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A Good American
Alex George's A Good American is a positive and uplifting novel about the American Dream. This is...

The Last Anniversary
The Last Anniversary is a captivating story laced with mystery, from the bestselling author of the...

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Wild Wild West (1999) in Movies
Nov 10, 2020
I hate the late 90s blockbuster, man... I really do. This era's tongue-in-cheek manufactured spectacle coated with pause-for-laughs cringe 'jokes' and standard-to-crappy action makes my skin crawl. This is actually much, much better than 𝘐𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺 but otherwise they're the exact same formula in tiring popcorn slogs though this one dared to actually have a bit of fun sometimes unlike ID so truthfully I have no idea why this one is more reviled - it just seems random to me. Yeah I have no idea why this source material was turned into confusingly sexual, boring one-note tripe but the last twenty minutes is actually kind of exciting and the effects are top-notch. Don't even lie, you think that giant steampunk spider is fucking cool too and the gadgets/costumes/sets/makeup are eye-catching too - I only wish they were all in a better movie. The two perfunctory performances from Smith and Kline are canceled out by the religious scenery-chewing of Ted Levine and this movie's MVP Kenneth Branagh but besides the title song that I'm tired of pretending doesn't slap -because it *does* - that's about where the positives end. Its only personality traits are being dumb, looking cool sometimes, and misogyny.

Crave (Undone, #1)
I vow. I crave. I give in. I used to be a nice, normal girl. I had dreams. Good, happy dreams of...

Sweet Breath of Knowing
Nothing is what it appears to be... Nothing. Have you ever wondered how you became YOU -such a...

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated The Adam Project (2022) in Movies
Mar 22, 2022
I really didn't get a lot of enjoyment out of The Adam Project, but in the interest of fairness, it's not without its merits. Most importantly, I can only imagine how much of a blast kids will have watching it. It's family friendly presentation, copious amounts of Ryan Reynolds, and it's main young protagonist make it a done deal in that respect. It's helped along by some snappy action moments, some good humoured dialogue, and some genuinely touching character beats.
Personally though, the jarring editing and conflicting tones are hard to look past. The comedy and seriousness aren't well balanced at all, and the often and sudden switching of on screen proceedings feel scrappy. It's comes across messy. Zoe Saldana crops up about halfway through and feels like she's walked in from a completely different movie. The CGI is hit and miss. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's ropey, and then there's poor Catherine Keener, who is subjected to possibly the worst bout of digital de-aging I can recall.
The Adam Project isn't a completely awful experience, it's just a very cookie cutter sci-fi action that feels instantly forgettable. As mentioned though, kids will undoubtedly love it, which can only be a positive.
Personally though, the jarring editing and conflicting tones are hard to look past. The comedy and seriousness aren't well balanced at all, and the often and sudden switching of on screen proceedings feel scrappy. It's comes across messy. Zoe Saldana crops up about halfway through and feels like she's walked in from a completely different movie. The CGI is hit and miss. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's ropey, and then there's poor Catherine Keener, who is subjected to possibly the worst bout of digital de-aging I can recall.
The Adam Project isn't a completely awful experience, it's just a very cookie cutter sci-fi action that feels instantly forgettable. As mentioned though, kids will undoubtedly love it, which can only be a positive.

Merissa (12374 KP) rated Three of a Kind in Books
Jun 7, 2023
Zane is a young man, still underage to drink, and has escaped from a short but damaging 'relationship'. He is beaten up, with no money, and a run-down truck, but he keeps going. He has to find something to live for. What finds him, or rather, WHO finds him is Butch. Butch is currently working two jobs but still finds the time to help someone stuck at the side of the road. Zane goes home with Butch and is introduced to Butch's partner, Randy.
The part that I enjoyed about this book is that all three characters are completely different from each other. With their own sets of foibles, these three find ways to complement each other, without it being hard work.
An easy-going, easy-flowing story, this isn't all fluffy and light as Zane's full story comes out. I am glad that he was able to work through things, with Butch and Randy's help. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this is an enjoyable read. Definitely recommended.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2016
The part that I enjoyed about this book is that all three characters are completely different from each other. With their own sets of foibles, these three find ways to complement each other, without it being hard work.
An easy-going, easy-flowing story, this isn't all fluffy and light as Zane's full story comes out. I am glad that he was able to work through things, with Butch and Randy's help. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this is an enjoyable read. Definitely recommended.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2016
Character portrayal and development (2 more)
Griitty realism
Great plot developments
Probably the best TV show to ever exist (and that's not an overstatement)
The Wire is the one TV show I will recommend to anyone who will give me five minutes to talk about TV shows. The show's take on the issues affecting the slums of Baltimore is outstanding and cleverly developed into a complex but always engaging narrative. David Simon's real-life experience with the issue he portrays shows through and the use of actors - sometimes non-actors picked off the street - really heightens the realism. Absolutely mesmerising.

Chris Hooker (419 KP) rated The War that Saved My Life (The War That Saved My Life #1) in Books
Jan 12, 2018
[The War That Saved My Life] by [Kimberly Brubaker Bradley] is a well told story of a young girl in London who has a mother that is ashamed of her. She uses World War II as a way to escape her mother with her young brother to the countryside when children are evacuated from the city. They are placed with a single woman who is suffering from demons of her own.
This coming of age story shows how we all fight wars within ourselves each day and sometimes it takes allowing others to help you to win those wars.
This coming of age story shows how we all fight wars within ourselves each day and sometimes it takes allowing others to help you to win those wars.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated The Watcher in Books
Jul 29, 2017
"One of the best thrillers I've read in a while"
No doubt there are clear remnants of Girl on a Train and Rear Window in this psychological thriller, and having heard a fair few, sometimes it seems obvious who the culprit is.
However - the twists and turns to get to the climax are absolutely gut wrenching, the first personal dialogue writing in a journal is engaging and the contemporary plot is interesting - so it's well worth the read. Catherine Steadman is a great performer - and it reminded me of listening to Paula Hawkin's character - there are clear similarities. Overall, definitely worth any hype.
However - the twists and turns to get to the climax are absolutely gut wrenching, the first personal dialogue writing in a journal is engaging and the contemporary plot is interesting - so it's well worth the read. Catherine Steadman is a great performer - and it reminded me of listening to Paula Hawkin's character - there are clear similarities. Overall, definitely worth any hype.