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War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Apes. So good, you'll forget they're not real (0 more)
If you're expecting all out war throughout, you might be disappointed (0 more)
Strong ending to a fantastic trilogy
Finally, after a recent lengthy spell of average or just plain disappointing blockbusters, along comes War for the Planet of the Apes to show them how it's done. The first two movies in this new trilogy have been consistently strong and enjoyable and War continues to deliver on that high quality, proving itself to be the best of the trilogy.

Despite it's name, there's not really a huge amount of war on show here. Unless of course we're referring to the inner conflict and turmoil experienced by Caesar. The movie begins with some human soldiers sneaking through the woods to try and take out the apes. They get their asses kicked and Caesar lets a few of them go in the hope that their crazed colonel (Woody Harrelson) will see just how merciful the apes are and understand that they just want to live their lives in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, things don't quite go to plan and the colonel returns later that night with a surprise attack on the apes home while they're sleeping. Some heavy ape casualties are sustained, and Caesar is pissed. Grief stricken, and out for revenge, he wants to go in search of the colonel while the rest of the apes head off to a potential new home out in the desert.

From there our story shifts down a gear, as Caesar and a small number of his trusted allies set off on horseback to track down the colonel. By this point though, you've already forgotten that these are not real apes, such is the exceptional quality of the effects on display here. The emotions are all there and the detail is perfect, totally believable. To all intents and purposes, these are real apes, and what they're experiencing feels real.

Along the way they manage pick up a young orphan mute girl and a former zoo ape called 'Bad Ape', who manages to provide much of the scarce humour found throughout the movie. When they do find the colonel and his base, the movie becomes more a prisoner of war, great escape style story rather than all out war. Yet it still manages to be extremely intense, highly emotional and hugely enjoyable.

By now, Andy Serkis and his team of performers are experts at bringing these apes to life and Caesar has now developed further than any other character in the trilogy. Serkis portrays equal amounts of rage and compassion beautifully, aided by the pixel perfect rendering of Caesar. Harrelson is the only human of any real note here, despite the large number of human soldiers under his command, and he manages to bring just the right amount of intense crazy and depth to the role.

The trilogy comes to a pretty satisfying and emotional close, with potential for further Apes movies. Overall though this has proved to be one of the strongest trilogies I've seen in a long time.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
2016 | Fantasy
Potter goes International
It’s almost unbearable to think that Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone was released…wait for it… 15 years ago this very week. I know, I can’t believe it too, and what’s even more depressing is that the eight film behemoth concluded over five years ago.

Since then, Potter aficionados have been calling on writer J.K. Rowling to release new material in the hope of creating more silver screen magic. Well, prayers were answered with the announcement of a film adaptation of her short book, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them. The day is finally here, but what is the finished product like?

The year is 1926, and Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) has just completed a global excursion to find and document an extraordinary array of magical creatures. Arriving in New York for a brief stopover, he might have come and gone without incident, were it not for a No-Maj (American for Muggle) named Jacob (Dan Fogler), a misplaced magical case, and the escape of some of Newt’s fantastic beasts, which could spell trouble for both the wizarding and No-Maj worlds.

David Yates returns to the franchise after directing the final four instalments in the Harry Potter saga and manages to craft a film that’ll no doubt please fans and newcomers, but lacks the subtle touches that made its British counterparts so enthralling for 10 years.

The cast is on point however, despite Eddie Redmayne’s slightly over-the-top performance as Mr. Scamander. Ron Perlman, Jon Voight and Ezra Miller all lend themselves to the film in some form with Colin Farrell providing an excellent portrayal, though Dan Fogler’s muggle Jacob steals the show by a country mile.

Elsewhere, the cinematography is very good with 1920’s New York looking incredibly realistic and the sweeping shots of the city are beautifully juxtaposed with more intimate basement settings.

Unfortunately, the special effects occasionally let the film down. For a franchise start-up (we have four more films to look forward to) the consistency just isn’t there and Redmayne’s interactions with his unique beasts feel rough and disappointingly unfinished.

There’s also a bit of an issue with Fantastic Beasts’ pacing, something that the Potter films were also guilty of from time to time. The first hour is unacceptably slow, the plot continuously dragging its heels as it sets up the side story to Redmayne’s creature feature.

Speaking of which, that second scenario really does pull things together nicely and takes the flick into much darker territory than expected. It’s a fascinating third act that really makes up for the rather dull first. The twists and turns that the script takes the audience on making it genuinely exciting.

Overall, what made the Harry Potter movies a success was the chemistry between each and every member of the cast. Fantastic Beasts certainly has a great cast individually, but the characters lack chemistry when on screen together. Couple this with some poor special effects plus a dull first hour and what we’re left with is a reasonable start to a new franchise, but not a magical one.
Night's Rose (Night's Rose #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was both refreshing and drab at the same time. I have not read many romance novels that included orcs, trolls, and Dark Fey. It seems that some angry paranormal romance god out there only wants us to read about vampires, werewolves, and crazy chicks specializing in working with the deceased.

Again, another novel easily recognized as a early work of the author. While the plot was fairly simple to understand, it was far more than I hoped for when I picked up this novel. I had grown so used to other paranormal romances and their stale plots that this particular novel did not seem any different. And in a way, it was not. Again, we are presented with another novel about someone trying to take over the world in some way or another. It was how this devious little rebel Fey went about it. I mean, how many people think of manipulating orcs into casting a summoning spell that will bring about a beast so gargantuan that the earth itself was the only prison that could hold it?

