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Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Cast (4 more)
Sound Design
Narrative structure
A return to form
I personally didn't love Nolan's last two efforts, (Interstellar and The Dark Rises,) but this is a return to form. This isn't Nolan telling an overly ambitious story about interdimensional space travel or a billionaire crime fighter, this is a story that actually happened. Although it feels epic in scope, this movie takes place in one location and it benefits from it. We get to see personal dramas and intimate conflicts and we feel like we are right there alongside the men on that beach. Also the sound design is utterly incredible.
A good and extremely informative read about the female computers at NASA who were behind a lot of the theory behind space flight, and were integral to getting rockets into space and to the moon.
I did enjoy reading about these women, but I did find some of it extremely heavy going with a lot of the information being around maths and science. But it was a lovely read to find out more about the women who have been hidden for so long and not had the credit and recognition that they deserve in the history books.
I will say, that this may be one of the only times that I have actually preferred the film to the book. And I think that might have been because it flowed better as a story rather than how Margot Lee Shetterley presented the facts. I think the film showed just how much the women had to endure with segregation and made it a lot more shocking than reading it in the book. While it was shocking in the book the extent of things, I don’t think it quite hit as hard as seeing it on screen.
But overall, a very interesting book if you want to learn more about how these women helped shape space travel as we know it today.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Finally I have the body of a Norse god! (0 more)
Having to go to the toilet halfway through (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
What a fantastic film!
I have waited a few days before reviewing this film, and honestly think it would have been 10/10 if I had reviewed it straightaway.
This is so very nearly the perfect superhero film. There is a massive cast of characters, there is humour, there are niche geek references, there are shocks and twists, there are highs, there are lows and there are tears.
But also (and here comes why 1 mark was lost) ... there is time travel. I have an uncomfortable relationship with time travel. I know you always have to give a bit of artistic license with time travel and not get too hung up on the nitty gritty. But here the plot revolves around the characters changing nothing in the past as it would change the future/make it not happen. And yet they go ahead and do it anyway! We have to go back and put the infinity stones back the instant after they were taken. But they didn't have to with Thor's hammer? And why did they have to do that at all because past-Thanos died which means the Infinity War never happened.
I have never been truly happy with time travel in film, with the notable exception of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure which somehow nails it. For me, Endgame failed in this regard purely by setting itself rules it then broke and didn't explore the consequences.
But still, an outstanding film and if I can get myself happy with a crude, straight-talking, machine gun-toting space-raccoon and a teenage living tree then I think I can overlook some timey-wimey things.

Dean Gregory (18 KP) rated Hive in Tabletop Games

May 25, 2019 (Updated May 25, 2019)  
2001 | Abstract Strategy, Animals
Perfect information strategy (4 more)
High quality pieces
Easy to learn with plenty of replay value
Can be played on relatively small tables
Potentially biased towards whoever starts first (1 more)
Limited defensive tactics without certain add-ons
A Modern Chess
Hive is a fine example of a game that is easy to learn, but difficult to master. The premise is simple - use your bugs to surround your opponents queen bee while preventing them from doing the same to you. The playing space, referred to as the Hive, is defined by the pieces themselves, without the need for a board.

I've come the think of Hive as Chess Lite. This is because it has a similar sort of depth, in that the key to success lies in the player's understanding of each bug's strengths and weaknesses in a given situation. Also, one of the focal points of the game is trapping a particularly vulnerable piece - the king in Chess, and the queen bee in Hive.

One of the best aspects of the game is how it adapts to the space it is played in. Players have a degree of control over how the Hive grows as they place their pieces and move them around. This means if you play on a small table, you can easily make the game fit. However, some games I have played have ended up getting a little out of control and outgrowing the playing space, which ruled out some moves available.

There is a travel version of the game available in which the pieces are about a third of the size, but even in the full size version, it lends itself to travel fairly well. Both versions of the game come with handy travel bags which take up little space, so for the gamer on the go, this one would certainly suit your collection.

