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Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin, #9)
Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin, #9)
Jennifer Estep | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sophia, the goth dwarf who is the head cook at the Pork Pit, has been a bit of a puzzle throughout the Elemental Assassin series. How did she come to have the body disposal skills she uses to help Gin? Has she always been so diametrically opposed to her oh-so-feminine sister, JoJo? And what is the full story behind the trauma that ruined her voice? This book answers those questions.

We also get a little movement in the will-they-or-won't-they-reunite story of Gin and Owen, as well as a tiny bit of movement in the bigger story arc concerning Mab Monroe's heir. Thankfully, Finn is largely absent this time around. I find his whining about his clothes, cars, hair, etc. to be insufferable and cannot imagine what Bria sees in him, but there you go.

I feel like I should mention that this book gets brutal. I mean, if you've followed Gin Blanco this far, you aren't expecting flowers and rainbows, but I had to out this one down a couple of times. The details got to me. The descriptions were just too much, and the depravity of the villains was just too far out there. There haven't exactly been any shades of gray with previous bad guys, but I fully expected these to be roasting babies for dinner or some such.

It just occurred to me that I don't recall encountering any queer characters in this series. Or in any of Estep's other work. I've read several Bigtime novels, one or two of the Mythos Academy books, and everything she's published in this series, and everybody seems to be straight. Am I forgetting Something? How can an entire universe be heterosexual? Anybody?
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2)
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2)
Camille Faye | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2) by Camille Faye
Emergence is the second book in the Voodoo Butterfly series, and we start pretty much where we left off. Sophia and Taj are still together, although things aren't quite as smooth as they were. However, trouble isn't far away, and Poppy ends up being injured. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and things quickly go downhill for Sophie. Add to that, Taj disappears mysteriously, quickly followed by Avi.

I'll be honest here, for a while I was worried this was going to become the ubiquitous love triangle, but Camille Faye managed to avoid that in this book. Now, I'm not saying it may not happen in the future, but for now, in this book, we're safe.

There is plenty of action and adventure in this book, possibly more than Voodoo Butterfly, and it is great to see Sophie growing in confidence and power. We also meet more of the Mambos, and find out more about them, which made for incredible reading.

I am absolutely loving this series, as it is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors that spoil my reading. The story is intricate and intriguing, definitely leaving me wanting more. With a great cast of supporting characters to round things off, there is simply nothing about this series/book that I don't like.

Fair warning though - there is still a mystery to solve regarding Taj, and it does end on a cliffhanger. I know something is going on with him, but I'll always be Team Jacques!

Definitely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni #2)
Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni #2)
Theda Vallee | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
137 of 250
Recipe for Disaster (Violetta Massoni book2)
By Theda Vallee

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Mix two parts mystery, a dash of danger, and a sparkling heap of fabulous….

Etta Massoni used to work in her families bakery, now she chases supernatural baddies, trying her best to keep Stella-her attitude ridden magic -and her family in check.

When the cities nightclubs fall prey to an ancient curse, the bodies start piling up. The supernatural world is under threat of exposure, her team is in shambles, and a group of drag queens needs saving.

When the Massoni family decides to fight, they go all in, even if it means Nonna has to learn to twerk in the name of justice.

Ok this has to be one of those books that just hits you in the face! It’s so bloody funny and I mean hilariously so. Nonna and aunt Sophia have to be 2 of the best characters I’ve ever encountered and that’s before we meet the the Queens! I didn’t think Theda Valle could beat Stir until Petrified (Violetta Massoni book 1) but this just killed it and I loved that first book so much! This lady has some serious talent and I really can’t wait to see what else she produces. Aswell as the funny side the serious side comes through just as powerful it really is a treasure you find when you give these Indie authors support. It’s not that often I get excited like this over a book or author that’s got some serious talent although not sure my husband would agree when I’m laughing that hard I wake him at 2am 😂😂😂.
The Shadowglass (The Bone Witch, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>My body, heart and soul were not ready for the final book.</strong></h2>
I procrastinated reading <em>The Shadow Glass</em> because this is the end. The End. THE END.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2925" src=""; alt="internal screaming sherlock" width="320" height="147" />
It's a week after finishing the last book in <em>The Bone Witch</em> trilogy and mere hours before this review is going live and I'm sitting here going: OH. MY. GOD. What are words even? Can I come back when my tears are refreshed and ready to cry internally again (because I can't actually cry when reading for some reason)? <em>Will my review even give justice???</em>

