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Demon Hunts (Walker Papers, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my favorite book in the series without a doubt, because I finally get to see Joanne in love! While it is not with her boss, Morrison, whom it is obvious she has an attraction to, it is still a very satisfying romance. Her bubbly happiness is quite enjoyable to read, and it does not get on my nerves despite how sickly sweet Joanne is in the descriptions. At times, her love interest really does seem like the perfect man, and I am thrilled that she gets to have this in the midst of the chaos of her shamanic lifestyle.
I think what keeps bringing me back to this series is that Joanne's narration is both unique and comical. She is refreshingly honest about herself and her quirks and abilities and keeps a running commentary behind the scenes, even as she solves supernatural-size problems while balancing a social life and a job as a detective. Even though I still understand very little of the role of a shaman and all of Joanne's world-jumping, there is something very likable about Joanne Walker.
The other half of Joanne's romance is a man that was assumed to be dead. Aside from the romance, I love that he shows up in this book, as I get to see more of what he can and cannot do and what his personality is really like. Plus, the tension between him and Morrison is quite interesting, as it brings to the forefront the chemistry between Morrison and Joanne and makes her admit to a few things about herself.
The wendigo is the "big bad" for this book, but the final battle ends differently than what I assumed. In a way, the wendigo teaches Joanne that some flaws are acceptable and even useful. I look forward to the next book, Spirit Dances.
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delightful romance.
So I’ll admit. The only reason I picked this book up is because the second book in the series, Her Royal Highness, looks like an adorable lesbian romance and I thought I should start at the beginning of the series. I’m glad I did, because Royals is a delight. Daisy is a spirited, no-nonsense teenager who doesn’t get the appeal of all this “royal” stuff, and she’s not one to mince words for the sake of appearances. As you can imagine, that ruffles a LOT of royal feathers! Add in a posse of noble ne’er-do-wells trying to get in trouble, and you’re in for some fun.

Interestingly, I’m torn now on whether to read the second book! Rachel Hawkins is a fantastic writer, so I have no doubt she’ll write a great second book, but the love interest in the next book, Princess Flora, did not make a great impression on me in this book. I was glad she only made a short appearance. It doesn’t sound like the next book is told from her point of view, though, so maybe it will be okay. The series definitely has a lot of potential, as there’s still several members of the Prince’s posse to tell stories about!

I do enjoy a good royal romance, and these are interesting in that they’re contemporary, so the royals are concerned with their reputation, and treated like massive celebrities, but have lost a lot of their intimidation factor and power when it comes to normal people. Daisy sees it more as an inconvenience than anything else, it seems.

One content warning – there was a scene with an unasked-for kiss that could have been called sexual assault if Daisy had been less charitable about it. It wasn’t malicious. But it was questionable. So beware if that’s something you want to avoid.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Luke Skywalker (3 more)
Rey and Kylo Dynamic
Great Space Battles
Some of the Kylo evolution
Not enough Luke (4 more)
Finn romance and side story BLAH
Why Destroy your helmet Kylo
Not enough Light saber battles
Savage Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved a lot of things about this movie and didn't like a lot. First off LUKE SKYWALKER BOOM and that cameo of Yoda was amazing. Second the dynamic between Rey and Kylo I really liked its gonna be great to see where they go from here with the good and bad. The space battle where some of my favorites and when their were light saber action it was top notch. I liked certain things about the evolution of Kylo him taking control and being the new top dog. Now to what I hated the Finn romance and side story I liked where they were going with that but they executed it poorly and made it a complete bore and took you out of the movie. Why did Kylo destroy his helmet if you want to be like your grandfather he wears the mask it made you bad ass and it makes you less whiny. I get your conflicted but your tantrums are sometimes too much. Dont get me started on Snoke he feels like a wasted character and I hope they redeem him in the next one somehow. There was barely any light saber action. I liked the small amount in the movie but this is star wars we need those epic Light Saber moments. Now Back to Luke I loved the ending with him it was absolutely brilliant but at the same time I wanted more from him he never left the Island which I understand from the story point of view but I wanted him to battle Kylo in a Epic Battle.
And Then There Were Four
And Then There Were Four
Nancy Werlin | 2017 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's okay, take it or leave it
I have to agree, this was indeed a page turner. It started off with a bang and it was one event after another until our four characters started putting the pieces together. It got really thrilling at certain moments of the book and even you are left wondering what the heck is going on and you’re feeling just as lost and confused as the characters.

The plot itself in general was all right. Be prepared for some predictable scenes. It didn’t bother me as much as it was expected but there were plenty of moments in the book where you were blindsided with surprise which makes up for some of the predictability.

