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Secrets in the Stacks
Secrets in the Stacks
Lynn Cahoon | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Secret Led to Murder?
The newest member of the Survivors’ Book Club is Darcy, who has survived breast cancer as a young adult. While she is finishing up her college degree, she is living with her grandmother and working part time for Rarity Cole at Rarity’s bookstore. Returning home from work one day, Darcy finds her grandmother murdered in their home, and she turns to the book club for help in figuring out what happened. Can they do it?

I was a bit surprised that the characters weren’t reintroduced. Since it had been several months since I read the first in the series, it took me a bit to remember who everyone was. Once I did, I fell under their spell again. I really do like the cast. The story was entertaining, although the ending was weak. While it did answer the big questions, it raised a few more that aren’t addressed. There were some timeline glitches and other editing errors that should have been caught. Hopefully they were addressed between the ARC I read and the finished version. While the characters draw you in, the story should have been better.
The Hidden Memory of Objects
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book where you can't judge a book by its cover. I went into this book not even having read the flap (why can no info be on the back anymore) so to be honest I wasn't expecting anything, but by the cover I definitely wasn't expecting what I had ended up with. I even had to look at the cover of the book again to see if anything at all on there related to the book.. okay, the scissors I'll give you, the slight scrapbook style I will give you.. but for real, I think it could have been done so much better!

Onto the book - started out quite fast paced, and kept on trucking. Almost felt like Erick (oh my gosh I just read it and cant remember how to spell his name) shined brighter than her star .. I mean, really he was just super awesome!

The concept of the book was sweet though and I really enjoyed reading it (minus a few flaws I didn't like.. there was some meat in there I felt could have been trimmed) but it was streamlined well enough for my taste and it'll keep you interested straight through to the end. A definitely good read!

Tammy (5 KP) rated The Husband's Secret in Books

Aug 16, 2018 (Updated Aug 16, 2018)  
The Husband's Secret
The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female characters that are easily relatable in one way or another. I couldn't put this book down and when I did, I found myself thinking about it and unable to concentrate on anything else. (0 more)
Gritty, gripping with a perfect plot
I've read big little lies and knew how Liane Moriarty liked to base the plot around a number of strong female characters that captivate and draw you fully into the story. 'My husband's secret' was no different! This book kept me hooked from start to finish, I literally couldn't put it down at times and spent a couple of nights without much sleep as I kept saying 'one more chapter'. It took me three days to read this spell bounding novel. When I had to function in the real world, I found that I was thinking about what could possibly happen next in the book. I'm not going to give anything Away with 'spoilers' but let's just say that if you like a dark and gritty book full of twists and turns, strong relatable characters with passionate backgrounds, then this is the book for you. I've just started 'truly, madly, guilty' written by Liane Moriarty and I'm hoping it's going to be just as good. I have found a new great author!
At Deaths Door (Deadman's Cross)
At Deaths Door (Deadman's Cross)
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fab book
Welcome to the latest Deadmen's Quest....

Valynda Moore was born cursed. So when she dies as the result of a spell gone wrong and is trapped in the body of a voodoo doll, she expects nothing else from her messed-up life. Until Thorn, leader of the Hellchasers, offers her a chance at redemption and a new life.

But nothing has ever gone her way, for the Malachai, the very beast she and her crew of Deadmen have sworn to keep locked away, has risen. And this time he's taken prisoners. Valynda must keep her wits about her or be denied her salvation and forced to watch as the entire world falls into the hands of absolute evil.

It's a demon-eat-demon world where the stakes have never been higher and either redemption or the ultimate betrayal waits for her At Death's Door

This is the end of this trilogy and I'm sad to see it finish. I love her books and the little touches she brings from her Dark hunter and Nick chronicles. Always a joy to see Simi make an appearance as well as Ash.

So this is ram packed with demon fights and well written sex scenes.

Highly recommended

Hocus Pocus (1993)
Hocus Pocus (1993)
1993 | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
A full-tilt ball, I tend to be averse to anything ruminating with *this* much untamed theater kid energy - but Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, and of-fucking-course Bette Midler are 110% off the chain. I admit that the odious 90s stereotypes in this are hard to stomach, but I miss when Disney's live action allowed for such sublime scenery-chewing like this trio of perfect performances instead of Will Smith and some dude tepidly talking about jelly for what feels like an hour. I hate to be that guy, but something this lively just couldn't be recreated from the company today; Kenny Ortega's knack for brilliant practical effects and super impressive CGI for the time today is replaced by plastic visuals and flat soundstages where any sense of fun all but evaporates. Make no mistake, this is still not much more than pure fluff at the end of the day - but Lord it's such a blast. One of the few millennial-worship films I can fully understand the hype for, a delightful cross between 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘤𝘬 and "The Three Stooges". It's also consistently funny. "I Put A Spell On You" is a bop, and maybe I'm just getting old but the stuff at the end had me genuinely choked up.
The Virgin Elizabeth: A Novel
The Virgin Elizabeth: A Novel
Robin Maxwell | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
41 of 250
By Robin Maxwell

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

...a riveting portrait of Elizabeth I as a romantic and

vulnerable teenager, dangerously awakening to a perilous

liaison with the wrong man.

England, 1547: King Henry is dead. Elizabeth's half-brother, nine-year-old Edward, is king in name only. Thomas Seymour, brother to the ambitious duke who has seized power in this time of crisis, calculatingly works his way into Elizabeth's home in genteel Chelsea House. He marries Henry's widow, Catherine Parr, and uses his venerable charms and sexual magnetism to indulge his infatuation for young Elizabeth. Caught hopelessly under Thomas Seymour's spell, surrounded by kind friends and hidden enemies, Elizabeth can only follow her heart to ensure survival.

