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Jackjack (877 KP) rated Schitt's Creek in TV

Oct 22, 2020  
Schitt's Creek
Schitt's Creek
2015 |
8.8 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Budget show but it works ridiculously well!!
So I first saw this program on tiktok a short video made me laugh so I thought why not I'll give it ago!

So when I first watched this I thought it was pretty low budget and the acting was shit. But as the episodes went on I got lost in it and I have binge watched it and almost finished. I feel the budget outlook gave it some sort of charm every episode makes me laugh and I have got lost in this story.

So this is about a rich family the roses who have unfortunately lost everything except for a small town the dad John Rose (Eugene Levy from American pie) brought for his son. This town is called schitt's creek and its about how this posh rich family go there with nothing and you see how they all grow up. It has the right amount of comedy and romance to keep me hooked. If your bored and looking for an easy watch, this is definitely the one. Good actors (took some getting used too) and a good story line. Keeps you laughing throughout.
Callisto 2.0
Callisto 2.0
Susan English | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not really my thing.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This will be a short review, and for that I am sorry, My brain is shutting down, and I'm struggling to put much sense into my reviews!

I liked this enough to finish it, so that's a good thing right now!

I liked Callisto, I found her interesting and engaging. Her first person voice is clear and defined. I liked her!

There is much science in this book. MUCH. I found it a little hard work at times, and easy going at others. But I did find myself skimming over some parts too.

There is romance here, but I'm not tagging as such. Its very much in the background. I would have liked more, to be honest, it might have broken up the science.

There is some repetition of the same point: that men are ruining the world and only women can fix it. It got a bit much.

So, I did finish it, and I can only really stretch to:

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Catalyst (Demon Guard #3) in Books

Jan 4, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Catalyst (Demon Guard #3)
Catalyst (Demon Guard #3)
Cheree Alsop | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CATALYST is the third and final book in the Demon Guard series and I really couldn't wait to find out just what would happen with Raith and Nox!

Yet another faction enters the picture, but Raith and Nox are not prepared to take anything at face value these days. They learn the answers to some questions whilst more arise. Ambry regains consciousness, but I'm still not sure she's the one for Raith. Luckily for me, the main arc of this story was Raith and Nox, not the budding romance, so that worked out perfectly for me.

The finale is breathtaking and perfect for the story so far. The epilogue left me with a huge smile on my face. I won't say more as you really should read it for yourself.

Full of action and humour between Raith and Nox, plus some heart-rending moments, this was the perfect ending to the series and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 4, 2021
Twice in a Blue Moon
Twice in a Blue Moon
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tate first fell in love on a trip to London, where she met the mysterious Sam Brandis. They shared all their deepest secrets and dreams together every night in their hotel's garden. It was a whirlwind, beautiful romance. Sam was the only person that Tate told her biggest secret: she is the daughter of one of Hollywood's biggest film stars. But their brief love story ended abruptly when Sam betrayed Tate, revealing her secret and outing her to the world. Now, fourteen years later, Tate is a famous actress herself. She's on set on her biggest project to date. The last person she's expecting to see is Sam Brandis. But here he is. Now Tate is forced to confront what happened fourteen years ago--and how it has affected her all these years later.

"What would you do if you got a second chance with your first love?"

Well, I was totally caught up in this captivating romance. I'm a real sucker for Hollywood drama, so this was right up my alley. The daughter of a Hollywood star, who abandoned her and her Mom after a messy divorce? Said daughter grows up and decides to be a film star after being outed by her first love? I'm so in.

This Christina Lauren novel is told just from Tate's point of view, so we don't get some of the back-and-forth POV that we see in some of the duo's other books. There is more drama, less witty banter, than we might see in other books. But there's still plenty of the usual lies, longing, and misunderstandings. There are also lots of sexy moments and romantic interludes, too.

Tate is a fun character; I liked the divide between young Tate and Sam and then cutting to them fourteen years later. Honestly, older Tate is a little clueless at times. It takes her a while to catch on to things that seem pretty obvious to the rest of us. As usual, some things are rather predictable and other moments are a bit overblown, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book. While Sam and Tate might not have had a constant humorous dialogue going, I liked the seriousness that the book brought to their relationship, as well as the funny moments it dropped in too. Tate's family, friends, and co-stars add a lighthearted touch, too.

Overall, this is a sweet, engaging romance. I loved the Hollywood aspect and the changing dynamic between Tate and Sam. 4 stars.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful characters (1 more)
Interesting fantasy world
Second half is rather short, definitely could have been stretched futher (0 more)
Falling back in love with fairies.
When I first picked up this book, I was expecting it to be just another book about a teenage girl falling in love with some irresistible fairie. Although I didn't expect much as I haven't really enjoyed many YA novels about fairies in a few years, I fell in love myself with the protagonist, Feyre, and many of the other characters.

Feyre's character reminds me of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. She is strong and independent with clear motivations and her progression towards a softer, more gentle character throughout the book never takes away that strength. My favourite thing about her character is that she finds love but she never stops relying on herself.

Leading on from that, the main romance in this book is very believable and real, developing over time, with Maas presenting Feyre and Tamlin as equals, helping each other to grow. This is a refreshing change from many YA romances, where a man swoops in to save a damaged woman from all of her problems. Plus, there are many non-romantic relationships that really lighten up the novel. An example of this is Feyre's friendship with Lucien which, although purely platonic, is just as inspiring and lovely as any romance.

