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    Fran Bow Chapter 1

    Fran Bow Chapter 1


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    Fran Bow is a creepy adventure game that tells the story of Fran, a young girl struggling with a...

The Original Wild Style Breakbeats Album by Wild Style
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When Wild Style came out, nobody knew about the New York City underground. This record and the film became how you found out about shit that was going on at that time because nobody was really documenting it. This movie became so big and it spread the message of hip hop in a way that hadn't really been done on that scale previously. When you look at the total global domination hip hop culture has now, you can see its roots in this film, in this soundtrack. It was mad fucking powerful. This film is written so intelligently and the story is so compelling. I like the 'Double Trouble' scene where there is acapella rapping and the scene with 'The Cold Crush Brothers'. The scene in the amphitheatre at night where they're killing it is another incredible moment. The music was just so dope throughout and it undoubtedly paved the way for things like Hamilton. I saw Hamilton this year and I'm looking around and looking at all these different people โ€“ all different ages, races and genders โ€“ and I was like here now you can see the real global domination that hip-hop and rap culture has โ€“ I saw it at the start with things like Wild Style and I see it now with Hamilton and its some mad fucking shit to see how far it has come. It's like we took over the world."


James Dean Bradfield recommended Doppler by R. Seiliog in Music (curated)

Doppler by R. Seiliog
Doppler by R. Seiliog
2013 | Alternative, Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It really gave me inspiration when we were finishing Futurology - this was flying around in Cardiff before its release. Because there was quite a big Krautrock influence on 'Futurology' itself, it was just nice to be reminded of how other people were still ingesting those influences and making use of them. I'm not very good at researching people on the internet so I never know the background to many people's stories really, but this album Doppler is seamlessly out of the box. Just a great record. You hear it and you think, "This guy, one day, is gonna win an Oscar for best soundtrack or he's going to launch the best inspired pop synth duo of all time." There's just something there; there's a song called 'Dollygluten' and another song called 'Neigwl Vacuums' and another song called '23.4'. Just all classics. I love it when there's a sense of mystery about a record. I don't know what his MO is, I don't really know what the songs are about, there's no narrative from the vocal, but he's one of those people who's just popped out fully formed and said, "Hey, look what I'm doing!" I don't really know what he looks like - I don't know how to switch the computer on. But it's just one of those records that I absolutely love. And there's something endless about that Krautrock catalogue that allows people to reinvent the near future, which is great, I think."

Dirty Dancing  (1987)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
1987 | Drama, Music, Romance

"Finally, weโ€™re going to go with a film that is so culturally relevant that as soon as I say it youโ€™ll be able to quote at least one line from it. Weโ€™re going to go with Dirty Dancing. Because, come on, nobody puts Baby in a corner, right? Of course itโ€™s been acted out, itโ€™s been referenced in numerous films. It was in Crazy, Stupid, Love. This is the move that Ryan Gosling does to get the girls, right? And he and Emma Stone reenact this scene. So, you want to talk about a film that just had an amazing soundtrack, the performances were great, and it speaks to the confusion of teenagers growing up, but not in a, I feel like, a โ€œlonerโ€ teenager way. Thereโ€™s been a lot of teenage films where they feel like a loner. This is someone who liked her family, and she was a little irritated with her older sister as siblings tend to be, but she liked her dad and her mom, and when push came to shove at various points, she ran to her dad to help. There was something striking about how all of that worked together in a film that just made you feel good and want to dance and want to take someone to see, and then, how many years later, that film still holds up. And if you donโ€™t believe me, go watch it. It still works."

Spontaneous (2020)
Spontaneous (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm not someone who typically ventures into Romance territory (although I will quietly admit to quite liking The Notebook...) but the promise of people exploding at random intervals drew me in... I have simple needs.
Turns out that Spontaneous is a wonderfully heartfelt (and gory) tale of two college kids who fall in love.
The two leads played by Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer are some of the most likable characters I've seen in ages. Their chemistry is top tier, and their relationship feels real and relatable and is the glue that holds the whole narrative together.
The gory side of things is quite something. It's nicely spaced out so it doesn't steal the spotlight, but Jesus Christ it's anxiety inducing. I was just on edge for the whole runtime wondering when someone else would violently explode. Would it be mid sentence? Would it be one of the characters I liked? "No one has blown up in a while, and I'm so nervous" is a thought that kept popping (pun fully intended) into my head. Somehow, it's a cute enough love story that is just tense as fuck. Hats off to everyone involved!

