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Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
1969 | Action, Classics, Western

"I think I gotta go with that old stand-by, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love the — you know, it’s the two guys. It’s what me and my brother specialize in, the two guys. Well, in the Three Stooges‘ case it’s three. But the relationship between two guys like that, I don’t think it’s been done any better than with Butch and Sundance; particularly with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. The way they worked in so many different things, from comedy to romance to action and the way it’s so beautifully shot and, you know, a great story. And they didn’t pull the punches at the end. If you made that movie today, I’m sure that you’d do the test screenings and somebody would raise their hands and say, “We want them to get away at the end!” But they didn’t get away at the end. Today you’d have to re-shoot the ending where the guys go off on some secret beach somewhere and live happily forever — ’cause that’s the way audiences kind of demand it. But with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, of course, they met their demise at the end of the movie, and they had it coming ’cause that’s who they were. I just think it was a beautiful movie."

Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons
Dan Brown | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
First published back at the turn of the century (in the year 2000), this - while the second of the two Tom Hanks starring Robert Langdon movies, after The Da Vinci Code - is actually the first book in that particular series, albeit less well known than its sequel (the aforementioned The Da Vinci Code).

And, like, I'm sure, many others, I actually read that sequel first, only later discovering it was such (although, admittedly, not a direct sequel) and going back to read the first on the series.

This is the one largely set in and around Rome, with a high-tech ticking time-bomb counting down in Vatican City as the Cardinals all meet to elect a new Pope following the death of the previous incumbent of that role. It also makes lots of the (supposed?) divide between religion and science, drawing on lots of conspiracy theories and bringing back into the realms of popular culture that old secret society, the illuminati.

I have no problem with any of that, and I do like a bit of derring-do, mystery and romance, but even I found it hard at times to swallow some of the outlandish scenarios and set pieces of this novel - I think, for me, the icing on the cake was the surviving-a-jump-out-of-a-helicopter-without-a-parachute bit towards the end!
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Erin Kellison | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quantum is the first book in a new science fiction romance series by Erin Kellison. The story is fast-paced and full of information on how the galaxy actually works, and what some of the species look like. There is a lot to take in, but it is definitely worth it.

Raider has stolen a Quantum Stone. Using this stone in a wormhole enables time to move backwards. He wants to sell the stone to past to buy himself a future, for reasons that you find out as you move along the story. Sophia is on a mission - to find her missing brother. She will do just about anything to find him, but when she opens a can of worms, she definitely gets more than she bargained for, especially when she finds out there is more to her brother than she realised.

Very well written, with a smooth flow to the story, like I've already mentioned it is fast-paced, but this is in no way a bad thing.With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this book was thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely recommended by me, and I'm looking forward to reading further on in the series.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Weak for Him (Weakness, #1)
Weak for Him (Weakness, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so undecided on how to rate this...4 star?...5 star? So I'll settle for 4.5 stars. Maybe it's the whole obsession I have with books associated with the sex industry--escorts, prostitutes, strippers, porn stars. I just like to read them finding romance with someone who can crack their cold interiors.

And that is pretty much what happened in this. You could see that there was something between Jennifer and Finnley, some spark that could become great if they both gave in. But nope. Not that simple. Finnley had the whole I-won't-(not can't)-have-you-but-no-one-else-can-either thing going on, which I must say is totally unfair to Jennifer.

That being said, the way he paraded around his conquests at times I wanted to smack him and don't blame Jennifer for trying to find love somewhere else.

The continuous back and forth between Finn and Jennifer was at times annoying and at others I melted a little towards him. This was definitely a couple I got emotionally involved with.

That epilogue was very insightful and I am so glad that the author wrote it. It added an extra element to see it all from Finn's eyes.

I am very interested in reading the rest of the series.
The V Girl: A Coming Of Age Story
The V Girl: A Coming Of Age Story
Mya Robarts | 2015 | Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

2.5 stars.

It was all rather dark and sexually violent--and not in the good way of dark romances.

I loved the romance aspect of it, the one between Lila/Lily and Aleksy. It was so sweet at times! The other bits just seemed too much for me after a while. The way she wanted to not be the V-Girl but how she was determined it was to be taken by someone she cared about--Rey--only he wasn't entirely receptive to the idea. And then having that same thought process again and again. I kinda wanted to hit her a little when she couldn't make her mind up between the two guys.

It was the rest of the storyline I didn't really gel with. There was always a lot going on, most of it dark and violent. Some of it was political, most of it sex-related. Lots of sex related things happening in this.

Anyway, the reason I requested this book was down to the cover and the description. That is one amazing cover! And the description was pretty promising but at the risk of repeating myself, it was a little too dark for my tastes in its topics.
*I received a copy of this books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

This is my first contemporary romance by the author where the characters weren't NA age.

I did enjoy this story. It took me a while to get into it at the start but by the end I think I loved pretty much all the Wellington family. It's a retelling of Cinderella in parts; evil sisters, glass slippers... but much more modern with manwhore brothers and some swearing

 liked the characters. The twins grew on me so much throughout this book. They seemed so annoying at the beginning but by the end... *sigh* If their stories are going to be the next books in this series, then sign me up please because I am so intrigued after the auction.

Brock was a bit of a mystery when he was at the house, I couldn't really figure him out until he'd sorted out his demons and then I really started to like him.

Jane, I felt sorry for at the start. She was trying to uphold her fathers wishes and being treated like dirt in the process. She grew a lot in the book.

The ending was great. Everyone but the twins ended up happy, though I'm sure the twins' issues will be resolved in their own stories.