<h2><strong>I adore the characters SO MUCH.</strong></h2>
Back when I first read <em><a href="">The Bone Witch</a>,</em> I had so much difficulty getting through the first book because it's filled with descriptions and world-building, which made the book go by slowly. However, I loved the concept and the characters, so I sucked it up and continued. But when I read <a href=""><em>The Heart Forger</em></a> last year, I got <em>completely </em><em>invested</em> in the characters Chupeco created and fell in love with all of them.

Tea, Kalen, Fox, Inessa, Likh, Khalad - these are only a few of the characters that make up the trilogy. I adore the entire cast Chupeco introduces to us from the first book and brought over through the rest of the trilogy as well. I love their dynamics with each other, the relationships they've developed and their interactions. In particular, I truly appreciated how everyone accepted Likh's transition as she discovered more about herself and who she truly is. I also enjoyed reading their sassy and snarky remarks as Tea continues on her journey to get a shadow glass in order to save the one she loves, even if it will potentially kill her.

<h2><strong>Everything comes together in <em>The Shadow Glass</em>.</strong></h2>
I had so many questions after reading <em>The Heart Forger</em>! (Mainly, will my precious beans survive???) I am so happy Chupeco answers all of those questions in <em>The Shadow Glass</em>. Much like the second book's format, the story is told in two timelines eventually coming together at the end. One timeline is in the Bard's perspective when Tea is older while the other is Tea telling her past. This format can get confusing and overwhelming with so much going on, but it is easily rectified by the end.

<strong>Side Note:</strong> I read <em>The Shadow Glass</em> at midnight and half of my brain is asleep, so um, that probably explains me being confused and overwhelmed. Sleepy Sophia does not equate to understanding Sophia.

<h2><strong>What a beautiful ending.</strong></h2>
I am still a bit speechless, but <em>The Shadow Glass</em> is simply beautiful and marvelous. (I even wrote a coherent review!) I'm grateful for getting to know each of the characters and reading their journey, although I'll miss them greatly. I encourage everyone to give <em>The Bone Witch</em> trilogy a try - the slow beginning and all the information are well worth it.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear <i>The Winner's Crime</i>,

You remind me of <i>Revenge.</i> Just... more fun.

Lady Kestrel is like Emily and the emperor is like Victoria or Veronica or whats-her-face, and her words are so carefully plotted, her moves so masterfully calculated - I've pretty much decided to not make an attempt to predict you. I find that not predicting sometimes is more fun and more enjoyable.

You are like any other movie or TV show consisting of royalty - espionage, drama, tension, gossip, the like. But I like you, and I enjoyed reading you. Kestrel is clever, but so is the prince and Arin and almost all the other characters in this novel. Yet, I still enjoy it. I enjoy the lies and deception, the drama and tension in the palace as Kestrel's wedding day gets closer and closer.

Thus, I find you more a guilty pleasure read. I find you such a guilty pleasure, I don't want to rate you, because if I do, it'll be a high one for sure. I can't high-five you - you're on a hold shelf already and that's just a fatal flaw of libraries, but it's a great feeling because someone else can enjoy the fabulousness of what you are. Then you'll be placed on a shelf somewhere else, or on a hold shelf again, traveling to another reader and then another, and your older sibling will repeat the same process.

