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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Vengeance of She (1968) in Movies

Feb 26, 2018 (Updated Feb 26, 2018)  
The Vengeance of She (1968)
The Vengeance of She (1968)
1968 | Fantasy
Bargain basement Hammer fantasy sequel manages to ditch almost everything that gave the original film its class. Plot is basically a role-reversal of the original film; Richardson's character has gone mad (we are invited to infer) and regressed to the personality of his previous incarnation (film doesn't actually make sense otherwise); awaits the arrival of the reincarnation of Ursula Andress (not that Berova looks that much like her); cult of sorcerers offer to speed her arrival in return for the secret of immortality.

Basically just quite pedestrian and dull, with lots of messing about on a rich man's yacht that doesn't do a great deal to advance the plot. Some potentially interesting ideas are ignored in favour of potboiler romance and fantasy melodrama. Production values basically scream that the movie was made on a very low budget. Andre Morell is the best thing in it, and he's not in it all that much.
The Warded Man (Demon Cycle, #1)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I won a print copy of this book in a FirstReads giveaway.

When I first read the synopsis, I was hesitant to enter the giveaway, as I didn't know how much I would enjoy this book. However, I talked myself into it, and I'm definitely glad I did, because it's a great book. The idea of demons, or "corelings," rising through the ground every night to attack people and tear up everything is just really interesting, and I don't know why I was hesitant to begin with. I found myself growing attached to the three main characters as their stories unfolded, and I couldn't wait to see what happened on the next page. There's a ton of action, the paranormal/horror aspect of attacking demons, some historical elements, and even a little romance, so it's got something for everyone. I decided less than halfway through that I'm going to get the 2nd and 3rd books, and I can't wait to get started on them!!

5 stars

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) rated Royals in Books

Jul 10, 2018  
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I was not expecting to like this novel as much as I did. I spent more than half of the book absolutely hating some of the characters and that shows me how emotionally invested in Daisy I was. I will admit, I felt a kinship with Daisy. I loved her character & her humor. It was fun and made me laugh a lot.

I loved just about everything about this book except for how quick of an ending it had. I want to know more about what happened. I want to know how the entire story ends which only makes me hope that Rachel Hawkins is considering writing a second book.

This book is a cute, quick read that is sure to make you smile a few times. The romance aspect was cute & sweet. All in all, I loved it.

**I received this book from First to Read in exchange for an honest review**
A Season for Fireflies
A Season for Fireflies
Rebecca Maizel | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great YA Read
A lot has changed in the past year for Penny. She has quit theater, and made a new set of friends. When she is struck by lightning she loses all memory of the last year, and is confused by the changes in her life. Now she most win back her old friends, and try to piece together the time she lost.
This story was done fantastically. It would have been easy to make either Penny's old or new friends unlikable. Instead all of the characters are complex, and have reasons behind there actions. Penny herself struggles with coming to terms with decisions she doesn't remember making. She has to figure out how to get her old friends back when they no longer speak to her, and she isn't sure why. This book also has some romance, however it is Penny's character development that truly makes the story shine.
To Make a Match (Scandal in London, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loosely based on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, Liana LeFey gives us the tale of a younger sister desperate to find marital happiness and an older sister who seems intent on blocking her at every turn. The sisters nearly end up engaged to the wrong men.... but this is an historical romance, so of course it all works out in the end!

I found this a perfectly enjoyable, easy read, if not one of the best examples of the genre. Lady Victoria Lennox was a bit of a minx and did need holding back a bit, while her older sister, Lady Amelia, was pretty unlikeable for most of the book - it was hard to see what her admirer saw in her. Both main male suitors seemed decent chaps, if not a swoon-worthy as some heroes.... was never quite clear why Victoria's father always seemed so harsh on her though. Ah well.
Belinda Goes to Bath is the second in the Travelling Matchmaker series. I really enjoyed the first, Emily Goes to Exeter, but I think I actually have to give the preference overall to this second volume. Emily was quite difficult to like to start with but Belinda is much nicer, although the second hero isn't perhaps quite so dashing...

The cartoon-style covers of these new editions really suit the tone of the books I think. They are fun and lighthearted and some of the characters a bit too 'larger than life' to be real - the unpleasant Penelope in this book really is rather horrid!

This book has a bit of everything; romance adventure, out-and-out villany and of course a mad aunt who really does have bats in her belfry; great stuff!

Now I'm off to Portsmouth with Penelope (not the one from this volume, fortunately!) and Miss Hannah Pym!
Ruby in the Dust
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a wonderful, heart-warming and realistic (in the best way) book! It takes place in Maidenhead, UK and some of the descriptions just of that had me sniggering to myself.

This is a romance book, a self-help book, full of humour, situations, trials and tribulations and friendship. And don't forget tea or coffee with cake! This book will make you laugh and will also make you cry. There was one bit (that I won't ruin) that came as a shock to me and what followed had me snuffling into my tissues. The very human characters in this book face their inner (and sometimes outer) demons and do it with the love and friendship of others and their own strengths that they don't even realise that they have.

Wonderful writing, with a twist, that completely drew me in. Made me laugh, made me cry and gave me more than a few good self-help quotes.
Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Another powerful film about racial tensions in America; this one is unusually subtle and sophisticated, too. A young couple are forced to kill a racist cop and go on the run from the authorities, falling in love as they go. The subtext - that the bias in the system inevitable ends up criminalising decent young folk - is obvious, but the film finds nuance as well. There are decent white people and corrupt black people, while the protagonists have no interest in bigger political issues - but find themselves being claimed as symbols or representatives of some dubious political movements.

The film seems to be suggesting that in a conflicted and corrupt world, the best thing is to find joy where you can, and the developing romance between the two leads is as memorable as any of the political or dramatic content. Possibly a bit overlong at two and a quarter hours, but an engaging, intelligent and moving film from the first moment to the last.
White Hot Kiss
White Hot Kiss
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
roth.....omg (0 more)
so i have to admit i looooove this book i always root for the bad guys so no surprise that roth was my fave character throughout this whole book and the ending omg i cried . found layla to be a bit of a whinny immature lil thing but she wasn't bad as some characters iv come across but being brought up with gargoyles and demons and going demon tagging i wanted to be a bit tougher than she was. zayne uh what a sweat heart but roth uuuuuuugh hes an arshole you cant help but love. this book had me gripped. the action. tho steamy romance. the suspense and and the unfolding of the whole story line i just love it took me 8 hrs to get through (i also have children to look after in between reading so that shows how into this book i was) im so looking forward to the second book in this series
500 Days of Summer (2009)
500 Days of Summer (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
This is not a love story, that is made very clear. It is a boy meets girl story. It is a boy loves girl story. And there it diverges. Some of the best moments of this film are not in the comedy or cuteness, which are abundant, but in the darker moments of sadness and self-discovery that are painful and harsh. Amidst an amazing soundtrack, and lead performances of utter charm, this is a story about growing up. Tom wants romance, he wants love, he wants happiness. What he finds is disappointment, disillusion and let-down on every level. So, why does it feel so good? Because the writing transcends the idea of every love story ever told on the silver screen and reminds you that, in the end, Autumn follows Summer and that is exactly how it should be. Love yourself and let the rest fall away with a wistful smile.