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The Plus One
The Plus One
Sophia Money-Coutts | 2018 | Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did Not Finish it...
Full review can be found on my blog:
I love romance, and chick-literature. I love fast reads, and enjoyable nonsense. The cover looked so cute, and when I got approved the ARC on The Plus One from Sophia Money-Coutts on Netgalley, I was excited to read it. And then, it all started going downhill…

The Plus One is a book about Polly Spencer. She is thirty, single and works for Posh! Magazine. I didn’t like the Poly Spencer of now, and I thought, this might be a book where the main character is a lady with no self-respect, gets dumped, doesn’t have any ambition in life, and that’s okay.

People learn, people change, or if people don’t change, they start to be happy in their own world, without bothering what others think about it.

But Polly - she is all of these things, and on top of that she is not a happy bunny. She keeps complaining about things without trying to act on it, and her day consists of her checking if the phone has a message of her ‘crush’, and asking herself eighty-six times whether to send a message first or not.

I usually love these types of books, but not in cases where the character is just so… I don’t even have the words to explain.

And the book is full of words used too often (Shenanigans is such a lovely word, and Sophia destroyed it for me), lame pick up lines (‘I carry farm animals. I can manage you.’ - WHO SAYS THAT?), dialogues and useless waste of pages with people deciding what to eat:

‘So let’s get some onion bhajis to start. And then I’m going to have a butter chicken. And it comes with popadoms, right?’
‘Yes’ - I said, taking the menu from him.
‘And I’ll get the chicken jalfrezi. And plain rice. Mums, do we have any chutney?’
And it goes on…

At 42%, I decided to store this is my DNF stack. I really wish I had loved it, and I am so sad I didn't.

But life is too short to read the books you don’t like...
Cinderella is Dead
Cinderella is Dead
Kalynn Bayron | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
11 of 230
Cinderella is Dead
By Kalynn Bayron

It's 200 years since Cinderella found her prince, but the fairytale is over.

Sophia knows the story though, off by heart. Because every girl has to recite it daily, from when she's tiny until the night she's sent to the royal ball for choosing. And every girl knows that she has only one chance. For the lives of those not chosen by a man at the ball … are forfeit.

But Sophia doesn't want to be chosen – she's in love with her best friend, Erin, and hates the idea of being traded like cattle. And when Sophia's night at the ball goes horribly wrong, she must run for her life. Alone and terrified, she finds herself hiding in Cinderella's tomb. And there she meets someone who will show her that she has the power to remake her world …

An electrifying twist on the classic fairytale that will inspire girls to break out of limiting stereotypes and follow their dreams!

This book has torn me in two! One half of me didn’t like it I felt the all men are evil message for most of the book was unnecessary and a bit forceful I mean even coming down on her dad and the poor man offering them help! It wasn’t until we got to Livs dad a good word was really said. Ok so if I went on this alone my rating would be 1 maybe 2 stars at a push! Then the other half of me was so intrigued and needed to keep reading hence the reason it was read in 24 hours. So this second half wanted to see this story play out and was kinda enjoying the whole new version of a childhood classic I think yes it was a bit predictable towards the end but it still needs its happy ending doesn’t it?. I settled on a 3 star review for the whole reason I didn’t keep reading and it did get better towards the end. Im also intrigued by the book of tales that Constance produced. Hopefully someone else will find it a better read.
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
Dhonielle Clayton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this novel is Camellia, she is one of few Belles, who has the ability to make people beautiful by altering their bodies, from hair colour to bone structure. Being favourite is the ultimate goal of all Belles. They get recognition and exceptional treatment from the government. When Camellia arrives at the palace, one of her main tasks is to treat royals, and especially, to help princess Sophia, who is an absolute nightmare…

I really enjoyed, how the author picked the characters for this book. She offered a very wide variety to choose from, levelling the balance between positive and negative ones. All the characters have a unique set of characteristics that make this book very diverse and colourful. My favourite character was, of course, Camellia, as a reader I really got to know her personality, her thoughts and wishes, and I think she is a really nice girl, however, she is too weak to be a lead rebel, she needs more fire in her. My least favourite was, of course, Sophia, she is psychotic and an absolute nutter.