The ending was massively confusing, however. One minute we have a battle and this giant trying to break free, and the next page is the epilogue talking about the aftermath. I honestly felt like I was left hanging. But that was not what killed it for me. After the main character, Rose, so adamantly professes her deep love for her husband, Garreth, and her undying need to prove her loyalty and said love for him, in the last pages, she is ponders on whether or not her husband would be okay with having a menage with her and her husband's half brother, Ambrose. It was such a wrench in the plot that I was taken by surprise. I knew that the Rose had feelings for her husband's half-brother before she married, yet, at the same time, I felt that Evans pretty much killed those feelings when she married Rose and Garreth. When, all of sudden, Rose is wanting to have sex with Ambrose, I wanted to reach through the pages and smacked that fool across the face. What was this crazy b**** thinking?!?

Oh, not to mention the scene halfway through the novel when Rose begs Garreth to have sex with her in not so subtle, or ladylike, words. I actually laughed when reading it. I guess that the scene just seems so out of place that it was humorous.

Other than the few out place scenes, I really enjoyed this novel. About three fourths way through, the building of the plot finally climaxed, fizzling out as it does so, but, by that point, Evans has revealed all of her twist in the plot and the only thing left to do is gracefully end the novel. Once all the juicy little secrets have been laid on the table, the novel becomes slow and difficult to finish, but is a worthwhile novel from a budding author. I could have done without the Sleeping Beauty theme though. I love fairy tales interpreted for adults, but I felt this novel would have been even better without it.
The Conduit (The Gryphon Series)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am making progress in the 2014 TBR Pile Challenge and cleaning out my Kindle. Of course, the latter will take quite a long time, but... I'll get there. ;) *rubs hands together as though ready to make an evil potion*
<img border="0" src=""; height="144" width="320">
Celeste Garrett just wants to be a normal teenager getting ready to go to college. But shortly after she and her siblings move to a small town in Tennessee with their Grandmother, strange things start happening to them. They later found out about a deal one of their ancestors made with a mythical creature called "the Gryphon" and that Celeste is the Chosen One to stop a war from happening.

The Conduit is a really fun book – lots of LOL moments, and a bookwyrming confession: It's really hard to make feel things – crying, laughing, etc – when it comes to writing. Speaking's another story, and that is exactly how I got the name Giggles back in 6th grade (vocal variations, come on! Some people make things sound funny, okay?!). At least for me it is.

But let's just say my very first worry after reading the prologue was the last few sentences:
<blockquote>Gainesboro, Tennessee. That’s where it all happened. That’s where I learned the truth. That’s where everything changed. That’s where my destiny found me. And now, it’s where I would die.</blockquote>
NOOOOO. Want to know why I was worried? Take a look *points to a particular book* Yeah. THAT book. When you hear the word die, you get worried. Very worried. Of course, in that other case, it was a bomb.

The characters go really great together – Celeste (I've been wondering how to pronounce her name CORRECTLY, and even though I have a guess, I'm not 100% sure) and her siblings Gabe and Kendall are like the 3 Stooges. I even had to be really careful not to wake up my mom because of those random scenes that just pop in and made me laugh.
<blockquote>I was cold, tired , confused , scared, overwhelmed, and I kind of had to pee.</blockquote>
And that, my friends, is the perfect time to toss in those TMI moments. All so serious and then tossing in something completely random and sort of out of whack. Maybe I'm just a weird person. :p

Even Grams was a fun character in her own way, though she actually reminded me of a certain Super Bowl commercial from Taco Bell with those old people dancing (and partying) my speech teacher showed to us in class while talking about persuasion. She's like a teenager stuck in the wrong age or something. (Eye candy! *oggles* at Zeke Crosse)
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
This Review and more posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
 Booksmart (2019)
Booksmart (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Characters – Amy is the quieter of the two friends, she is planning on going to Africa for her next step, before college that would see her following the plan set in stone, she does enjoy her life without the wild parties, happy to follow the crowds, while dealing with being confidently out. Molly is the leader of the pair, she is class president and believes she is going to do better than all the other students. She does push Amy into a lot of different things and does believe they will follow a set path in life. We do meet a host of colourful characters from the high school and the teachers on this final day, that have all been a big part of the lives of the pair for years.
Performances – The film is centred on two key performances from Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein who shows exceptional chemistry through the film, they also get to show their talents in the individual moments too, with Dever showing the awkward moments her character goes through while Feldstein shines in the over-confidence moments. Billie Lourd goes close to stealing every single scene in the movie, while the rest of the support cast are flawless.
Story – The story follows two high school friends who are ready to take the next step of their lives only to learn that they haven’t had as much fun as the other class mates and decide to spend the last night going for a party like the rest of the students, where they face life’s truths. This is a story that shows us that life needs to have fun, people will be there for people when they need them, only the pair need to learn this before it is too late. It is nice to see that the high schoolers are truly horrible to each other, while most of it is like life, you just don’t get on with everybody, but most of the time you just don’t know their story, their lives or anything about them outside rumours. Set in one 24 hour spell it also shows us just how quickly you can learn about life too.
Comedy – The comedy does come from how over the top certain characters are meant to be, without being anything you would expect to see in real life.
Settings – The film does seem to have a large-scale setting, with all the travelling the characters must do over the single night, it shows how far away the student might live from the school and shows different parties.

Scene of the Movie – Gigi’s boat moment.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The high school only seems to have one year of students in.
Final Thoughts – This is a delightful look at how difficult for life can be for high school students, they are always trying to fit in and stay in their comfort zones, or trying to impress people, it does have the message about making sure you find time for fun in life too.

Overall: Heartfelt teen comedy.
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