The Midnight Sky (2020)
This post-apocalyptic tale follows Augustine, a lonely scientist in the Arctic, as he races to stop...
Trial of christine Keeler
TV Show
London autumn 1963 The biggest scandal of the 20th century is about to hit Christine Keeler is about...
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)
Movie Watch
Four friends, diving in a ruined underwater city, quickly learn they are not alone in the submerged...
Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post
Aug 30, 2021
Forev (2013)
Sophie and Pete get engaged on their first date, which is a 6-hour drive through the desert. And...
Canaries (2017)
The first wave of an alien invasion coincides with a New Years Eve party in a Welsh valley.
The dive (2023)
Two sisters go diving at a beautiful remote location one of the sisters is struck by a rock leaving...
Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated The Other Woman in Books
Jun 5, 2019
Although I did read this very fast and strangely have to admit I also thoroughly enjoyed this story, I did have a chuckle at quite a few of the things that happened. The nosy neighbour seemed to be constantly following Sophie around as if she had nothing better to do. The housekeeper who spotted everything going on! The twist at the end (featuring the truth about the mistress and what was really going on with the husband), was totally unexpected, and possibly pulled out of a hat to surprise us. Then the final wrap up session kind of happened far too easily for my liking. It was also a tad unbelievable, too. But hey, the way I looked at it was the husband needed to repent and unleash some of this guilt, and maybe even needed to prove his love for Sophie. Whilst Sophie (it turns out) was most certainly not a woman to be messed with, even though I doubted she realised it at the time until these disasters kept happening to her.
Overall, I did enjoy how fast I read this book, and how it kept me on tenterhooks whipping through the pages eager to get to the end to find out how they were going to round this off without getting caught. Seriously, Sophie was just trying to dispose of a body, and yet everything that could go wrong for her, did go wrong and I was constantly wondering just how was she going to get out of this mess! I also loved the ‘mysterious’ ending, which kind of made everything Sophie tried to avoid, come true and all her past efforts just a waste of time… comeuppance? Karma can be a bitch, even if the whole thing was just one big mistake. Worth a read if you don’t take it too seriously.
The Unbreakables: A Novel
A delicious, sharp novel about a woman who jets off to France after her perfect marriage collapses,...
Fiction Contemporary
Billy and Me
**ZOELLA BOOK CLUB 2016 TITLE** A gorgeously romantic novel about fame, friendship and falling in...