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Good Time (2017)
Good Time (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have an unfair tendency to sometimes judge actors based on what they are known for early in their careers. I fully understand that this is a corrupt practice. But it is often an accurate representation. Sometimes, though, it is a grossly inaccurate representation. That is indeed the case with Robert Pattinson. I grossly misjudged him based on his early work and the fact that he worked on what I considered hollow projects. I was wrong. And I'm so thankful that I was. Now we are all blessed with the performances that Pattinson is capable of and we are all better for it.

Good Times is a CRAZY story by the Safdies (you may recognize the name from Adam Sandler sleeper Uncut Gems). Criminal underrating of the script writing and storytelling somehow prevented this movie from becoming the smash that it deserved to become. A24 has and continues to churn out quality, lower budget movies that are SOOOOO much better than they have any right to be and Good Times is another wonderful example of this.
Long Time Gone (Hell or High Water, #2)
Long Time Gone (Hell or High Water, #2)
S.E. Jakes | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I find the authors works very wordy, as in they use words and language that is very apt for the jobs their characters do and sometimes I have no idea what the hell they're talking about so I can sometimes find it hard to get into.

That being said, I really like Tom and Prophet. It may have taken me a while to read this but since it was a story about those two I persevered and enjoyed learning more about them. In the last one I think I was more of a Tom fan and in this I was more for Prophet.

One quote near the end had me smiling happily:

<i><b><blockquote>"You'll end up with a man whose name starts with E."</blockquote></b></i>

Not that I'm going to tell you what his real name is, you'll have to read it for that.

I look forward to reading more books about these two at a later date. (And I'd really like to know what's going to happen next for Cillian and Mal, too)