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Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Keeps track of books I have read, books I own, and books I want to read. (1 more)
End of the year reading stats (according to what you put on the app) and annual reading challenges
Searching can be problematic (0 more)
Book database
I like goodreads, sometimes I forget to update it as often as I should (that's on me) I take it to the library with me so I dont accidentally check-out the 13th book in a series. I also have the app open when I go book shopping since I have a big TBR list i try to find books discounted.
Last Podcast On The Left
Last Podcast On The Left
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Well-researched (3 more)
Thoroughly enjoyable podcast that covers all of my favourite subjects, i.e. true crime, cults, cryptids, UFOs, ghosts... I've listened for years and still look forward to each new release. Marcus is a master when it comes to compiling each show and provides strong, clear narrative throughout. Most of the time they successfully strike the right balance between serious and fun. The only downside for me is Henry going off at too much of a tangent sometimes! Finally the hosts are all loving dog-dads, and mental health advocates, which just makes me like them even more.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
For the most part, I really enjoyed this book. However, the dialogue is just weird. They both talk like they weren’t born and raised in America. Ana grew up in Las Vegas (?) and Christian, as far as we know, is from the PNW. And yet, sometimes they both talk like they’re English, and not in a cute way. In a, there’s no way in hell anyone born and raised in the states would say that, kind of way. It just made it feel less genuine.

Additionally, Ana is an idiot but I think we all know that.
2015 | Entertainment, Science Fiction
Great cooperative game (4 more)
Very thematic
Great expanions
Awesome minitures
Easy to set up
Sometimes a bit to easy (0 more)
Thunderbirds are go!
Thunderbirds is a great cooperative game that has elements of Pandemic and X-Com.

Players take on the role of international rescue and work to prevent disaters occuring around the world (and in space) Meanwhile the Hood works to sabotage the players.

Players move vehicles and character's around the board to bring the right equipment into play and then try to resolve the disasters with a dice role.

There are sevral difficulty levels and the expaniosns work well together.