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Billy Gibbons recommended Mr. Wonderful by Fleetwood Mac in Music (curated)

Mr. Wonderful by Fleetwood Mac
Mr. Wonderful by Fleetwood Mac
1968 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It’s interesting to me that at a time when so many American bands and acts were getting into the pop thing, across the pond you had all of these great British musicians studying the blues. What Peter Green’s version of Fleetwood Mac did with the blues was not only authentic, it was positively enchanting. They figured out a way to have a good time, but they had their own unique sound and approach. In many ways, they cast a spell on you. They transported you to wherever they wanted to take you. That’s the mark of a great band, but as blues artists, that’s the mark of musicians who have really gotten inside each note. There have been a host of fabulous players who have called Fleetwood Mac their home, but this lineup is one to be reckoned with, and Mr Wonderful just might be their finest hour."

Banishing the Dark (Arcadia Bell, #4)
Banishing the Dark (Arcadia Bell, #4)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
4.25 stars.

I liked it, just not as much as the previous books. Don't get me wrong, I love this series. Lon and Cady together as a couple is genius. Jupe is cool. The demons and world these guys live in is really thought out.

I just had one issue with it and that was the spell they used on Cady. It felt a lot like reliving the last 3 and a half books all over again with her not remembering the relationship with Lon and sort of falling for him all over again

The ending also wasn't as in-your-face/kill-that-biatch intense as I was expecting but I'm so glad that Cady managed to overcome her demons.<br/><br/>I have to mention the epilogue! I loved it! The way the author wrote it... *sigh* I wish there was going to be more.
Wingless and Damned
Dawn White | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

At the start, we meet Ciarra, the tribal healer, doing her best in a bad situation by performing a spell on tribesmen that will turn them into werewolves. Unfortunately, there's no way to turn them back, as her spirit guides tell her. But at that moment, a mysterious man, Aison, comes out of the forest and grabs Ciarra, taking her to a cave deep in the woods, where his brethren, the Strigoi, those beings the werewolves were created to kill, are waiting. Aison and the others force Ciarra to alter the spell, forever cursing all future members of her tribe to become weres at 26 years old, as they have kidnapped the pregnant leader's wife, Kimi, as leverage. Ciarra is attacked by the other Strigoi, and Aison turns her, but not before Kimi gives birth and dies. Ciarra saves the baby and gives her to two Fae, enslaved by the Strigoi, to protect in their world until the time is right for her to meet her tribal mate and help bring down the original Strigoi. Years later, we meet Lea, the "wingless Fae" from the prophecy, and her story continues from there.

I really enjoyed this book, as there were lots of supernatural elements that I found really interesting. There are Strigoi, werewolves, Fae, tribal curses, spirit guides, etc., and it was really fun to read. However, I feel it would've been better had it been longer, as there were several instances I thought were rushed, such as the battle in the woods between the werewolves and Strigoi. I think it would've made a great novel, including a little more depth to the battle, the tribe's way of life and coping with the curse, etc. However, I still liked it a lot, and I look forward to more.

4 stars
When sorting books in the basement of the town library, Ricky Kidd stumbles on what he thinks might be a treasure map. Soon, the entire town is buzzing about it, and the race is on to find the treasure that the town miser hid before his death. Can Ricky and his friends find the treasure first? Is there even a treasure to find?

It’s been a while since I first read this series or revisited the characters, but I quickly fell back under their spell. The characters are absolutely wonderful with hints at hidden layers. The plot is strong with wonderful clues and twists before the end. And there are some great laughs and nice thoughtful moments along the way as well. The target middle grade audience will love it, and any mystery reader will enjoy it as well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic
The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic
2017 | Horror, Murder & Mystery, Roleplaying
Magic doesn't play quite the role in CoC it does in most other fantasy RPGs - its tendency to either kill wizards or drive them permanently insane is probably the reason why - but it's still an important and evocative part of the 'classic' setting for the game. This book, despite the slightly silly title, probably contains everything most players will need on the topic - over 550 spells, from the relatively innocuous 'Embrace of Yog-Sothoth' to the terrifying and unspeakable 'Attract Fish', plus ideas for elaborating on things like spell components and ambient magical areas.

