The Tunnel Through Time: A New Route for an Old London Journey
Crossrail, the 'Elizabeth' line, with its spacious, light-filled stations, is simply the latest way...

The Dream is Over: London in the 60s, Heroin, and John and Yoko
Author Dan Richter took a year's leave of absence as lead performer at the American Mime Theatre and...

The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years:From The Next Generation to J. J. Abrams: Volume 2
Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman
This is the true story behind the making of a television legend. There have been many books written...

Japanese Management: International Perspectives
This book provides a new understanding of the constellations of logics in Japanese management...
Neutral Accent: How Language, Labor, and Life Become Global
In Neutral Accent, A. Aneesh employs India's call centers as useful sites for studying global...

Performing Cultural Tourism: Communities, Tourists and Creative Practices
While experiential staging is well documented in tourism studies, not enough has been written about...

Easy Breezy Prosperity
In Easy Breezy Prosperity, Emmanuel Dagher redefines what real prosperity means and offers readers...

Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor
One of the great pleasures of staying in a hotel is spending time in a spotless, neat, and organized...

Aeromobilities: Theory and Method
Saulo Cwerner, Sven Kesselring and John Urry
Aeromobilities is a collection of essays that tackle in many different ways the growing importance...

Build Over There: Understanding the Government's Role in Shaping Our Cities
In an age of virtual communication, globalisation and technological advance, does the issue of where...