’t make bad things worse any more than crying makes them better.”

“There was romance in the unknown, but once a place had been discovered and cataloged and mapped, it was diminished, just another dusty fact in a book, sapped of mystery. So maybe it was better to leave a few spots on the map blank. To let the world keep a little of its magic, rather than forcing it to divulge every last secret. Maybe it was better, now and then, to wonder.”

What will you gain: A love of a new fantasy world that will make you wish, you too were a part of the Peculiar children’s world.

Aesthetics: I absolutely love the vintage style this series has. The photographs help give an idea of who and what the characters look like. The way that Ransom Riggs writes, just draws anybody of any age into the plot and storyline, like an enchantment that takes you from the real world, into a world filled with magic, hope, love, and adventure.

“Some truths are expressed best in the form of myth.”