You could probably get by just using the material in the Keeper's Book, but if you want characters to have a wider and more varied repertoire, this book is well worth the asking price. Needless to say, there is also material here to inspire dozens of scenarios for any self-respectingly twisted and inventive Keeper, so it scores heavily in that department too.
2010 | Animation
7.6 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Very entertaining and educational for kids (0 more)
Lack of progression (0 more)
Early years education
As we are all spending our time at home & children's education is important, these may be worth your time.
As a parent myself I can assure you that although for an adult these can be mind numbing and rather boring, its good to know that there's tv to help home schooling.
Alphablocks is a British animated educational television programme that is designed to teach young children how to spell using animated blocks representing each letter. It is animated by Blue-Zoo and produced by Alphablocks Ltd.

 Once the Alphablocks discover that whenever they make a word it comes to life, many new adventures in Alphaland can be created.
 This is meant to help preschool children with learning the alphabet, spelling, reading and writing.

With it's bright colours & easy to understand dialogue, Alphablocks is a fun and intriguing show for kids.
The Woman Lit by Fireflies
The Woman Lit by Fireflies
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In 1993, a good friend of mine who had recently moved to Livingston, Montana introduced me to Jim Harrison. He had flown to Wisconsin to join me for a weekend of waterfowl hunting and brought with him Harrison’s The Woman Lit by Fireflies, which he was convinced I’d like. I read the book the following week and felt it had cast a spell on me. I called my friend and thanked him profusely for introducing me to Harrison. Then I read everything else Harrison had written, including his poetry (Harrison considered himself, first and foremost a poet), which I found as evocative as his novellas and novels. I especially admired Harrison’s attention to the details of a landscape. Harrison, in turn, led me to a group of Western writers—Thomas McGuane, William Kittredge, Ivan Doig, and Cormac McCarthy, to name only a few—who would have a profound effect on my writing."

Feeling Good: The Very Best of Nina Simone by Nina Simone
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Along with Patti Smith and Mary Margaret O'Hara, I would say that Nina Simone possesses the greatest voice I have ever heard. Nina's voice, my god, on songs like 'Sinner Man' or 'I Put A Spell On You' is beyond compare. If you really want to get Nina Simone, you need to get on YouTube and watch the early footage. There is 25 minutes of footage of a performance she did in England, after Martin Luther King had been shot, and she is playing to mainly a white audience. It is the greatest set of protest songs I have ever seen. It puts Dylan or anyone else into the shade. If you wish to see how to change the world with music, look at this dignified woman holding back her rage at what had been done to her people. [Fighting back tears] Nina Simone carried the weight of black experience more fully than anyone else I have heard. There is also some amazing footage of her dancing with the audience. It's when she was less bitter and her bipolar disorder hadn't kicked in, and she is dancing and singing. When you watch her move, you can see the music is in every part of her body. With the songs Nina wrote, her position in the civil rights movement, and then the fact she became broken, it is just one of the most devastating stories. [Crying]. But, her voice, fucking hell. And the song 'Ain't Got No, I Got Life' – on which she lists all the things that she hasn't got, but then lists all the things she does have, which are her passion and her spirit – gets me every time. It's important people go and check out the early footage on YouTube. When she sings 'I Put A Spell On You', you fucking know she has put a spell on that guy, who was her ex-husband. You do not fucking mess with that woman. I heard a lovely anecdote about Angelo Badalamenti, who was a desperately impoverished guy who had just given up his job to become a songwriter. He had been earning nothing for 18 months, and had sent some songs to Nina Simone. He got a call from her manager saying that Nina would like to meet him. He went to the place at the arranged time, walked into a room and there was this amazing lioness, lying on a sofa dressed in leopard skin. She said, ""I hear you have some songs for me. Play me one."" There was no piano, so he had to sing to her. He sang about a minute of 'I Hold No Grudge' and she said, ""I will take that"" and asked him if had any more. He sang another song for about 30 seconds, and she said, ""I will take that too"", and he sang a snippet from another one, which she also liked. Within two weeks, she had recorded all three songs and launched his career as a writer. Angelo told me that story when I made an album with him."

