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The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
1999 | Mystery
I see dead people
A young boy named Cole Sear (Osment) has a unique ability to see dead people. Dr. Malcom Crowe (willis) is a child psychologist who has tasked himself to trying to believe Sear. The souls that Sear sees want him to do one last task for them. Sometimes Cole wants to and sometimes he doesn't. Crowe is dealing with his own problems after and old case shoots him in his house and then commits suicide. He strives to help Cole with his problem and make him believe in himself when it's his own self he should be examining. The movie has a amazing ending that if you have never seen it then you will want to watch again to pick up on the clues.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
1998 | Comedy
A crazy, interesting ride
Since I am a huge Gilliam fan, I was excited to watch this film. From the very first frame you are sucked in to this unusual, sometimes hilarious, sometimes detestable adventure of two men doing drugs, booze women all while in Vegas for a convention.

Some of the movie doesn't make much sense, the voice over helps a little. The awkward situations the two men get into and some of the unique people they encounter are my favorite parts.

Maybe I lost some of the point since I have only seen it sober? Not sure about that.

I do know it was one of the most stolen and/or never returned films in the history of Hollywood Video.

I Declare War (2013)
I Declare War (2013)
2013 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
You are dead you go home
A very sad look into a group of kids who think imaginary war is really that fun to play. The movie shows us what influance movies,tv,hstory all play in a kids mind and how they can take that information and really twist it. Sometimes friendship means nothing when war is declared.
Villains by Queens Of The Stone Age
Villains by Queens Of The Stone Age
2017 | Rock
Although you can’t fault the band’s ambition, these more grandiose moments do veer into self-indulgence, sometimes resembling a jam session that’s got out of hand. But a lack of self-editing is the only real flaw on an album
Critic-Jon O'Brien
Original Score: 8 out of 10

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