My only criticism of this novel is that it could have been longer. I really enjoyed the final part of the story, where Feyre goes through a lot for her relationship, because it really showcases her strength. However, it felt slightly rushed at some points, considering it is meant to take place over around 3 months. The final confrontation near then end seemed to be very quick and I can see how this makes sense with the story but I still would have liked to have a bit more to read.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes YA fantasy with romance, politics and magic. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Further down the page you'll see that I've seen it again... of course I did... but that time I saw it in 2D. After trying both versions I'd say you should see it in 3D because the underwater scenes really do benefit from the extra wow factor.

This is the story of a poor shark living down under the bottom of the bottom of the ocean. Happily swimming around in the dark until some nosy old divers come down and set off his migraine with their bright lights. As he attempts to turn out all the lights and go back to his quiet life things just get worse. A rupture in the ocean floor sends him out into the ocean above he finds himself stuck up there surrounded by even more things that aren't going to help his migraine.

First he encounters the observatory with all of their bright lights, but he soon discovers that biting it is going to do nothing to help. He then encounters two whales who are jibber jabbering so loudly that it's setting his several hundred teeth on edge.

Clearly this isn't the section of ocean for him so he heads off for more open water... but of course he bumps into some rather vicious killers who are slicing up his little sharky pals... and he's having none of that and decides to dispense some bitey justice.

Finally, thinking he's got away from all these horrible fishermen and boats he finds himself swimming into some clearer waters. But what's this? Litter everywhere along the ocean floor?! Big plastic floaty things covering the surface?! This isn't the way the ocean should be treated. Some more, swift, bitey justice leads to the problem being cleared with very little effort.

This is the story of The Equalizer of the shark world.

This is also why we should start telling stories from the "baddies" point of view.

Regardless of how serious the film was designed to be it was very entertaining. Action, some great visuals, sharks chomping things, a dog, a bit of romance, Jason Statham looking buff. There wasn't anything I didn't love about this. It's exactly as predictable as you expect it to be and that's why it's good, you've got the anticipation of what you know is going to come, you just don't know in what order it'll be.
Silver Tomorrows
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silver Tomorrows was a beautiful romance with wonderful characters. Emily is a modern day woman who's never felt at home in her time and is sent back to 1882 Colorado. She meets two men, Teigue and his nephew, Royle. While Teigue adopts her as his daughter and believes she's a good person, Royle refuses to see the good in her and is suspect.

I picked this up after reading a Civil War time-travel and wanted another set in the same era. Even though I'm somewhat organized, I still have books scattered around and the only time-travel romance I could find was set in post-war time, so it would have to do. I am so glad that I had this around to read!

The story unfolds marvelously and I love how logical Emily is, it's really refreshing change from a lot of romances. She doesn't try to convince them she's from the future, and really, the time-travel plays a very little part in the book. Royle is pigheaded in ignoring his feelings for what he thinks he has to do, but of course he can't fight forever (although it might seem so at times) and the chemistry between him and Emily is sizzling. I loved what Teigue added to plot and the direction the story went. I don't want to give too much away but I loved every second of it - a lot was covered, from mining in Colorado to a bit of society in post-war Williamsburg, Virginia over the course of six or so months.

For some reason I'm holding back on a perfect rating, the only thing I can think of is that I didn't get to read it in one sitting. The more I think about it though, the more I appreciate the book and how the author brought everything to life. Even if you don't like time-travel, I would recommend this because it's not an issue in the book, except for Emily finding a home and her logic. The romance is just lovely and that's why romance lovers should read it.
4.5 stars

Becca Major (96 KP) rated Secret Healer in TV

Jan 25, 2018  
Secret Healer
Secret Healer
2016 | Drama, International, Romance
6.6 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Writing (2 more)
Some subplots (0 more)
Not What I Expected
I admit that I went into this drama expecting it to be a light, happy romp through Joseon-era Korea, with a nice romance and a fair bit of drama. Something to lift my spirits after watching a downer series the week before. This is not what I got.

Secret Healer is definitely more of a drama than a romance. Yes, the romance is there and it is important to the plot. Hell, it's even developed reasonably well. However, it is not the main focus of the story. Which, after a while, I appreciated because I didn't need the romance to keep me invested, the plot did that well enough.

The true focus of the plot is Yoon-hee, the princess, and the trials she has to overcome to be free of her curse. Without getting too spoiler-y, the villain, Hong-joo, does literally everything she can to make Yoon-hee fail. And Hong-joo is a legitimately engaging and terrifying villain; she has power, dozens of skilled swords-women under her command and control, and is ruthless to the point of cold-blooded murder. The dynamic between these two really carries the better part of the plot.

Yoon-hee's love interest, Jun, also has an interesting story-arc that is, thankfully, all his own. He comes into the story with his own baggage involving his relationships with his mother and half-brother that he needs to overcome. It is also really nice to see a couple that complements each other equally. They support each other and receive support in turn. In a sea of douchbags with money winning over nice, supportive guys, he is a breath of fresh air.

The other characters that pepper this drama provide just the right amount of flavor. They are, for the most part, well written and well realized by their actors. My personal favorite character was Yo-gwang, Yoon-hee's "bodyguard."

I would recommend this series to anyone desiring a well-written, well-acted story that has more going for it than a simple love story.