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Hitch (2005)
Hitch (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Romance
6.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
February is the time of year when thoughts turn to romance and the coming spring. It is also the time of year when Hollywood brings new romantic themed films to the theaters in an effort to open big, thanks to the date movie crowd.

Some of the efforts, such as last weekend’s The Wedding Date, never take off, while others, such as Hitch provide a nice mix of romance and comedy which, for the most part, work very well.

The film follows the exploits of urban legend Alex Hitch Hitchens (Will Smith), a self-styled date doctor who specializes in helping men romance the lady of their dreams. Hitch does not provide a dating service but rather helps his clients with their confidence and instructs them on the true way to win and keep and ladies heart.

With his proven results and good rapport with his clients, Hitch is a man in demand, yet due to his policy of privacy and secrecy, to many, the so-called love doctor is little more than an urban myth which is just fine with Hitch. He would rather work in the shadows than bask in the limelight. The adoration of his clients is all he needs. Well, that and a steady supply of ladies to charm at the days end.

Hitch is about to face his toughest case yet in a kind but portly accountant named Albert (Kevin James) who is desperate to win the heart of his wealthy socialite client Allegra (Amber Valletta). When Albert and Allegra start to be seen with one another in public, they catch the eye of celebrity snoop Sara (Eve Mendes), who becomes determined to see what is behind this unexpected couple, which in turn leads her to believe that the so-called Date Doctor is a reality.

If matters were not complicated enough, Hitch starts to see Sara on a social basis with each of them unaware of what the other really does. Sparks fly despite the unflappable and smooth Hitch having one thing after another go awry. Sara really seems to be effecting him, and the more pathetic and hopeless he seems, the more they are drawn to one another.

Instead of turning the film into a whimsical lark, Director Andy Tennant, who helmed the recent Sweet Home Alabama manages to balance comedy with romance, all the while keeping a little bit of drama involved.

Mendes and Smith have good chemistry with one another, as do Smith and James. Smith is very solid and likeable as the charming Hitch. He plays him as a smooth and confident guy, who is actually more reserved and cautious on the inside. The duality of his character is clear without being overwhelming, leaving him not only likeable, but as a character that is easy to root for. The biggest surprise of the film would be Kevin James. His portrayal of Albert is a solid mix of humor and decency. James gets many laughs with Albert’s attempt at being suave, as he portrays a very realistic and believable character who is struggling to find his inner confidence and let his body and voice convey what he has in his heart.

The film does lose momentum during the final twenty minutes when it becomes lazy, resorting to many standard situations that have been done many times before. That being said Hitch as a whole works, and if you are willing to overlook a few blemishes, you may find yourself enjoying the warmth, humor and charm.
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Audrey Coulthurst | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of Fire and Stars is a tale of magic, romance, and treachery. The story is told through alternating points of view, Mare is the princess of Mynaria and sister to Thandi the future King while Denna is a princess of Havemont and future wife of Thandi. Although Mare is royalty, she does not enjoy her crown choosing to spend her time in the stables and wishing she could live her own life. Denna has been trained and taught her entire life to be worthy of the arranged marriage that is her future. That is what is expected of her and all she knows.

Forced to adjust to a life at court, Denna finds herself in riding lessons with Mare in preparation for her wedding. Having never ridden a horse before she is concerned but puts her all into learning, which impresses the recalcitrant Mare. Their interactions and friendship grow over the course of the novel in a believable way, from the initial opinions of dislike to a true, bonded friendship. Although Denna is betrothed, her feelings only grow for Mare until her every thought is of the princess rather than the prince. Mare dismays each time she thinks about her brother marrying Denna, as he doesn't realize her best qualities. Each fears that her feelings are not reciprocated and keep everything bottled up. Whether their tale has a happy ending or not, you won't know unless you read the book. I really enjoyed the relationships and interactions in this book, particularly a romance that is more diverse than we normally get to see.

The world-building could have been better in this novel, but it is not non-existent. There are a variety of different lands and people mentioned, unfortunately, we only receive the barest of information. Even though one of our main characters is from another land, we learn about little more than their harsh winters. The magic system and other lands like Zumorda were so fascinating, but not explored. While some of this can be explained by the fact that our characters also seem to be ill-informed about their neighbors, we don't receive much more information about Mynaria and that's where this book takes place.

I found the main characters to be relatable but didn't connect deeply with some of the secondary ones. That was disappointing because it meant when there was an emotional scene or death, as a reader you weren't torn apart by it. To be honest, I didn't have opinions or feelings about it at all and I wish that were not the case. I love when books sweep you up, heart and soul, making you a part of the story and tearing out your emotions with every line.