And when your younger sibling comes around, s/he will be doing the same thing. In fact, it'll be your fault - you left everyone at a cliffhanger and all of us are demanding to know how this story will unfold.
<div style="text-align: right;">Sincerely,</div>
<div style="text-align: right;">Sophia</div>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Full disclosure, I'm a massive fan of the Uncharted video game series, and as such, stepped into this one with trepidation. I'm relieved to say then, that despite a few drawbacks, I had a lot of fun overall.
The general premise is going for a precursor to the first game. The characters are younger, learning to gel as a team. Tom Holland is great as a young Nathan Drake. Maybe a little alien in comparison to the game version, but passable for a first outing. I'm still completely unsold on Mark Whalberg as Sully though. He's way more unlikable here than in the games, and that didn't quite sit well with me. The two of them together lack the chemistry that is such an important part of the source material, and it does hurt the film somewhat. Sophia Ali is promising as a young Chloe Frazer, and Tati Gabrielle plays a convincing villain. Antonio Banderas is just kind of there and feels a bit wasted.
The narrative has some pacing issues. As much as I can commend the commitment to lengthy segments of puzzle solving, it doesn't quite have the same impact of when you're in control, and it does drag to a certain extent. Thankfully, the last 30 minutes does a whole lot of heavy lifting in making up for the more lackluster moments. The final set piece causes the film to spring to life, and suddenly, it's a full blown Uncharted film. The action is absurd, the music score is familiar (the main Uncharted theme will always be a banger), and the film ends in a way that has me excited for future installments.

The best way to sum up Uncharted is that it's a good start. It's nowhere near perfect, and it's origin-like narrative pales in comparison to the stories that are right there for the taking thanks to the games, but it feels like a setup for bigger things to come, and most importantly, it does feel like an Uncharted movie, and that's all I really wanted.
The Nine: Zane
The Nine: Zane
Elle Arroyo | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story itself is very good, excellently paced and with a good group of characters.
THE NINE: ZANE is the first book in this series and tells of a family who are more than they appear. Zane, as eldest, is the one who houses demons inside him and has been chosen for a blood match with Sophia. Unfortunately, he loves her as a sister, whilst she loves another of his brothers. The man he wants, Eric, is pure human and has no idea what is going on.

I felt like Eric for most of the book! Zane has some serious mood swings and, yes, I do realise he's carrying demons around but still. I got whiplash a few times! Poor Eric!

In the first book of the series, you always find niggles and questions. I find the world settles down the further along you read. In this, I didn't think that the Anunnaki were sufficiently described. You get hints at WHAT they are, but not the WHO or the WHY. You also know that Zane doesn't have the best relationship with his father, but why? Also, just as an off-the-cuff comment, I thought the model on the cover looks WAAAY too young to be Zane OR Eric.

The story itself is very good, excellently paced and with a good group of characters. I thought the connection between Zane and Eric was slightly out of balance for most of the book, but the ending helped with that. This has definitely sparked my interest in the series and I will be reading more. I want to know more about their world and who inhabits their bodies. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
What Happens Now?
What Happens Now?
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

<b><i>I am so excited to be part of the Blog Tour for What Happens Now by Sophia Money-Coutts! Thank you to the team at HQ, for being so kind to send me a copy of this book!
Without further delays, let’s see what I thought…</i></b>

<img src=""/>;

What Happens Now by Sophia Money-Coutts is a wonderful story that features Lil, who is a normal lady, living a normal life. She thought she has found ”the one”, but after so many years, this fellow dumps her for a twenty-year old blonde girl.

Doing what everyone should do, she moves on, and tries to find a new match, choosing a dating app and swiping right. She finds a handsome man that seems to like her and arranges a date. She gets ready, meets this guy, has a few drinks and spends the night at his apartment.

<b><i>What is the worse thing that can happen?</i></b>

Well – firstly, he doesn’t seem to respond to her messages at all. And then, she discovers that he is, in fact, the famous mountaineer Max, who is currently out there somewhere, climbing a mountain and can’t actually see her messages, the Max who is possibly Prince William’s best friend. But on top of it all, after weeing on a stick, she discovers she is pregnant with his baby.

So now Lil is single, thirty-one and living in a small flat in London, and this is not how she expected to become a mum. But our lady Lil here is probably the bravest woman I have ever encountered in my books, and she decides to do this whole motherhood thing on her own. Yes – she really likes Max, and it would be amazing if he gets involved too, but she doesn’t need him really. She can do this!

Throughout this book I felt so empowered to read about Lil’s daily challenges and I was cheering for her all the way through. She, and all women in the world that had the courage to give birth to and raise a child on their own should be praised, and I can’t think of any words to describe how brave these people are and how much I admire them!