One minor gripe I have is that the way the pieces move around and affect each other leads to only a handful of defensive strategy, which means that particularly for more experienced players, the game can be heavily skewed in favour of whoever goes first. However if you're willing to invest in it a little more, there are a few add-on pieces available that can mitigate this somewhat, while also adding more spice to the game.

Overall, this has proved to be among my favourite and most endearing games I own. It is endlessly replayable, the components are a joy to hold and use, it appeals to both my casual gamer friends as well as those who enjoy a deeper strategy experience, and while it offers plenty as a base game, the add-ons really work as wildcards to change things up.

Highly recommended.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) May 30, 2019

I own this and still haven't played it yet... ugh.... keep the reviews coming, I've got kudos to give....

Across the Broken Stars
Across the Broken Stars
Jed Herne | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unusual space fantasy ... with wings!
I received an advance copy of this book from BookSirens and provide this honest review.
This book has a very unusual setting with plenty left to the imagination. The story takes place in a world of "discs" (I presume man-made but not wholly clear), large surfaces with a metal base and a force field keeping oxygen in and gravity working, where single multi-purpose crops ("omnicrops") provide perfect sustenance, various fungi/mosses providing building materials, luminescence and underwater/outer space breathing apparatus.
Despite this apparent sci-fi setting, the technology is at a very early stage - weapons are limited to swords/arrows and vehicles are drawn by pegasi or wind power. Space travel is accomplished by launching oneself towards your destination and hoping to reach the other, orbiting, disc. Unless you're an angel/Pegasus where your wings can apparently help propel you through space (you know, air-less space, where wings wouldn't be of any use) - but hey this is fantasy lets not get bogged down with this.
The angels have been wiped out by the ruling race during a long and nasty war. Leon, a cowardly traitorous "former" angel, is in hiding living a simple life drinking and gambling his days away after back-breaking work unloading airships. He is approached by someone he starts to believe is an angel who has tracked him down. Unfortunately she is also being tracked by an Inquisitor, and the two are forced to run.
Elena, the last angel with wings, is determined to outrun the Inquisition and find Waverrym, the mythical hidden home of the remaining angels. The two (Leon reluctantly) embark on a journey to unravel puzzles and riddles to determine the location of their only haven.
Leon is quite an annoying protagonist, being a whiney, cowardly husk of a man. His role in the story is using his angel training and knowledge to solve the riddles they uncover, while training Elena along the way.
The story is well planned out with a decent plot and well-crafted dungeon-type areas (at times it felt a little D&D/LitRPG). While there was a definite lull to my mind around the halfway mark this didn't impact my enjoyment too much.
If you can accept the fact that angel wings / Pegasus wings can allow someone to fly through space, the world is well thought out and very original, and the story very enjoyable. Some of the dialogue was a little clunky but not overly annoying.
Do You Dream of Terra-Two?
Do You Dream of Terra-Two?
Temi Oh | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet meets The 100" - that'll do me!!
This book seemed to take over my life whilst I was reading it - if I wasn't actually reading, I was thinking about it. Partly the moral ramifications of training 12/13 year olds to travel in space for 20+ years to get to an Earth-like planet that no-one had ever been to before, and partly - how exciting would THAT be!!
The characters fascinated me. There was a lot of character development, and I enjoyed it all. The lead up to getting on the ship was quite long, but I really think it was needed. We could see how controlled these young people were, what such an intense life created in them, and their own reasons for their overwhelming commitment.
The prose is gorgeous though. The descriptions of Earth and Space, the inner lives of the astronauts, all had me aching to be there to be honest. For the record, I did a reading challenge a few years ago, where one of the challenges was 'a book set somewhere you would like to go'. I chose 'The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber. Space, and people's imaginings of it, has ALWAYS fascinated me.
And that ending!!! I just love an open ended book. Whether there will be more (I would read a follow up to be honest), is immaterial to me. I loved this book!!
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for my copy of this book
Flash Gordon (1980)
Flash Gordon (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Post-Star Wars high-camp reimagining of the famous Alex Raymond sci-fi comic strip. Ming the Merciless, Emperor of the planet Mongo, terrorises the Earth; a mad scientist, a football player and a travel agent rocket themselves into space in an attempt to make him knock it off.