The narrative is told from Camellia’s perspective, and I did miss the input from other characters. I think it would’ve been more exciting if there would’ve been Sophia’s thoughts as well. It was a quite slow burner for me, to be honest, the transition between chapters was not very smooth and it did lack pace and adventure. The Belles sometimes felt like plastic surgeons or beauticians, I would’ve liked to see more magic or some unexpected powers. It kind of felt like an introduction to something, because not many things were happening throughout this book. In this novel author is praising women, the country is run by women, and some of the characters are even indulged in lesbian relationships. 🙂

The setting of this novel was absolutely amazing. The author wrote down the surroundings so detailed, that my imagination was working overtime. I would absolutely love to see this book on screen, I think the characters, dresses, atmosphere, all the things and buildings would look amazing in the Netflix series. It sounds so magical and absolutely stunning when you read it. The chapters were pretty short, and the language used was easy to read. I could feel this french breeze from time to time as well, especially with some of the product or food names… The ending was very exciting, and after reading this book, I hope that the second part will bring more adventure and that Camellia will deserve to be the rebel of this series.

So, to conclude, it is an interesting story, filled with very unique characters, and if you like books about beauty and evil princesses, I think you might quite enjoy this read.
Dark Pleasures (Pure/Dark Ones #4)
Dark Pleasures (Pure/Dark Ones #4)
Aja James | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark Pleasures (Pure/ Dark Ones #4) by Aja James
Dark Pleasures is the fourth book in the Pure/Dark Ones, and we reunite with Sophia as she starts off the story. I have to admit to loving her little synopses, and can't wait for her story to be told in its entirety.

Back to this one, we have Devlin - our gentlemanly hero from a time gone by, plus Grace, who is on the Asperger's Spectrum. You wouldn't think these two would mesh very well, but be prepared to be surprised. Devlin is very smooth, courteous, chivalrous, whilst Grace is brash, almost harsh, in her lack of emotions. Whilst it can be jarring (for Devlin as well as the reader), it makes for excellent reading.

This story was well-written, with a smooth pacing, and plenty of action and intrigue to keep you turning the pages. There is also plenty of information given for the overall story arc, plus other characters who haven't had their turn yet. The world-building is excellent, and I can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Bookishly Ever After basically proves that my life sucks and the main character’s life is better… thus fictional lives are better. (Technically, fictional boys are better.)

I’ll agree with some of the reviewers on Goodreads that Bandeira’s debut novel doesn’t actually have a plot… because it doesn’t. Bookishly Ever After is an extremely light read that a plot isn’t really necessary to enjoy the book – if you enjoy a really cute book with adorable main characters to boot. Phoebe, le fabulous main character, is quite literally everything that I am fictionalized aside from looks, and I am so not saying that I’m cute because I’m not that confident. However, it is highly unadvised for guys to tell Sophia that she is cute or pretty because she will very happily kick you (or throw a GIF at you).

It is, however, totally worth the read if anyone is looking for something cute and light.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Quantum (Red Rock Alien Mail Order Brides #1)
Erin Kellison | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quantum is the first book in a new science fiction romance series by Erin Kellison. The story is fast-paced and full of information on how the galaxy actually works, and what some of the species look like. There is a lot to take in, but it is definitely worth it.

Raider has stolen a Quantum Stone. Using this stone in a wormhole enables time to move backwards. He wants to sell the stone to past to buy himself a future, for reasons that you find out as you move along the story. Sophia is on a mission - to find her missing brother. She will do just about anything to find him, but when she opens a can of worms, she definitely gets more than she bargained for, especially when she finds out there is more to her brother than she realised.

Very well written, with a smooth flow to the story, like I've already mentioned it is fast-paced, but this is in no way a bad thing.With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this book was thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely recommended by me, and I'm looking forward to reading further on in the series.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Hidden (Dragonlands, #1) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Hidden (Dragonlands, #1)
Hidden (Dragonlands, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book as a gift from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

What happens if, at thirteen, you wake up and all the adults from your village have disappeared? What happens if you are suddenly surrounded by a thick, dense, immoveable fog? Is it there to keep you in... or others out?