I’m fascinated by the Tudors and our English history and I love historical fiction so this was right up my street! Robin Maxwell certainly knows how to spin a tail! Elizabeth is definitely one of my favourite royals and to have an insight of her young life after already overcoming the embarrassment of her mother’s demise then this scandal truly shows why she remained unmarried and one of the longest strongest rulers!!

natmac (13 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 14, 2019 (Updated Oct 14, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Phoenix's performance is what holds the movie up, it feels realistic, desperate and sad. (2 more)
The cinematography is amazing and Gotham has never been seedier.
The third act of the film is really enjoyable and tense because of how low the stakes are and how well defined the characters are.
It straight up rips off both Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. (2 more)
It spells out the story even though I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening anyway.
Subtlety is absent from the film.
Joker is very original if you're a fan of superhero movies, but a rehash if you've seen the essential scorcesse flicks.
Contains spoilers, click to show
It would have been interesting if they took the story in a different direction and steered away from the King of Comedy Route. They should never have told you that some of the stuff that happens are hallucinations. The flashbacks were not needed at all to spell it out, I found them kinda annoying. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about the Joker's first kills being out of self defense. I like that this joker is quite different to previous interpretations, but what I love about the character is how he defies any sort of morals or logic.
Olive and the Valentine's Spell
Olive and the Valentine's Spell
Helen Millman | 2022 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have come across another decent book about the upcoming holiday named Valentine's Day. Children seem to know what this holiday is about. But if you are looking for one that overcomes a child or children's fear. "Olive and the Valentine's Spell" is a good one. Olive feels that Valentine's day means getting married and a few other things as he tells his feelings to his mom. She wants to help fight with him. Olive seems to have to get rid of all his fun stuff at five years. He thinks he got to do some grown-up things.

Will Olive overcome his fears and enjoy the holiday. Will he see this holiday like any other day and there will be no love. Then maybe love comes in many different forms. Will Olive realizes that and wants this memorable holiday to stick around.

Olive seems confused at the beginning and will let his fears run wild. Children will learn that Valentine's day is a special day for couples. But it also showed what love is and how it can be. It also teaches about overcoming your fear. A parent can help children with reading this book. This book shows that love is essential, which is why we celebrate it.
Shifter Woods: Growl (Esposito County Shifters #3)
Shifter Woods: Growl (Esposito County Shifters #3)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
its only short but packs quite the punch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is a short, slotting into the series after book 3, I think. (I'm a little puzzled by the listings on some sites about the order!) I've not read those, and I'll come back to that shortly. I didn't think I missed anything by not reading them, though, and so I would say this can be read as a stand alone.

I liked this, a lot. It gives you an insight into Esposito County, and the people who live in it.

It;s steamy and smexy. It's dark and dangerous. It's only short but packs a punch! I loved the twist with the magic spell that was shielding Marco, and what that was doing just a tad too well!

Going back to not reading the other books. I didn't feel I missed anything, and you know I'm all about sharing my book feelings, but what I am left with is a NEED to read those books. Not because I missed anything, but because I want to read everyone else's story!

So, my KU shelf needs clearing for those books 🙂

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Good Daughter
The Good Daughter
Karin Slaughter | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
spell-binding (2 more)
Charlie and Sam grew up in Pikeville, Georgia, with anything but an idyllic childhood. When the girls were teens, they were part of a brutal assault at their family's farmhouse. The attack left their mother, "Gamma," dead and profoundly affected their father, a prominent local attorney. Years later, Charlie remains in Pikeville, a lawyer like her father, and trying to keep the past behind her. All that changes when the town witnesses violence yet again--and Charlie is right in the thick of it. Suddenly, she's forced to confront so many of the emotions she's buried for years and to fully deal with exactly what happened to her family so many years ago.

Slaughter's latest novel starts quickly out of the gate--with a brutal, graphic, and spell-binding description of the assault and attack on Charlie, Sam, and Gamma--and it never lets up from there. Seriously, this book never lets you take a breath or a break: it's just constant action and second guessing.

Told from the points of view of both Charlie and Sam, including their varying memories of the incident at the farmhouse, we are forced to see all the events and violence through the eyes of the two sisters alone. As I mentioned, this keeps you guessing--and reading. I completely put down the other novel I was reading at the time (FINAL GIRLS) to read this: I had to know how it ended.

All the characters in this book are entwined, and Slaughter does a great job of depicting the small town of Pikeville. It's a mystery at its core, sure, but it also goes deeper with commentary on race, class, and how modern society deals with mass tragedy. The characters are well-drawn: I immediately found myself intrigued by Sam, Charlie, their father (Rusty), the descriptions of Gamma, and by a slew of small-town folk, including Rusty's secretary Lenore, and Charlie's estranged husband, Ben. Slaughter is excellent with the details.

Indeed, she's great at doling out those "whoa" moments. The plot never lets down; in fact, it continues to pick up as the novel continues on. I truly gasped a couple of times and found myself going "wow"! That's not easy to do once, let alone consistently.

This is a beautiful book at times--the way the plot and characters weave together. It even makes you laugh at moments, despite some truly somber subject matter. I found myself a bit irked at times by Charlie and Sam's fighting (I've read a lot of books with sisters fighting as of late), but if that's my only nitpick, that's not bad at all.

Overall, a great mystery that keeps you guessing and surprised to the very end. Excellent, fascinating, and deep characters. Definitely worth a read.