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Life for Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is complicated thanks to his dual life as Spider-Man and the challenges of being in High School. Unfortunately for him; his best intentions are about to make things much worse in "Spider-Man: No Way Home".

Taking place where "Spider-Man: Far From Home" ended; Peter must deal with his secret identity being leaked by Tabloid Journalist J. Jonah Jameson (J. K. Simmons); and the throngs of people, helicopters, and protestors who follow his every move and camp outside his home.

As if this was not bad enough; being accused of being a murderer has drawn the attention of the authorities which further complicates his life as does returning to a school where everyone knows his identity.

Desperate to get away from the constant scrutiny and observation; Peter seeks out Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and asks him to cast a spell that would make the world forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Strange agrees but mid-spell Peter requests that there are some exemptions from the spell which include his Girlfriend MJ (Zendaya); his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei); and his friend Ned (Jacob Batalon).

Strange agrees but in doing so; complications arise which allows entrants from other dimensions to enter their realm. Soon Peter is accosted by villains whom he does not know but seem to know him; that is until he is unmasked and they have no idea who this Peter Parker is before them.

As more villains arrive; Peter learns of their fates in their natural dimension and is determined to save them and give them a second chance which puts him at odds with Doctor Strange who says they must go back to whatever fate they had.

What follows is a descent into humor and darkness as Peter despite his best intentions sees the situation go from bad to worse and he must fight to stay true to himself and save the day.

The film is a difficult one to review in the fact that there are so many surprise guests, twists, and turns that it is challenging to not reveal anything but suffice it to say that fans should absolutely enjoy it.

The film takes its time getting to the action as it has a very slow and deliberate climb and Director Jon Watts is confident enough in the characters and premise that he allows ample time for the characters and setting to build and be established before he gets to the action.

While there is considerable fan service in the film; it never once seems like it is pandering and it all fits very well within the story and the MCU and opens up numerous possibilities for the future.

There is a mid-credit scene and a post-credit scene which is basically a trailer and both are very engaging in terms of the possibilities as Marvel has again shown that their plan of interwoven stories and characters continues to deliver and that Spider-Man still remains as popular and engaging as ever.
Getting Hot with the Scot
Getting Hot with the Scot
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From their freshman year in college, Cassie and her friends may a promise to each other that they would take a European vacation five years after graduation. So that's is where they are. Finishing up their trip in Scotland and then London. All Cassie wants out of this trip is to end her dry spell in the bedroom, but as the trip comes to a close, it doesn't look as though that is going to happen. And then she sees the man she's be waiting for. A long-haired redhead in a kilt named Logan Reid. Could it be more perfect? Cassie throws all her inhibitions to the side and goes for what she wants. Will the be just a vacation fling or something much more.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book. I'm participating in a blog tour for this title next week on my blog, so be sure to check it out. There will be an author interview as well as an audiobook excerpt for the book.

First of all, I would just like to say that I wish I had a good group of girlfriends I could travel around Europe with, or even just explore things here in my own hometown. When Cassie embarked on this journey with her friends, in the back of her mind, she was hoping for a romantic fling in a foreign country. She has never been the relationship type and so, a fling is all she needs to get her over this dry spell.

Logan Reid is Scotland's jokster, his show Shenanigans is gaining quite a bit of attention in Europe as well as across the pond. When Cassie throws herself at him, he is shocked to say the very least, but from that moment forward, she has a hold on him, that he can't seem to shake. Logan is not the relationship type either, but what this woman is doing to him, could change all of that.

From Europe to Chicago, will these two find love they so desperately are trying to avoid, or will they enjoy their fling and go on about their lives?