This is the riddle that Sophia and the rest of the children are faced with early one morning. Then time skips on and you meet Tressa, Sophia's granddaughter. She is someone who has had to deal with the blows in her life and this means that she is not one to cower down and hide behind someone else.

Something is changing in the village and it is Tressa's turn to venture outside. Those who have gone before have never been seen or heard from. Once Tressa steps into the fog, all bets are off and she has to think on her feet.

There are twists and turns aplenty in this book with well described and believable characters for the most part. The one that I couldn't exactly gel with Henry but he was only a bit-part anyway. If you like the more mature fantasy then I think you will really enjoy this one. Definitely recommended.

December 19, 2018
Expiation - The Whisper of Death
Expiation - The Whisper of Death
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this series and this book more than I thought I would in the beginning. I thought I had cried a lot in the previous books, but this is the book that I cried a ton in. Between the birth of their son, their promise and all the attacks and unbelievable allies during the pregnancy, there was constantly something going on to keep you interested in and in the thought of what might happen. I hadn't known what to expect when Gemma became a Witch but I can tell you, what happened was not on my list of what I thought would happen. I really liked how Amore even included herself at the end. I have to say this book definitely wrapped up the story in such a beautiful way that it is hard to believe it is finally finished.

I would first like to say seeing the Witch's align with their enemies to help protect Gemma was amazing. It left a lot of suspense in the air. I had waited for them to battle constantly but the fact they worked together to protect Gemma was truly amazing and in some moments quite amusing. As we saw in Brokenhearted, Devina had some strong feelings toward Evan and she kept making it clear as she helped protect Gemma. She did everything to cause Gemma and Evan to gain doubt in their relationship and everything else. The Witches even went to school and caused some trouble while protect Gemma. I have to say those antics around Gemma's mortal friends were my favorite. It was fun and quite amusing. The Witches over all were amusing to see do things outside of their home world, Hell.

But it wasn't just the unlikely alliance but the touching moments with everyone involved. To see the baby be born and to witness how happy they were to receive the child was truly touching. I was very upset that she had to become a witch and in the worst way possible. She was killed before Evan could put his plan into action and to see him suffer and become willing to allow Sophia's poison causing everything she knew and love to be lost to her forever. I hated seeing that. I was heart broken for Evan and their baby. Gemma took her place in Hell and proceeded to be a fairly ruthless Witch. She enjoyed the tempting and harvesting of Souls. I found myself holding my breath, hoping it wasn't true and that it was just an act. To find out that her past was erased from her kept me holding on to hope that Evan would free her.

I quite enjoyed learning more about how the Witches worked and learning about Sophia. Though previous books gave us some insight to how Sophia is and about her past, it isn't until this final extension that you learn how truly dark Sophia is and how completely selfish she is. I mean, you can expect that from the devil and with her being the devil, I don't know why I would have imagined her being sweet or even someone I could love. I was not disappointed in how truly evil she was. Though, some of her actions still surprised me. Especially where Gemma and Evan were concerned. However, her getting what she wants didn't surprise me much. But how she went along with obtaining what she wanted was truly mystifying. I loved how Amore detailed and described her and how Gemma and Evan felt towards her. It kept the story moving forwarded and full of suspense.

However, it was the ending seeing Gemma, Evan and their son reunited, even though is was in Heaven. I found myself crying for the last forty pages or so. I was just truly amazed with the story and even though it left you in awestruck and happy, you can't help but wish things had been different. To have the three of them find another way to be together. I have to say overall this was just a truly amazing experience. I would rate this book five stars out of five stars. I would rate the series the same way. I was able to experience all kinds of emotions. I found this book to be exhilarating and truly touching. I did think this book was the most depressing of them all, but watching Evan struggle through so much could have that affect on anyone.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Family
Boring Mansion Mystery
Sleuth Nancy Drew (Sophia Lillis) is tasked with getting to the bottom of a haunting mystery at the Twin Elms mansion.

