
Brittany Shelnutt
(1 KP)
Space Wolf
Avid reader who enjoys a multitude of hobbies.
Last Active: Jan 9, 2018
Kerbal Space Program 2
Video Game
Kerbal Space Program 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed space-flight simulation game Kerbal Space...

Cowboy Bebop, Vol. 1
Four ragtag misfit bounty hunters travel through space, looking for their next bounties.

Humans in Space: The Psychological Hurdles
Using anecdotal reports from astronauts and cosmonauts, and the results from studies conducted in...

PuPaiPo Space Deluxe
Video Game
PuPaiPo Space is a colorful space shoot-em-up in which you travel from Stage to Stage in search of...
shoot-em-up indie game space shooter