Lucky for Lil, she has her mother and her stepdad along her way throughout the whole journey, and these two people are the friendliest and kindest people in the world.

And then there’s Jess – Lil’s best friend, who is, by the way, THE BEST FRIEND anyone wants. She was EVERYTHING and I loved her so much! She was always there for Lil, giving the best advises in the world. We all need a Jess in our lives!

And to be honest, given my low opinion on Sophia’s first book, The Plus One, I didn’t have high expectations on this one, but I think she outdid herself and created a masterpiece! The writing style has improved so much, that you wouldn’t notice these two books have been written by the same author.

I loved reading about Lil’s journey – I truly did. The writing was gorgeous and I couldn’t put the book down. Very empowering, but at the same time a very light summer read. I recommend it to all of you – read What Happens Now? this summer, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Loki - Season 1
Loki - Season 1
2021 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
As another chapter within the MCU, Loki is a triumph. It manages to be a driving vehicle for Loki himself, boasting fantastic special effects, fun action scenes, that signature blend of drama and comedy. But beyond that, it's a wonderful character piece. Tom Hiddleston has been wonderfully cast as the titular anti-hero from the moment he first appeared in Thor. Since then, Loki has gone through a whole heap of double crossing, dying (multiple times), heroics, villainy, and everything in between. This series finds him a purpose and a place, and that place is Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino). Her role as a Loki variant makes their relationship both narcissistic and weirdly kind of sweet. Being the God of Mischief means that Loki is neither trusting, or trustworthy, but with Sylvie, all of his defences drop, and he's vulnerable. It's very well realised, and the chemistry between the two leads elevates the show tremendously. Owen Wilson is great as well, as is the the supporting cast, especially Wunmi Mosaku and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.

As a deep dive into comic lore, Loki really excels. The TVA is quite a stretch as it is, but this series is brimming with deep cuts. Alioth, Miss Minutes, Throg (!), The mother-fucking Thanoscopter (officially MCU canon, fight me) and of course, the jump off point for the multiverse. The Loki variants we see in episode 5 (including a show stealing turn from Richard E. Grant) combined with the introduction of Alioth makes for one of the most entertaining episodes of anything I've ever watched. Throw in the various teases for Kang the Conqueror and it's a comic fans dream.
The series finale is wonderful. The appearance of Immortus/He Who Remains, and the very well done set up for Kang's inevitable arrival is perfect, and I can't wait to see more of Jonathan Majors going forward.

Overall, Loki really steps off the beaten path, even more so than Wandavision. It's full of fantastic character moments, great writing, and ultimately delivers another fantastic entry into this new phase for Marvel Studios, and as it stands, is my personal favourite of the Disney+ shows so far.
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
After numerous attempts which saw talent attached only to depart before filming began, “Uncharted” has finally arrived on the big screen.

The movie is based on the hit Playstation series of games by Naughty Dog and stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, a young man who is as adept at history as he is with pickpocketing which he uses to offset his income from Bartending.

Nathan’s brother fled the law years earlier and aside from Postcards has had no contact with him over the years. Things change when Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) arrives and recruits Nathan by showing him that he used to work with his brother. Despite misgivings and unresolved feelings; Nathan joins with Victor and finds himself in a daring caper to steal a valuable object that could unlock the key to a gold supply that has been lost for over five hundred years.

Naturally, there are others who want the money, and Nathan, Victory, and their dubious partner Chloe (Sophia Ali); as they rush around the world in one adventure after another to solve the ancient puzzles and stay one step ahead of some very deadly individuals.

The movie has elements of “National Treasure” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in terms of the quests to find ancient treasures mixed with action but keeps things in a simpler context. The focus is not on plot development, character development, or plausibility but considering the film is based on a video game, it does a good job with the source material.

There has been some controversy about the casting of Holland as Nathan is older in the game series, but he goes all-in with his performance even when the acrobatic action sequences does offer many reminders of his Spider-man role.

The action in the game is fun and over-the-top and more than once I thought I should be pushing my X and Square button to help him make the moves necessary to complete the task and survive.

The post-credit scenes offer some great possibilities for future adventures and those would be more than welcome for those looking for some no-brainer escapist entertainment.

3.5 stars out of 5.