Magic is feared and punished in Mynaria, so we sadly don't get to experience much of it. When we see experienced practitioners perform, it is fascinating and varied. Someone with an air affinity might be able to create a breeze but they also may be able to transform into a bird. I wish this magic system was more developed and/or explained more because I just want to know more.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic, fantasy, romance, or more diverse books.
On the Corner of Love and Hate
On the Corner of Love and Hate
Nina Bocci | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Peroni works in the Community Development Office (CDO) in the small town of Hope Lake. She works with her childhood friend Cooper Campbell-Endicott, who is now running for office as mayor of Hope Lake. Cooper has a political pedigree; his mother is governor. He's the beloved golden boy of Hope Lake. But he also has a playboy reputation, and his opponent, Kirby, is capitalizing on it. If Cooper loses, Kirby will set back all the progress of the CDO in Hope Lake. So the current mayor--who just happens to be Emma's father--devises a plan. Emma will manage Cooper's campaign, and he will pretend to settle down with a former girlfriend. Emma and Cooper haven't gotten along since college, but the more time they spend together now, the more feelings get stirred up: anger, resentment, and... lust.

So I think it does a disservice to bill this book as a Christina Lauren-type romance, as I went in expecting a certain type of story and it just didn't deliver. I believe if I just read it as a romance, I might have enjoyed it more. And, please note, that a 3-star review isn't bad (!), I just didn't 4-star love love it.

The book is set up with the "love/hate" premise. We have hard-working Emma, who is scared of commitment and letting down her guard. Meanwhile, Cooper needs to buckle down and get serious about everything in his life. Emma holds a long-standing grudge against Cooper, but, of course, oh there are feelings, right? The problem is that things get repetitive: so much fighting about his bad behavior and then her thinking over and over about her feelings. (Of course she doesn't have feelings for Cooper, she hates him, etc.). We all know they are going to show some spark together, but good grief, it takes forever.

"He might have been the single most irritating person in the world to me, but still, I could appreciate his appearance."

Also, while I liked that there were political things woven into this novel, my goodness, I've never seen such drama over a mayoral race in my life. Is this a small town thing, or something? I have lived in small towns. The attention and drama focused on this race felt like a senatorial campaign and there was little explanation why Cooper's opponent was so bad, except that he was, indeed, really bad and would ruin the whole town, so this portion felt very two-dimensional. (Oh and if Emma called her father "Mayor Dad" one more time, I was going to scream.)

Still, this is a cute read. There are some really fun scenes with Emma's friends--she, Nick, Henry, and Cooper have been pals since they were kids. There is wit and humor throughout the book. I could certainly identify with Emma, being a closed off workaholic myself! The small town vibe in this book is really adorable--Hope Lake practically flies off the page, and it's a very atmospheric setting.

And, let's be honest: a love/hate dynamic is enjoyable. We pick up a romance knowing exactly what we are getting into. Cooper was a bit irritating at times, but it still boils down that I'm a total sucker for a sappy love story and the chosen two getting together. I was rooting for these two, and I liked the end of the book. This was a sweet, funny read overall. 3 stars.
Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet another good addition to the Morganville Vampires series, Fade Out is all about entertainment, but with a sinister twist. Eve wins a major part in the town's production of Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire and Claire's quirky boss, Myrnin, seems to have gained his sanity. But underneath this calm surface, rebellion is simmering while Amelie grieves, Ada-the-computer has it in for Claire, and the other goth chick in town, Kim, has less-than-honest designs for Morganville with a suspicious film project in the works.
Claire seems to have worked out a truce with her parents, which I liked since they just seem to get in the way. Her relationship with Shane is adorable and sweet, and I love their loyalty to each other even as they navigate the familiar territory of new romance. In contrast, Eve and Michael have hit a major bump in the road that I saw coming several books back - and I'm still a little annoyed that we don't get more details from Eve's perspective.
Myrnin has to be my favorite character in the series. Even as a sane individual, he is still incredibly unique - from his fashion sense, to the unexpected things he randomly spouts, to his mercurial behavior and unpredictable loyalties among the town's inhabitants. What develops with Ada's subplot in the book shows that beneath the vampire still lurks some humanity, and he obviously has many more secrets that have yet to be revealed.
Amelie grieves for the loss of Sam, and the way she randomly appears in Claire's day-to-day life during this period of stark vulnerability is equal parts mystifying and encouraging. While the downside of this is that the rebellious factions feel stronger, the upside is that the readers gets to see some of the characteristics typical only to humans show themselves in Amelie.
As for Claire herself, Shane makes an observation about her that I think sums her up quite nicely. Some people come to Morganville and disappear, but when Claire came to Morganville, she began to thrive.
Every time I pick up one of the books in this series, I simply can not stop reading until I've finished it - always the perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements to keep me hooked.
Blood for Blood (Ziba MacKenzie, #1)
Blood for Blood (Ziba MacKenzie, #1)
Victoria Selman | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Solid Crime Procedural Mystery
So I was pretty excited to read the blurb for this book, the debut and first in a new series from Victoria Selman. Ex-special forces profiler Ziba MacKenzie (yay strong female lead - love it!) has to profile a serial killer that returns after a long hiatus (yay serial killers and profilers trying to catch them.)

