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Israel - God's Heart
Ron Gafni | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this little book! It's full of beautiful, vibrant pictures and I can't say enough how much I loved looking at all of them. It's not a big book, small and perfect for your end table or coffee table. God's beautiful land in Israel is wonderfully portrayed in this eye catching book. 

With pictures taken of history, sometimes on land and sometimes aerial, this book gives the reader some Scripture and details about the pictures to coincide. As I looked through this wonderful little book, I felt like I was able to visit the Holy Land without leaving my home. It was so beautiful to see. God's Heart is a wonderful way to describe what I saw in the pages of this book. 

This is definitely a 4 star book that I would recommend to those who love pictures of different places. The photos are crisp and detailed, leaving you feeling as though you are the one that took the picture, like you are the one that was there. I would love to see more books like this one to lay out so my guests can enjoy them as much as me! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The It Girl (It Girl, #1)
The It Girl (It Girl, #1)
Cecily von Ziegesar | 2005 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The It Girl series follows Gossip Girl character, Jenny Humphries at her new boarding school, Waverly. The sophomore must navigate an entirely new set of social rules in her attempt to become New Jenny - an it-girl. But life at Waverly isn't always what Jenny dreamed for herself and sometimes it's so much better.

Overall, the book is enjoyable in a simple, YA, guilty read way. It's not going to win any literary awards, but if you enjoy books about privileged kids, boarding schools or volatile relationship dynamics you will like this read. Although it is fiction, sometimes I am astounded by the level of debauchery surrounding these students.

The first book, It Girl, introduces us to the large cast of characters. New girl, Jenny, who is looking to reinvent herself. Junior class prefect, Brett, who seems to have it all together. Privileged princess, Callie, who thinks appearances are everything. True it-girl, Tinsley, who is the puppet-master of Waverly. As well as all their girlfriends and the rotating batch of potential boyfriends.

School seems perfect - the guy she has her eye on seems to be crushing back, her roommates seem great and she's been invited to join the advanced art class. What could go wrong? {{spoiler}}Tinsley returns to school and is none too happy about the new girl in her bed.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Goodreads allows for socializing specifically for us bibliophiles, tells you what your friends are reading and allows access to scores of books and reviews posted about them. (0 more)
Sometimes is a pain in the a** when adding books read in their normal none tech form. (0 more)
Goodreads. Because how else will I know what I’ve read?!?
Secret romance novel readers beware.. no just kidding, or am I? Goodreads is where you go to access scores of novels and reviews for them. You are able to socialize with fellow book readers and follow what your friends are currently reading or have read. ( hence the secrete romance readers beware) I even had an author dm me for giving a review of a novel they had written and let me tell you I was ecstatic for many days.

You can challenge yourself each year to read more books than the last while they keep track for you as long as it is read in a device linked with the account.
The only thing I find frustrating is sometimes you have to go through a million steps (exaggeration) just to add a book read in it natural papery scented goodness.
Overall the app is good, a great place to start if you’re seeking an idea of how great or sucky a book is, depending on the personal taste of course.
Why Did I Get Married? (2007)
Why Did I Get Married? (2007)
2007 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I really enjoyed this film. I actually quite like both of them. I love the cast, I love the diversity of marriages, of stories, of imperfections. I am not married and probably won't be for a while but I do know relationships and they are hard work and I like that this movie shines a light on that. Sometimes I think films do a bad job of showing the real stuff and it can almost seem too picture-perfect. We all know there are though films out there.

I think Sheila is the best character in this film. I think it's so obvious how much she wants her marriage to work and how much of an ass Mike is. I think, at least for me, she held the most heart. She's the one I was rooting for the most. She's the one I felt the most connection to.

Tyler Perry is a questionable filmmaker for me. Some of his films are huge wins for me and others are just gigantic misses. It's very obvious that he does all the writing and directing and sometimes I think that can bite him in the butt. Not this film though. I really love this film and have found myself coming back to it several times over the course of my life.