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Orlin's Fall (Planetary Submissives #2)
Orlin's Fall (Planetary Submissives #2)
Amber Kell | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in the Planetary Submissives series which I am thoroughly enjoying. Although this is classed as BDSM, it doesn't really tick that box for me, although that is not a bad thing. Some of the funniest parts of the book are when Orlin is trying to be a 'proper' pet although he has no idea what that entails. Aester also doesn't really want a pet but an equal, and this is definitely a good thing because that's what he gets with Orlin.

There is an amazing amount of world and character-building within this short novella, more than enough to satisfy. There were no grammatical errors here that I noticed.

I loved the ending of this book and am looking forward to the next book in the series - Zall's Captain - which features a character from book 1.

Definitely recommended if you want a hint of BDSM, sweet yet sexy sci-fi romance.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 8, 2015

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Spark in Books

May 20, 2023  
Atthys J. Gage | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Francy is a 'normal' teenage girl, with nothing outstanding about her that she recognises. She is doing okay at school, has some good friends, and is on the Basketball team. So why would an alien entity decide to take up residence with her?

We stay with Francy as she enters a world of alien theories, collapsed fulcrums, mathematics, entropy and yoga. It is a whirlwind of theories that made my head spin at times. I loved Francy's dad's explanation of entropy, with analogies of having a 9-year-old child. Perfect!

There is intrigue and suspense in this book as Francy tries to figure out just what is going on, and more importantly, how she can help in any way. Then we also have a splash of romance as she and Owen become closer.

This is not your normal, run-of-the-mill Young Adult tale. It will intrigue and delight as the story takes you along. Different from anything I have read, I would not hesitate to recommend it.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 23, 2016
Song of Blood and Stone
Song of Blood and Stone
L Penelope | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great fantastical world, excellent characters
I greatly enjoyed reading this one. Not only was the fantasy world written well and different, but the characters had excellent chemistry and the plot flowed to make the reading enjoyable and quick.

The world building is excellent and different. The story alternates in between with Jack and Jasminda’s point of view, but also there are some chapters that tell the background story of how their world was created. I enjoyed these alternating chapters. It provides better structure of the setting, it provides the mythology and a better understanding of the “True Father” and “The Queen who Sleeps”. It’s well written and everything comes together seamlessly.

The plot itself is also excellent. I love the concept of “Silents” and “Songbearers” and both are living side by side but marred by war and prejudice. And did you ever see the hate towards Jasminda throughout the book. You get angry at her treatment but Jasminda bears it and she does it well. The plot is pretty fast paced and it’s feels like a fast read - not to mention the fact that it’s very interesting. There’s a good mix of fantasy, action, and romance. What wasn’t really necessary was the Lizvette part. It made that aspect predictable and it didn’t really mesh well with what was going on with all the other things. It felt like it was placed there for filler reasons (I mean, we all know who Jack was going to go for a this point…)

Now for Jack and Jasminda.

I LOVED both of them together. They had this chemistry going on and you could feel it throughout the novel. It was heart wrenching in various parts of the book and you wanted to reach out to them and MAKE them go together (Jack you deserve some slaps of stupidity for some of the stuff you said). They’re both great characters and Jasminda’s development throughout the novel was excellent. Despite the changes she went through she didn’t lose her sass and her ferocious independence (love how this exasperates Jack by the way lol)

Definitely looking forward to the second book of this series! The ending was great (and I’m sure there’s way more battles to come)
Into The Crooked Place (Into The Crooked Place #1)
Into The Crooked Place (Into The Crooked Place #1)
Alexandra Christo | 2019 | Crime, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great strong characters who you would be happy to see in more adventures (0 more)
Needed to be condensed (0 more)
I wanted this book to be good, its a bit like when you bake a cake and you have all the finest ingredients and the baker is brilliant as well but just somehow it doesn't quite come out as good as one would hope.

The setting, the characters and the basic plot really does work. This is a book about organised crime in a post war world full of different races of people, some of whom who craft magic who have been all but wiped out, warriors who protected them and ordinary people all of whom sit underneath the organised crime of the kingpin and his underbosses. The story focuses on the underboss Wesley and his crew of strong female characters, the warrior Karam, the secret crafter Saxony and Tavia the busker who sells the boss' magic and all of whom are pretty good in a scrap.

The characters are well created and you can visualise them easily on the pages. The adventure they go on has you rooting for them and the world is an exciting one that does hold enormous potential to be lost in. It is all however a little too dragged out.

As you can see this is the first in the series and the book very much does just tell the first part of the adventure, which is full of magic, betrayal, violence and even some glimmers of romance and yes, it does get very exciting and page turning in some parts, but considering this is only part of the story it could have done with being 150 pages shorter than it was. It just all seemed far more drawn out than it needed to be and let it down slightly. Because of this I was pleased to reach the end instead of being excited to pick up the next part which is a shame because Christo has created characters and a world which deserve to be explored and travelled in. Lets hope Into the Crooked Place number 2 allows this to become the cake it should be.