Acting: 9
For the most part, Lillis’ performance is solid in her role as Nancy. She shows her range throughout the movie and you can easily understand why she was given the leading role. Fortunately she is at the helm of the majority of the movie because most of the actors were just “meh” in their roles. Their cardboard delivery gave the movie more of a Lifetime movie feel than a feature film.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 8

Cinematography/Visuals: 2

Conflict: 5

Genre: 1

Memorability: 2
Memorable? The main thing I remember is falling asleep not once but TWICE while watching the movie. There is nothing here that really stuck out for me, neither good nor bad. Wait, I do remember one thing: Waiting for the movie to be over.

Pace: 5
The movie had a tendency to drag on, shot for shot. You think you’re going to get to delve mostly into the mystery, but it somehow devolved into a “daily life” routine type of movie. There was a lot of Much Ado About Nothing as the film drags on. Weak pacing was a huge contributor in killing the whole vibe.

Plot: 2

Resolution: 2

Overall: 46
Yikes. Talk about a movie that is hard to stomach. If your kids ask to see Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, suggest something else. By the time you get to the meat of this movie, you won’t care anymore.
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Fins ain’t what they used to be.
OK, OK, so I must be about the last person in the country – at least, those who want to see this at the cinema – who actually has! Maybe its something about the summer slipping into autumn that made me crave for one last summer blockbuster hoorah! In any case, I feel like a bit of a traitor, since I was very scathing about this film’s trailer when it came out. But – do you know – as a brainless piece of popcorn entertainment, I quite enjoyed it!

Jason Statham – the unthinking man’s Dwayne Johnson – plays our hero Jonas Taylor. (Jonas? Surely some sly joke?). Jonas is drinking his life away in Thailand after being traumatised by an underwater rescue mission in which he was 90% successful. (Yeah, I know. Bloody perfectionists. Hate ’em). But he is needed again, since his cute ex-wife Lori (Jessica McNamee) is stuck at the bottom of the sea being terrorised by a terrifying creature: no, not Spongebob Square Pants… the titular prehistoric shark.

Lori is working at an undersea research station – Mana One – off the coast of China, funded by the annoyingly brash billionaire Morris (Rainn Wilson, from “The Office”), who you just HOPE HOPE HOPE will get munched at some point!

Running the station (in the most shameless Hollywood/Chinese market crossover since “The Great Wall“) is Zhang (Winston Chao) assisted by his cute daughter Suyin (played by the gloriously named and very talented Bingbing Li) and his even cuter granddaughter Meiying (Sophia Cai). The race is on to use their brains and Taylor’s brawn to stop the monster from reaching the seaside resort of Sanya Bay for lunch.

The action is, of course, absurd with so many near misses for Jonas from gnashing teeth that he could be The Meg’s registered dentist. There is a really nice dynamic though built up between Jonas, his potential cross-cultural love interest Suyin and young Meiying. Suyin is a classic TimesUp heroine for 2018, with an assertive f***-you attitude and not remotely giving an inch to Statham’s hero.

But it’s young Sophia as Meying who really steals lines and steals hearts with a truly charming performance, and would get my ‘man of the match’ were it not for…

…research assistant Jaxx (Australian model, Ruby Rose). She has an absolutely extraordinary look in this film. Chiselled and tattooed, she literally looks like she has stepped out of a Final Fantasy video game… and acts well too: the complete package.

As referenced above, the Hollywood/Chinese crossover is quite striking in this film, with the Chinese beach location looking like Amity Island on crack! (Cue the overweight Chinese kid as the Jaws “Alex” replacement… who knew China had a child obesity issue too… and that they also have ‘Zoom’ ice lollies!) Unusually for a mainstream Western film, a significant number of lines in the film are in Chinese with English subtitles.

In the league table of shark movies, it is far nearer to “Deep Blue Sea” than it is to “Jaws”, the reigning league champion, and all are far in excess of the ridiculous “Sharknado”. But compared to “Deep Blue Sea”, and even compared to “Jaws” – now, astonishingly, 43 years old! – it’s a curiously bloodless concoction, presumably to guarantee it’s 12A certificate. I have seen far bloodier and more violent 12A’s, and if anything I think director Jon Turteltaub (“National Treasure”) rather overdid the sanitisation.

It’s not going to win many gongs at the Oscars, but it is a slice of movie fun nonetheless.