 It started off full of action with a commuter train crash and Ziba helping the injured and dying and receiving a the cryptic last words of one victim: He did it. You have to tell someone. Which understandably peaks her curiosity. Ziba is then called in to help out when a brutal (read disturbing and not for the kiddies/squeamish) serial killer seemingly reappears and a connection between the woman on the train nags at Ziba.

I liked the intense train situation as a way of demonstrating Ziba’s training and expertise level but her kick ass nature didn’t come through much in the rest of the book. The conversations with Ziba and the language used just didn’t quite fit; it seemed overly forced to make her sound military but not natural. The serial killer profile talk also seemed like it wasn't at the level you’d expect between experienced law professionals, the conversations felt more like an intro to readers then real policing interactions and I’ve been around enough crime thrillers to not need that level of hand holding..

Oh did I mention Ziba’s husband dies because she does...constantly….. And then gets upset that people are trying to be protective of her. Less kick ass especially when accompanied by a thin romance story-line with her husbands best friend.

We get some good full on crazy , religious nut serial killer action with some nice clue following cat and mouse action, it is a strong crime procedural book. It’s a good story with plenty to keep you focused on just lacking some finesse, I felt red-herrings were thrown in your face without much subtlety and the major coincidence at work with the lady on the train having a connection to the case she Ziba was lucky to be the only totally “oh really eye-roll” and I always allow at least one…...

For a debut and the start of a series I see a lot of potential so will be giving the next ago.
The Year After You
The Year After You
Nina de Pass | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this story is Cara, a seventeen-year-old girl from California, who was sent to a boarding school in the Swiss mountains. She has lost her friend in a car accident, and she was the one who was driving. Cara is a very interesting character, her life is full of guilt and grief. This book taught me a very valuable lesson, that different people deal with grief very differently. Some people find it easier and some harder to deal with someone’s death. Cara is very emotionally intriguing, she feels so much self-loath, and it is very interesting to see how she communicates with people around her. I loved this great variety of characters chosen for this book, I loved all Cara’s friends in Switzerland, they are truly amazing. My favourite character in this book was Hector, he is absolutely charming! He reminds me of Edward from The Twilight Saga, whom I truly adored. 😀

The narrative is not very exciting at the beginning, but slowly the author brings in little adventures, quite a bit of romance and plenty of Cara’s thoughts. I really loved the boarding school itself, it sounded a little like Hogwarts, surrounded by mountains, and it feels like a happy place, where people actually want to return to. I really liked that the plot was set in different locations, it felt livelier and more indulging.

I really enjoyed the writing style of this book, I can not understand how the author portrayed the grief, its effects through a confused teenager, so masterfully. The language used in this novel is easy to understand and it was a very enjoyable read. The chapters have a very decent length and it didn’t get boring, because every chapter brought in something new. I loved the ending of this book, it rounded up the story very nicely.

To conclude, I really enjoyed this novel, even though it is filled with grief and emotions, the other characters make it quite an entertaining and pleasant read. I loved the diversity and wide variety of true personalities. I do strongly recommend this book if you know someone who has difficulty of dealing with loss, it will help you to understand them in some way. (I know it helped me) 🙂 And of course, don’t forget to enjoy this amazing Cara’s story.
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Michael Bryce is a triple A rated executive protection agent. Well... he was, up until he lost one of his high profile clients. Now he's living in the less than luxurious life, with less than A rated clients. What he needs is to get his reputation back, and when his ex appears asking for his help, he could get more than his reputation back.

It's just another job, until he see's who he's supposed to be protecting. Darius Kincaid. Master assassin.

Kincaid needs to get to The Hague to testify against Vladislav Dukhovich, merciless dictator of Belarus. With all the other witnesses dying he's Interpol's last hope. But with Kincaid and Bryce both thinking they know the best way to survive the trip, will they both get there in one piece?

Honestly, I love all the trailers for this film, but this one has the song in it. There's just something catchy about Samuel L. Jackson singing along with a bunch of nuns.

Anyway, to the film. Straight off the bat I'm going to say I loved it. Award winner? Nope. Dramatic master piece? Nope. Hilarious? Abso-motherf***ing-lutely. Reynolds and Jackson play really well off each other all the way through, but for me, the highlight was Salma Hayek. She really was an unexpected gem.

I read views of this online and it made me a little mad... some people just need to lighten up. Some films are just made to be entertaining, and this one had the bases covered... excessive mindless violence, car chases, romance, singing nuns... you couldn't really ask for more... apart from maybe more nudity of Ryan Reynolds. (Just me? Never mind then)

Probably the most entertaining Unlimited screening I've seen, and I think everyone else agreed. I haven't been in a cinema where that many people have been laughing out loud. I honestly think that is a great achievement in a film.

