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Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
2018 | Family
Good but not as memorable as the original
To be honest, I'm kind of struggling to know what to say about this. The main thing is, I enjoyed it, and the rest of my family loved it too. It just wasn't enough to leave any big lasting impression on me. The songs are all good, usually accompanied by some wonderful visuals and fun choreography, but none of the songs are particularly memorable. There's nothing that I can imagine being as repeatable, or as catchy as 'A spoonful of sugar' for example. Emily Blunt is wonderful as always and the movie does a fantastic job of paying homage to the original Mary Poppins and keeping to the style and tone of the movie, there's just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on. I can remember leaving the cinema after seeing The Greatest Showman a year ago, having the songs stuck in my head, downloading the soundtrack and wanting to see the movie again. I didn't really feel like that at all with Mary Poppins Returns.

That being said, this is still a good fun family movie and if you enjoyed the original you should find enjoyment in this. With all the doom and gloom in the world right now, the world definitely needs something like this for all the family to enjoy at Christmas time.
BIO HAZARD: The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD
BIO HAZARD: The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD
Hiroyuki Ariga | 1997 | Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Story (2 more)
Background Information
Interview with Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil Designer)
Hard to find (0 more)
A fascinating book from a horror and gaming perspective.
A fun, fascinating book that gives a great deal of information regarding what happened in the Resident Evil/Biohazard series before the first game.

The "Trevor's Letters" section of the book provides a haunting, yet not overly revealing backstory about the notorious mansion's design, but it succeeds in preserving the mystery of what lies ahead, while providing gamers with some subtle game hints.

The main section of the book, "Resident Evil: The Beginning", is a light novel by Hiroyuki Ariga, providing a brief prequel to the game that leads straight into the game itself. Well written and thoroughly enjoyable!

The final section is an interview with Shinji Mikami, the designer of the game, where he talks about his inspirations and previous games. A superb insight into how the game was made, mainly providing details on game design and the games soundtrack (or lack thereof). A smart and funny interview with a man that gamers have a lot to thank for!

The main problem with the book is that it was only released to the Japanese market, but thanks to the wonder of the internet, there is a translation available so we can all enjoy it!
Hit & Run (2012)
Hit & Run (2012)
2012 | Action, Comedy, Romance
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
it's almost like dax and kristin love each other or something
I really enjoyed this film. With this whole pandemic thing going on, I've been listening to Dax Shepard's podcast, Armchair Expert. He has talked about this film on several occasions and I finally decided to watch it. I am so glad I did.

Not only is the plotline great, the cast is phenomenal, the chemistry is there, but it moves, it takes you with them on the journey and you are never bored. The soundtrack for this film was perfect. It is everything you want from a movie like this and you can feel the love that Dax and Kristin have for each other through the screen. This film was released pre-marriage but when they were dating and I think it just shows. It doesn't feel forced, it doesn't feel fake or uncomfortable, it feels genuine and pure. Especially when you know them as a couple and listened to them talk in interviews and things, I think much more of their actual selves radiate through this film than most would think.

Bradley Cooper, Joy Bryant, and Kristin Chenoweth were the cherries on top of this film, but I think the real great character through this is Tom Arnold's Randy. He was just the true underdog of the film.

I would 1000% recommend this film. Watch!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Emma (2020) in Movies

Feb 21, 2020  
Emma (2020)
Emma (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
It's customary for the makers of new Jane Austen adaptations to declare they've come up with a bold new approach to the material. This almost invariably turns out not to be the case (we end up with all the usual balls, carriages, and people swanking about in top hats and Empire-line dresses) and it would probably be a bad idea anyway: a large segment of the audience of Jane Austen movies turns up precisely because they know exactly what they're going to get (balls, carriages, etc) and would be upset if it wasn't there. This version of Emma should suit them very nicely.

The director is also a photographer which probably explains why the composition and look of the thing is so impeccable, but may also have something to do with why the story feels a little a bit flat and difficult to follow near the start (there are lots of characters to keep track of). Not what you'd actually call rip-snortingly funny or especially romantic, but the performances are decent. The most interesting creative choice is the use of traditional folk music at various points on the soundtrack (Johnny Flynn sings as well as acts), but its authenticity does feel rather at odds with the tone of the rest of the movie. Passes the time decently - people who like this sort of thing will probably like Emma, too.
    Power Hover

    Power Hover

    Games and Stickers

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    Power Hover is an action game about hoverboarding robots! Jump on your gravity defying hoverboard...



    Music and Entertainment

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    WBLS has been a staple in the radio industry for over 40 years. You can go anywhere in the world and...


Yannis Philippakis recommended West Coast by Studio in Music (curated)

West Coast by Studio
West Coast by Studio
2006 | Hip-hop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That's a record that Jack [Bevan] from Foals had discovered when we were living in Oxford writing Total Life Forever and there were eight of us in one house: other musicians, no TV, just a record player in the fireplace. The house was falling apart and that record was the soundtrack to that whole period, 2009 to 2011. It was the record I felt envious of not having made. They did something that I felt I was close to being able to make but also superior, and it wasn't what I'd made! I thought: ""Shit, they got there first!"" It's a strange record from a strange group because they seem underappreciated and under-exposed and never really play live. We ended up going to record in Gothenburg and we met Dan Lissvik on this industrial estate in the winter. He talked about how life is a pendulum and he sits above it; he was chain smoking and was a good guy. The record itself though is somebody's idea of West Coast hip-hop filtered through a suburban Swedish kid's imagination. It is at odds with what Gothenburg is like in the winter. The production on it is amazing, with elements of interlocking guitars, but it's freer and maybe it helped us loosen some of the strictness that was in the band at the beginning sonically."

Gentlemen Broncos (2009)
Gentlemen Broncos (2009)
2009 | Adventure, Comedy
I get a lot of the disdain but honestly, this is pretty much the exact natural evolution of 𝘕𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘦 - for better and for worse. Am I proving the (brilliant) point of this film - portraying the intrinsic merits of an original idea over that same idea bastardized by greedy agencies and/or people who claim to be supportive while in the same breath spitefully swearing 'their version' is inherently better - in suggesting that if Hess would have restrained his weird Hess-isms just a smidge, that this downright compelling premise would have built up a bit more crucial meat which would have made this the great film it deserves to be? Then again, if that were the case this would have also missed out on its deliriously kooky atmosphere which provides such unforgettable nuance. I don't get much out of the main characters here but the supporting ones are next-level delish - Sam Rockwell and Jemaine Clement are fully game for this ravishing surrealism and it shows. Has some funny fuckin' moments but - as with most of the director's work - I admit that it strains from time to time. It also happens to be both gorgeous design-fetishism *and* has a dope soundtrack - Jared Hess is essentially Wes Anderson if he was obsessed with gradeschool potty humor.