Watching Spontaneous is a ride. It's uplifting, suitably visceral, wonderfully acted, and feels meaningful.... definitely nearly(...) cried on more than one occasion. It's all backed by a great soundtrack, and has some lovely cinematography and inspired style choices. Absolutely recommend this one, for romance and horror fans alike.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Fletch (1985) in Movies

Mar 9, 2021 (Updated Mar 9, 2021)  
Fletch (1985)
Fletch (1985)
1985 | Comedy
๐˜‹๐˜ข๐˜ฅ ๐˜๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ: ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜”๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ฆ. This does what it does fine enough but has been essentially rendered obsolete by even the weakest entry of the ๐˜•๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜Ž๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ trilogy (2 1/2, btw). Surprisingly I think this works better as a crime film than a full-on comedy; it's just so damn atmospheric what with the fun-as-hell (very) 80s synth soundtrack, intriguing mystery, kicky cinematography and all - qualities that all the best crime thrillers of the era have. But the comedy is shockingly inconsistent, you'd think having Chase as essentially a mile-a-minute quip machine for his signature dry smugness would be shoe-in but the jokes work at about a 40/60 hit-to-miss ratio. Maybe a generous 50/50? And there's a fine line between deadpan and downright dull - speaking as a usual Chase defender I find this performance leans to the latter a little too much, there's just not a lot to value in it over the countless other renditions of this character out there. Also it's an automatic crime that a movie in which Chevy Chase dons a metric ton of comical disguises and fake identities actively chooses not to lean into his legendary physical comedy. He only does like one funny dance and one paltry pratfall... what the fuck is up with that? Somehow still a blast in what should be its mediocrity. Utter fluff, but it'll do.
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
1998 | Classical
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I picked Steve Reich because I think it changed the parameters of how I thought about music. At the time I was 17, playing in The Edmund Fitzgerald and I hadn't really ever been aware of modern classical or minimalism and it inspired me and also reinforced stuff that I intuitively liked in music, such as points of sounds and structural emphasis. The band Youthmovies introduced me to Reich - they had a quite formative effect on me in a sense that, up until then, I still listened to music in a tribal way, as in I had to identify with whatever subculture was going on, so I listened to Skinny Puppy and really plunged my identity into that, for example. I was in that teenage phase of tying up your fashion and your self identity with music. They also played me Gwen Stefani, Missy Elliott and Stars Of The Lid and they showed me that you didn't have to only identify with one tribe - they broke that way of thinking down. So that record was really important. And on a more simplistic level, it's just stunning. It's the kind of record you can listen to in any environment, unbound by context - it induces a trance-like state. It's a particularly good record to listen to when you're on the Underground, it's soothing - the perfect soundtrack to seeing thousands of people walking past you. He's one of my top five favourite musicians of all time."


Tom Chaplin recommended Sea Change by Beck in Music (curated)

Sea Change by Beck
Sea Change by Beck
2002 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter

"When we signed our record deal in America, it was a really exciting time and I remember going over there and, at that point, they were basically doing anything to sign us! We went to Interscope Records. We had no money that that point, we were struggling musicians and this woman just opened up this kind of cabinet that was full of every record that Interscope had put out and the one that she chose was Sea Change, saying, โ€œYou should listen to this one, itโ€™s only just come outโ€. And Iโ€™d never really been into Beck, Iโ€™d just found it sort of contrived but it completely changed my perspective of him. It was just when I met my girlfriend at the time, whoโ€™s now my wife. Sea Change is a break-up album but we fell in love to this break-up album, it was the soundtrack to our car journeys at the time. It was really peculiar; normally an album reflects where you are at the time and whenever I hear the songs from it, Iโ€™m transported back to this really happy time when we were getting together. Thatโ€™s what I like about it, because itโ€™s so bare, from what I remember he wrote it just after splitting up from his long-term partner. Trying to convey the misery of such a messy break-up in such a direct way, I was just blown away by that."