I'll be buying this one on DVD when it comes out, I think everyone should, it'll really brighten up your day and help you relieve some stress... if like me you enjoy seeing random things getting destroyed. (Only on screen, not in real-life, no need to panic!) Possibly not for those of you who don't like swearing though, as Samuel L. Jackson does get to use swearing like punctuation... and the writers were clearly fond of excessive commas.
For the Murder (The Murder #1)
For the Murder (The Murder #1)
Gabrielle Ash | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
different but very good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Diana needs a murder; a lone crow is a dead one. But to be accepted back into the murder that banished her, she needs to steal a very powerful blade. But others want it too, and Diana isn't too sure what's going on with her magic. Sasha isn't sure what these feelings are he has for Diana, but he also needs that blade to free himself from the demon who bound him. One of them will not be happy with the outcome.

This is different, and I do like me some different!

Diana is a crow shifter, with 3 legs (who knew?) but she isn't in a murder because her father is a bit of a con man (a LOT, really, by the time we get all the gory details!) and Diana, her mother and father were banished from the murder, but not her younger sister whose magic had been accepted by the murder. Dad wants Diana to steal this blade to get them back into the murder's good graces.

But, seriously, things are NOT as they seem. And Sasha wants that blade to free him from the demon who bound him to a lifetime of servitude. Something though, goes ping in both Diana and Sasha and instead Nobu, a cat shifter who really isn't, and they end up fighting together, rather than against each other.

I liked this, a lot. Like I said different. Humans with angel blood who are bound to demons. Shifters of all manner of being. There was a LOT going on, and at times I did struggle to keep up.

And I think this is the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars, cos I did feel a little bit overwhelmed at points. Oh don't get me wrong, its a bloody good book, it really was, especially as this appears to be only the third book written by this author, and it is not short book, some 350 pages.

It's violent, some graphic scenes but I think they really are needed. Not explicit in any way, but there is romance, of a fashion, between Diana and Sasha, as their magic combines.

I really hope there are more books about the people in this book, a follow up for Diana and Sasha would be great!

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

KittyMiku (138 KP) rated Sign Off in Books

May 23, 2019  
Sign Off
Sign Off
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sign Off, a murder mystery by Patricia McLinn, is a marvelous book about a woman named Elizabeth who works for a news station when a little girl asks her to look into a murder case that has been unsolved. At first Elizabeth wasn’t sure if she could solve it, but as she looks at the news from the case, she finds herself curious about all parties involved and begins asking questions. Along the way, she start to find herself after having had a rough past that left her in a small town, as well as finding someone who might be interested in her. With her small team of colleagues, they all work to try to solve the case and find out what really happened.

At first, I was worried the book would leave out details about the main character that could help fill in her background, but upon reading further I was pleasantly surprised with hoe they would tie in the information that was left out in the beginning, using the case to help introduce the said information. I enjoy the suspense and the way the book was written so that you were trying to solve the murder mystery alongside Elizabeth and Mike. The details McLinn used to describe different scenes and things in the book was chilling to think about. Even though it would be accurate in the way she was suing them, it still makes me shiver at the thought of such descriptions used.

I enjoyed the different characters and their personalities which made you want to suspect someone over another person and even take notes mentally in hopes to figure it out before the murderer was revealed. Though, your thoughts may be wrong. I also enjoyed the underlying tone of romance in the brewing. It made it so that it was realistic and made it able to give reasons for Mike to want to spend time with Elizabeth other than helping solve the case. I would have loved to see that develop more, but was pleasantly surprised with everything that was said about such a development between the characters and seeing them be mature about it.

Though they were mature about most things, it was clear not everything earned such merit. While the characters seemed to be able to handle themselves, you couldn’t help but wonder why in some instances where they so brave and in others seemed slightly cowardly or lost for words. There were also a few things that had confused me on the approach the characters took to certain problems but wasn’t like confused in the way that left you unhappy, but more like “why would they do that instead of this”? While I believe even though the characters made some slight error in my own opinion of what should be done, I found that these small errors made the story feel more well-rounded, unlike some story-lines that can make their characters seem like a god in their area of expertise. I quite enjoyed the reality feel for this murder mystery.

Sign Off was a real page turned that kept me wanting more, and even though it is book one of the Caught Dead in Wyoming series, I will have to say I was pleasantly surprised that it could easily stand alone. I will be looking forward to the rest of the series, as there are currently seven books in total. Patricia McLinn has given us a fabulous product that can satisfy just about any need you may have. It you want action, mystery, suspense, and a tad bit of romance mixed in with some comedy, this is a book for you. I would rate this book 4 star out of 4 stars. It was just a truly amazing tale that kept me wanting more.