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This starts with Kira trying to get to one of her enemies destroyed ships so she can salvage parts and other things from it, making her way through a field of broken ship parts to get there. She finally makes it on board and salvages several parts but not without incident, heading back to her ship to find out something is now broken and they need to head to a station to buy the part. While there she comes to the rescue of some children and draws the attention of the Tuann, a race of beings who claim she is one of them. She is coerced into going with them to one of their planets by the leader of the group, Graydon, and lots of things come to light - including an intense attraction.

I actually got quite into this, more than i expected to considering sci-fi is not really my type of thing. Loads of stuff kept happening and kept me entertained. Secrets came to light, a romance was blooming, people thought dead were coming back out of the woodwork...

It was really well thought out and written and we learnt things about Kira in dribs and drabs that kept us guessing about her and what happened in her past until we learnt even more. It was great. The ending had me intrigued enough to go and buy book 2 straight away.

I'll admit that the above is mostly down to the romance that was slowly brewing between Kira and Graydon and the little fact that he's not letting her leave - which I find quite funny, because Kira was ready for killing him about it, and because I am excited to see what happens there romantically.
    City of Love: Paris

    City of Love: Paris


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    YOUR CHOICES, YOUR STORY Dive into an interactive drama where romance, mystery and the Parisian...

Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing world building!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oooooohhhhh! I loved this! I really did!

The thing I loved the most, was there wasn't that info dump you get in some fantasy books. When Crystal gets pulled into the rose bush and spat out the other side, she has to learn everything about where she now is. And as she learns, we learn. So, it comes in dribs and drabs, just enough for you to process that bit and move on to the next. Loved that, it meant I could fully engage with the characters, instead of trying to keep up with information. Excellent world building!

I loved that Crystal has her say in the first person, and the Paladins, her group of protectors at this point, have their say in the third. Different, yes, but I loved that it was.

And I say at this point, because given what happens at the end (which, to be honest I saw coming, but hey, still loved it!) things will change in future books.

I've not tagged it as romance or multi partner YET, cos there isn't any romance, and the only smexy times is in dreams, for both Crystal and the guys. But it's coming, oh yes, it's a-coming!

Obviously, things aren't smooth sailing, and I've an idea who might be wanting to cause all this trouble. I'm fairly certain they aren't done yet.

So, when is the next one out? Cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it!

This is the second book of Cameron's I tried to read. I didn't much care for the first one, but this?? Bloody loved it!

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Becky Flade | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this, just didn't love it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The book title shows as book 3 in the Philly Heat series, but some sites has this at book 4, but it doesn't matter where it sits, it can be read as a stand alone within the series. Alex (Fall To Pieces) and Trudy (Yesterday's Over) do appear here, but you don't need their stories to follow this one. I've read both those books, and much preferred Fall To Pieces then Yesterday's Over and indeed, this one.

I liked this book, I just didn't love it.

I liked (if that's the right word!) the increasing issue with the stalker. That they were ALREADY scaring Hannah before she met with Doyle. And said stalker gets mighty angry about Doyle, let me tell ya!

I liked that I didn't see who was doing the stalking, at all! That one threw me off a bit, cos it was not who I thought. I liked the twist that took, too, heading back a year ago to her brother's murder.

I felt the romance came out of nowhere. there seemed to be little build up to that. I liked that it is, again, a backdrop to the major crime going on, rather than front and centre. I think I might have enjoyed this one if there had been NO romance on page, to be honest.

It's well written, from both Doyle and Hannah's point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I just think that maybe this author isn't really for ME. I stress the ME point! I really did enjoy Fall To Pieces, but the other books have been a bit behind that one.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Wild at Heart (Wild Love #1) in Books

May 3, 2022 (Updated Jun 20, 2023)  
Wild at Heart (Wild Love #1)
Wild at Heart (Wild Love #1)
Stacy Gold | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WILD AT HEART is the first book in the Wild Love series and we meet Jules and Evan, both consultants, both hiking to put their world to rights.

One thing I want to say straight away is I'm NOT a hiker. I go for walks, yes, but not hikes. So I tip my hat to the author for her obvious love of hiking and the outdoors. Her experience shines through in every word when they're on the trail, which made it a delight to read.

The relationship between Jules and Evan was full of peaks and dips too. Some of which I empathised with and understood. Others just frustrated me and made that part of the book slow down to a snail's pace as I slogged past it. Mainly told from Jules' perspective, I found her to be hanging onto past trauma without making much of an effort to move past it. She was quick to place distance between her and Evan for the most spurious of reasons. He, at least, acknowledged his faults and worked hard to overcome them. He also had the patience of a saint, which he needed with Jules!