The characters were well done and complimented each other as a group despite each one having their differences. The narration done throughout the novel is by Caleb and Saralinda. Both characters are likable to an extent. I prefer reading Caleb’s side of the story instead of Saralinda only because she got annoying towards the second half of the novel. I thought she was trying too hard to be the happy nerdy girl with the forceful jokes. (You certainly CANNOT be thinking of first kisses and romance while you have the police and your murderous parents after you...seriously now?)

The read was all right. Some thrilling moments here and there and an ending that’s enough to close the story. Would I recommend this? Not really. I’d say more along the lines of: take it or leave it.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I debated for quite awhile about reading this book. All the reviews are so love it or you hate it. It is all over the place from internet to radio to CNN, but it was both of my former college roommates & best friends that finally talked me into it, through Facebook no less!
In an interview on CNN with some female members of a book club, I heard 50 Shades described as a Disney prince fairy tale for grown-ups. I couldn't agree more...of course I can't see old Walt even fantasizing about some of the things that take place in this tale!
I am by no means a fan of erotic literature. Hell, I don't even like trashy romance novels, but this one, DAMN! I was hooked from the get. Now don't get me wrong, it was not the steamy, unbelievable, hot sex scenes that got to me(yes, I am human!) Mr. Grey & Miss Steele are intriguing characters. They are so well developed & in some strange way easy to relate to...not that I know much about bondage or billionaires!
I found myself HATING Christian with a passion & in the next sentence wishing I knew him. He is such a conundrum. I found myself identifying with Ana, yet at the same time not getting her motivation at all. It was a heady mix of confusing & normal all at the same time.
I very much look forward to finding out what happens in the next part!!
The Murder House
The Murder House
James Patterson, David Ellis | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reading this book was a rollercoaster of emotions...

As far as the book itself, there were good things and bad things. Some of the good things included the rollercoaster mentioned above of feeling like patterson was just messing with my head, the fact that the characters were so clearly defined and constructed, and the plot itself.

Some of the not so good things included the violent descriptive murder scenes (which is one of the reasons I didn’t continue with the Alex Cross series. I quit after Kiss the Girls.). I understand those scenes were in there to make me hate the bad guy and desperately want him to get caught and go to jail, but I also wasn’t happy with how descriptive it was.

There was also a lot of overdramatic moments between some of the characters that made me want to roll my eyes, even in the heat of a very serious moment.

Lastly, Patterson is great at writing violence and murder, but not so great at writing subtley-blossoming romance between two unlikely characters. It felt awkward.

Overall I have mixed feelings about The Murder House. It was an excellent story, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who can’t handle a good murder scene. The writing isn’t phenomenal, but I also enjoyed 85% of my time spent listening to it. So make your judgement on how you tend to respond to violence and gore, and let me know what your face ends up looking like.
Read It and Weep
Read It and Weep
Jenn McKinlay | 2013 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance Overshadows Mystery
This fall, Lindsey’s friend Violet La Rue is directing a local theater production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and she is encouraging everyone to try out for it. Lindsey is more interested in working behind the scenes on the costumes, but many of her friends land parts in the play. The one non-community member cast is Violet’s friend, Robbie Vine, a celebrated actor. He brings with him his wife and his girlfriend, but he still is immediately smitten with Lindsey, and he starts flirting with her, which does nothing but irritate Sully, Lindsey’s ex. However, Lindsey’s romantic troubles aren’t the biggest issue on the stage. Instead, a series of increasingly more serious accidents seem to be happening in the theater. Is someone out to destroy the production? Is any one person the target? Will Lindsey get to the bottom of things before someone dies?

Since I’m behind on this series, I knew that Lindsey was going to have some serious issues with her love life, and that is the case here. In fact, it feels more like the focus of the book with the mystery being a sub-plot. I’m a guy, so I don’t tend to read romances, and I stir clear of many romantic comedies because they aren’t my thing. The romantic comedy aspect of this book certainly bothered me. While there are some mysterious occurrences, it wasn’t really until the second half when the mystery really got going and even then, is often overshadowed by the romance. There is a good twist to the mystery, however. And I adore the series characters. We get to see a different side of a couple of them and finally spend some time getting to know Violet. On the other hand, the suspects were rather weak. I’ve read enough of author Jenn McKinlay’s books to know this is a blip from an author I usually adore. If you are a fan of her books, you’ll still want to see what happens here. If you are new to her books, you’ll be better served starting with a different book and coming back to this one later. Personally, I am looking forward to visiting Lindsey again soon.