If the Spirit Moves You: Picador Classic
Justine Picardie and Andrew O'Hagan
With an introduction by Andrew O'Hagan When I think about her now, which is most of the time, it's...

As Wide as the World is Wise: Reinventing Philosophical Anthropology
Philosophy and anthropology have long debated questions of difference: rationality versus...

Decoding Andean Mythology
Decoding Andean Mythology analyzes native Andean oral traditions spanning five centuries. Based on...

Einstein, Tagore and the Nature of Reality
The nature of reality has been a long-debated issue among scientists and philosophers. In 1930,...

Four Pillars of Spiritual Transformation: The Adornment of the Spiriutally Transformed (Hilyat al-Abdal)
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and Stephen Hirtenstein
Text in English & Arabic. This is the first English translation of Ibn 'Arabi's Hilyat al-abdal, a...

Paradoxes of Green: Landscapes of a City-State
This innovative multidisciplinary study considers the concept of green from multiple...

Ritual Participation and Interreligious Dialogue: Boundaries, Transgressions and Innovations
Marianne Moyaert and Joris Geldhof
Shared ritual practices, multi-faith celebrations, and interreligious prayers are becoming...
The Territories of Urbanism: The Project as Knowledge Producer
The central hypothesis behind the book concerns the capacity of urban as well as territorial design,...
Astrochemistry: From the Big Bang to the Present Day
The rapidly growing field of astrochemistry studies the chemistry occurring in stars, planets, and...

Public Transport Planning with Smart Card Data
Fumitaka Kurauchi and Jan-Dirk Schmocker
Collecting fares through "smart cards" is becoming standard in most advanced public transport...