Behind the Iron Curtain: Confession of a Soviet Architect
Felix Novikov tells the dramatic story of Soviet architecture, portraying the conditions he worked...

Flight of the Old Dog
The Soviet Union has beaten the US in a technology race and it's up to The Old Dog, a veteran B52,...

Slavutych: Architectural Guide
Slavutych, a Ukrainian provincial city north of Kyiv, seems in many respects to belong to a...

Atomic Heart
Video Game Watch
Atomic Heart is an adventure first-person shooter, events of which unfolds in an alternate universe...
Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian Cinema - Ruptures and Continuities
Birgit Beumers and Eugenie Zvonkine
This book, based on extensive original research, examines how far the collapse of the Soviet Union...

ARMS ROAD Eastern Front
Games and Entertainment
Massive irons run across the snowfield! Flames broke out in the severe cold Eastern Front! "Arms...
Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War
In this wide-ranging and acclaimed book, Stephen F. Cohen challenges conventional wisdom about the...

Soviet Aircraft Industry
Much of the fascination which Soviet aircraft and its associated aerospace industry holds for the...

An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls is a play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley, first performed in the...

Tetris (2023)
Hank Rodgers discovers tetras in 1988 and then risks everything by travelling to the soviet union...