The ending is nicely wrapped up with a big bow although it was a bit quick and convenient after all the (sometimes unnecessary) drama.

My rating would be 3.5 stars but I'm rounding it up for both Archaeolibrarian and Goodreads. I would recommend this outdoorsy romance for fans of contemporary romance.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 27, 2022
What To Do With A Duke
What To Do With A Duke
Sally MacKenzie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mild humor (1 more)
Some good discussion about marriage and women
Unstable plot (2 more)
Frustrating characters
Vulgar male lead
A misguided curse
When it comes to historical romance, I look for one of two things: one, a compelling love story with some scenes that make me blush and fan myself; or two, a light and fluffy clean romance, sometimes with a touch of humor. What I demand from all historical romances is for both the romance and the setting to be believable. I’ve started to wonder if my standards are too high. When I went into this book, with the cute cover and hints at a curse, I figured this one might fall on the fluffy side of the spectrum (the cat on the cover may have influenced this assumption). I was sadly mistaken.

The characters seem so non-committal, not just with each other, but with upholding any of the values they claim to have. Catherine was constantly complaining about how she needed peace and solitude to write, but in the first half of the novel whenever she had it she didn’t do it. She blames family for her difficulties with not being able to be the next great novelist, but the problem was really with the fact that she was not all that committed to doing it. Just like she apparently was not all that committed to being a spinster, despite preaching about it constantly. I found Catherine’s character to be frustrating at every turn and had a hard time rooting for her.

Unfortunately, the other half of this love story was hardly any better. Marcus is dreamy for all of a few minutes, until he started talking about his manhood… Which he proceeded to do all the time. Every time the narration would switch to him, inevitably a thought would end with some note about what his cock wants. I suppose Marcus’ raw desire was supposed to be tantalizing, but I honestly just found it vulgar. It didn’t help that everything about Marcus and Catherine’s romance was a lust at first sight sort of scenario. I didn’t feel any real chemistry between them, even by the end when they are apparently in love with each other I still wasn’t feeling it. Literally everything always boiled back down to sex. The rest of the story and dialogue was not even all that funny, clever, or witty, it was just two stubborn people wanting to get in each other’s pants the entire book while being really over dramatic about, well, everything.

Then there is the curse plot line, which I could suspend my belief and go with it for a while, but even that felt like it was poorly thought out. Marcus has to control his desires and avoid marriage because he’s fearful of accidentally impregnating a woman, thus ending his life. Though somehow, he has no problem with brothel women and the risk of impregnating any of them? Because bastard children can’t be heirs? Sure, at that time period they certainly had a harder go of it, but it wasn’t unheard of. And even if that was the case, didn’t the curse start with an illegitimate child born to a woman jilted by her lover? The number of plot holes was staggering and it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if it wasn’t the central focus of the story.

I also didn’t buy the mildly magical ending with the cat. No I don’t hate the cat, on the contrary the cat was perhaps the best character in the entire book. It just seemed too convenient, too hastily put together. I was also bothered by the fact that, in order to I guess create some tension, Marcus had absolutely no interest in finding out the truth about the curse. That alone basically undid all of the effort, all of the worry, all of the focus this character had on this family curse that has weighed so heavily on him for his entire life. It made absolutely no sense for his character. I don’t even want to go into how his character contradicts himself again once the mystery is solved. I hated Marcus.

I almost put this book down after the first couple of chapters, but things picked up around the half way mark. After one scene that actually made me chuckle with the eye brow waggling old ladies, I had hope that maybe the story would redeem itself with the added bit of comedy. I was disappointed that things started to go downhill again once the book attempted to flesh out the curse and develop the romance between Catherine and Marcus. Which, while I’m on that subject – I absolutely hated how that turned out. Catherine spends the entire novel preaching about never wanting to get trapped in a marriage and to never have children, then finds herself trapped. It wasn’t romantic, it was just frustrating.

On a slightly random note, I also noticed at one point an expletive is used that I was fairly certain did not exist in the context that it was used during that time period. After looking it up my assumption was correct – while the word had existed in the more vulgar sense that it is commonly used, as a curse or slang word it didn’t come about until the 1920’s. I know it’s being overly nit picky, but things like that really ruin the immersion in the time period for me.