One of those movies where the ostensible leads are the least well-known people in it - everyone else has a great time overacting: the gold medal goes to Brian Blessed, who steals the entire movie as Vultan, Prince of the Hawk People. Visually lavish, with a strong script, lots of well-staged action for younger viewers, and tongue-in-cheek jokes aplenty for older people who ought to know better. Point knocked off for some inappropriately nasty violence; put straight back on again for Queen's soundtrack.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 12, 2018

One of my faves!

DC'S Legends of Tomorrow  - Season 1
DC'S Legends of Tomorrow - Season 1
2016 | Action
Leftover Misfits stumbling around in a time machine.
The first season had a lot of problems for me the whole show just felt like leftovers that no one wanted from other shows blended together with Doctor Who references.

It's like they didn't know what to do with anyone and the group chemistry was rocky at best. But I'm a sucker for time travel abd super hero shows so I tuned in every week especially since I knew they were going to have tie in episodes with Arrow and The Flash and at the time I watched both shows regularly.

My main problem with the show is you can tell that they wanted to get to certain events but didn't really know how to get there so they had the group kind of stumbled around a space ship.
Connor's Gambit
Connor's Gambit
Z Gottlieb | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connor’s Gambit by Z. Gottlieb is the first book I’ve received to review that’s in audible format, so this is quite a new experience for me, just like it’s the lead character Brad Johnson’s first adventure with aliens. And what a trip this is!

After Brad sees an alien spaceship and it seems no one else did, he begins to doubt his sanity. But when his suspicions are confirmed and his wife, Shinny, reveals who and what she really is, his life not only changes forever, but so does everything he thought he knew about his life and the universe which surrounds him — aliens do exist — he should know, he’s married to one! And, boy, does the plot thicken after that.

In Z. Gottlieb’s fun world there were times that the space technology seemed so realistic I was wondering if the author had some sort of NASA experience. From alien creature descriptions, their lifestyles and their amazing high-tech technology, to Brad’s awakening and newfound belief in UFOs, and his acceptance to jump right in and help, whilst learning on the job; this book has a lot to offer any self-respecting science fiction fan and space cadet!

A few of my favourite things? There’s so many to choose from. I loved Brad (obviously!). Then there’s the scary Neslins, the Aneplè, the battle cruiser Zuonopy and all its features and Brad and Shinny’s son, Dane with his talking dragon Yeshawliq. I need a talking dragon, can you make one out of a 3D printer for me please?

The narrator’s voice was different to what I expected at first, however, Charlie Thurston pulled me into the action and kept me hooked right through to the satisfying end, which is slightly left open for more, whilst at the same time it’s also a fully completed standalone story with major plot threads all tied up nicely. I’m so pleased to have discovered Z. Gottleib’s space world and I cannot wait to read or even listen to the next instalment. I’m sure it will definitely be worth the wait!

Z. Gottlieb has captured the essence of space travel, alien life and the rules of their universe spectacularly. I really enjoy my time (all 13 hours of it) listening to this space opera, and the fact that I was listening (instead of reading) really made me feel like I was there, thrown in deep with the characters and their stories, part of their crew!
Zodiac (Zodiac, #1)
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was an interesting read. Does it contain a love triangle? Yes. Does it have a heroine that is in over her head? Yes. Does it some times want you to take said heroine and shake her? Sometimes. Is it complete fantasy that has little to nothing to do with real science? Yes. Does it have anything to do with the Zodiac? No???? Sorta????? Does it have space travel? Yes.
I really liked the book. it is loosely based on the zodiac meaning it has all the 12 signs plus the 13th one no one talks about. And like astrology would have it each sign is aligned with an element and personality trait. And the leader or at least a very important political office is given to someone who can read he stars and predict the near future. Our heroine is unfortunate in that she is not only young and new at her job she is cursed to know that she will never be believed.