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Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Like Sushi Stuffed With Korean BBQ: Try it and You Just Might Like it
When a woman goes to check on her dad during a hurricane, she gets more than she bargained for when she discovers alligators are in the crawl space. Yes, Crawl sounds dumb, but if you give it a chance, there is a possibility that you might just have a good time.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 5

Characters: 6

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
There was a surprising amount of gator gore that I wasn’t prepared for, but welcomed. I never knew how much I needed to see a gator take a Floridian’s head off until the moment I watched Crawl. From an effects standpoints, the film is facing two hurdles: The ongoing hurricane and making the gators feel and look realistic. For the most part, both hurdles were leapt with ease. A lot of this film takes place within a tight space and director Sam Raimi effectively makes sure each shot looks original and the setting doesn’t get overdone.

Conflict: 10
Agree or disagree with the realism of the plot, you can’t deny the fact that this movie has consistent action throughout. After a slow start, the action quickly kicks in and there is always something happening. The tension buildups were perfect, leaving me on the hook for just long enough to make me want to scream out loud for them to get it over with.

Entertainment Value: 5

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
At one point while gathering my thoughts, I wrote, “Not going to win any awards but still manages to hold your attention with a consistent pace.” It doesn’t just hold your attention, but commands it with things, crazy things, liable to happen at any moment. Those damn gators could be lurking anywhere as the crawlspace continues to fill up with water. It’s high-level intensity at its finest.

Plot: 5

Resolution: 8

Overall: 75
I never thought I would say this after watching the trailers but…I’d watch Crawl again. Not a classic by any stretch, but there are some that will like it and some that will love it. At a certain point, I was actually hoping it would really exceed my expectations and blow my mind, but I won’t get carried away. It’s good, but it’s not knocking anyone’s socks off.
Elvis & Nixon (2016)
Elvis & Nixon (2016)
2016 | Comedy
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Elvis Presley has always been a mystery to me. I never understood the fascination around him and the length at which his fans adore him. Growing up in the south, his image and legend permeated throughout the culture and made it impossible to criticize him or his music. He was infallible. Nixon, on the other hand, is universally loathed for having a Presidential administration built on division and corruption. Through one bold idea, on the part of Presley, they cross paths. Elvis and Nixon, sounds as though it would be perfect for an 80s sitcom, however, the reality of this interaction is put on display through this film. In total, the film is fun in that it gives a bit of insight as to what their interaction may have been like, given their personalities and styles, however, there is a lack of depth with anyone in the film. Michael Shannon’s (Midnight Special, Man of Steel) portrayal of Elvis comes off as wooden and lacking any personality.

I felt as though I was watching an impersonator on screen rather an actor portraying a character. Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) plays a strong Nixon in which you feel a little bit of sympathy for the President considering the circumstances that he finds himself in toward the end of his first term. Unfortunately, due to his character Frank Underwood on House of Cards, audiences will feel as though it is President Underwood playing Nixon. There isn’t much space between the two characters that he plays. There also isn’t much space between Elvis and Nixon with their approach to social ills and the American landscape.

There is very little this film offers other than an imagining of what possibly took place due to now recordings of their meeting other than a photo. In that sense, it is an interesting “what if” piece. The imagination of the filmmakers allows us to question who these two men and the circumstances that faced America during 1971. Although provocative in its approach, it doesn’t allow for much growth or ability to connect with any of the characters. It has its fun and funny moments, which will keep audiences interested, but nothing that will have them talking about the film well after they have seen it. Through the portrayals by Shannon and Spacey, I find myself liking Nixon a little more and hating Elvis a little less.
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Barbarella (1968)
Barbarella (1968)
1968 | Action, Sci-Fi
Vaguely Memorable
An outer space agent travels to another galaxy in search of a missing inventor.

Acting: 2
Good cast, none of whom are swinging for the fences in Barbarella. Honestly, I can compare the acting chops in this movie to the likes of a softcore porn. Science fiction or not, there is absolutely nothing believable about this movie in the slightest. The acting made the rest of the movie hard to watch.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
Despite the terrible acting, I didn’t hate the characters, namely the woman of the hour Barbarella (Jane Fonda). She’s quirky and I loved all of her inuendo references to sex. The movie is very sex-oriented and it succeeds, albeit minutely, in Barbarella’s experience and everyone else’s lack thereof. If they had given the movie more of a solid story, the characters would have had a fighting chance at being a part of a solid movie.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Not terrible in the way of sci-fi. They tried a number of cool things that really are fairly impressive for a 1968 movie. From the weapons to the numerous space settings, I wasn’t disappointed by what was showing up on screen.

Conflict: 6
I think Barbarella cared more about being trippy than having a true conflict to drive the story. There are points where I cared about the outcome, but it seems more often than not that the movie is satisfied with being light-hearted and slowly paced. There was not enough going on for me to overly care.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 6
There are a handful of moments that stand out, but there isn’t a lot of replay value here. Even as I rewatch it as we speak, there are some spots that I forgot even happened. Definitely not a movie I need to see twice.

Pace: 5

Plot: 1
Never a good sign when I have to look the story up on Rotten Tomatoes. It was honestly that forgettable. I think the 800 screenwriters on this movie cared more about being funny than they did writing a good movie. Not impressed.

Resolution: 2

Overall: 61
I wanted to like Barbarella, but they gave me nothing to work with unfortunately. I wouldn’t even advise the Amazon Prime users (where the movie is available) to give it a shot. Steer clear.